Another Call

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   The girl wakes in bed, her head hammering against her skull. The lights are off and the shades are drawn. The only source of light comes from the crack beneath the door. She moans and rolls onto her side. The slight movement it takes to turn over is enough to make her fall asleep again.

   Fingers lightly slip across her forehead. She is on her back again, the covers reaching all the way up to her chin. From the insides of her eyelids, she can tell that the room is still dark. The pillow beneath her head feels firmer than usual. She opens her eyes and sees the man staring back at her. His hair hangs over his face, a centimeter or so away from her own. His stubble is still mussy, and his eyes are soft. He gives her a shy smile when he finally notices she is awake.

"Good afternoon," his voice is pleasant. "You slept well. Do you want some water?"

   The girl's mouth immediately dries up, her tongue a rough, sandy desert. She looks at him eagerly, too exhausted to actually nod and hope he gets what she is trying to convey. The man lets out a short, airy laugh and reaches across to the nightstand. He brings a glass with a straw up next to the girl and helps her tilt her head toward it. She drinks thirstily, her loud gulps the only audible sound. When there is nothing left, he returns the glass back to the nightstand and repositions the girl's head so she nestles in the crook of his shins. She closes her eyes again and listens to his even breathing.

   "Are you hungry?" the man asks, his voice on the edge of a whisper.

   The girl shakes her head.

   "You should really eat something. You've been asleep for about three days now."

   The girl turns her head to the side and looks at the door. She wants nothing more than to go back to sleep, but a strange nagging sensation keeps her awake. She begins squirming, trying to get comfortable. At first, she's putting too much weight on her arm, now her back hurts, now her right leg is up too high, now-

   She stops moving entirely, too shocked to even breathe. Her eyes widen, practically leaping out of their sockets. Her right leg? The one that's wrapped up in bandages? She can move it?

   She reaches down with a shaky hand, brushing her fingers over her calf. Smooth skin greets her finger pads. She looks down to where her fingers meet her leg. She does not believe what she is seeing.

   Where there had been tightly wrapped cloth strips for three weeks was now completely bare. Not even the scars, which she has had longer than she can remember, remain. She presses the palm of her right hand against the flesh, feeling the smoothness of the unbroken bone. She freezes when she sees her wrist- it is completely healed as well. Her brow furrows as she props her torso up on her left elbow. The man shifts his legs behind her so she can sit up while still resting on him. By the time they are done, she is leaning against the man's chest while he reclines back to lean against the headboard. His legs rest on either side of the girl's body. She looks down at her body, admiring her newly healed limbs.

   "I think you're well enough to eat something," the man murmured, reaching over to grab some food off the nightstand.


   Shota has never seen the girl so happy. Once she had regained enough strength to stand up, she did not stop moving. Every step illuminates her face in bliss. Soon, she has worked up enough energy to run around the apartment, the dull thud of her feet presenting her to every room in the house. Shota is taken aback by her sudden adventurousness, following her closely as she walks across the top of the couch or attempts to scale his kitchen cabinets. He is always there when she missteps, catching her as she falls and settling her down until she is steady enough to stand again. He never believed that such a small being could give him so much joy.

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