A Loud Meeting

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   Her head moves up and down gently on his stomach, keeping time with his breathing, like a buoy bobbing at sea. Her eyes are still closed, a sense of calm covering her face. Every once in a while, her eyelids flutter, indicating a deep sleep. The sunlight peeking in through the curtained window gently caresses her face.

   Shota is tired. His joints are stiff, and his back aches from sitting in the same position all night long. His eyes itch with tiredness, and his head keeps hitting his chest. He swallows the dryness in his mouth, trying to create the illusion that he is not as dehydrated as he thinks he is. And yet, he feels so.... normal, as if he would do this again in a heartbeat.

   Shota takes a deep breath and stretches his arms up over his head. He winces at the pop! of both his elbows as they fully extend for the first time in about six hours. Looking down to make sure he isn't disturbing the sleeping girl, he slowly and carefully slips his legs out from under her head and walks into the bathroom.

   The lights flicker when he turns them on, their fluorescent bulbs giving off an almost toxic-looking glow. The sink knobs squeak when he turns them, and he winces when the frigid water makes first contact with his hands. After splashing cold water on his face, he gives himself a quick once-over in the bathroom mirror.

   Good lord, do I really look that bad?

   Shota has never really cared that much about his appearance, but every once in a while he surprises even himself with how he looks. This is one of those mornings. The stubble that permanently lives on his face has grown into a small, shrubby beard. His cheekbones are hollow and his hair is the greasiest it's been in about two weeks. The top of his head is matted down, and the locks that hang in his face are frizzy and knotted. Dark rings circle around his sunken, bloodshot eyes.

   No wonder she couldn't stop staring at me last night, I look horrible.

   Shota reaches behind the mirror and grabs a small bottle of eye drops. He leans his head back and blinks his eyes as the fluid splashed into his corneas.

   Nothing a shave and a shower can't fix, I guess.

   He smirks, the image of his blond friend throwing a cold bucket of water on him flooding his thoughts.


   The girl stirs in her sleep, the spot beneath her head warm and soft. She drops her head to the left, lazily turning away from the light streaming in through the window. The searing pain in her calf has shrunk to a dull ache, and for once she welcomes it. Pain is the only thing reminding her that everything that has happened is real. She really is lying in a soft bed, with pillows under her right leg, and bandages covering her leg and wrist. There really is sunlight falling through the window and landing on her face. She really is in an actual room, with actual walls and an actual ceiling. And last night, she got a real- well, almost real- meal, that left her feeling full and good afterwards. She shifts a little more, expecting to feel the man adjust himself under her, but feels nothing. She opens her eyes slightly, surprised to see that he isn't there. She cranes her neck and looks around the room.

   The desk and chair are still in the corner, her ruined clothes from two nights ago still on top of them. Her two stuffed animals are still resting next to her, although the one on her left looks like it has been picked up and moved slightly. The blanket that rests over her body is strewn across her slightly as well. The door to the kitchen is slightly opened, but there is no light coming from the other side. Behind her, she can hear water running in the bathroom, tiny tendrils of steam slinking in underneath the crack in the door. She closes her eyes and rests her head back down on the pillow, as her tiredness claims her once again.

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