The Meeting pt. 2

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   Shota and Hizashi walk side by side down the hall, Maigo clinging to Shota's neck as she is lightly jostled back and forth. They stop abruptly in front of a large, shiny blue door. The plaque next to it reads "Principal Nezu". Shota gently places Maigo down and kneels in front of her. She is shaking, her hands permanently attached to her mouth and her eyes darting up, down, back, forth, and in any other direction they can go.

"Hopefully, you won't have to be here long," he murmurs. "And afterwards, we can go right back home and do whatever you want."

She looks right at him, her gaze piercing through him in a question. It takes Shota a minute to actually realize why. Shoot, did I just say 'home'? What am I thinking?!

He shakes his head and stands back up, grabbing the door handle. "Ready or not, here we come." He pushes the door open with a whoosh and nudges Maigo inside before she has the chance to run away. Hizashi follows close behind, backup in case the poor thing still tries to make a break for it.

There are three tables set up to form a square 'U' shape. Principal Nezu sits at the head of the group, facing Shota, Mic, and Maigo, with Recovery Girl positioned next to him. There are chairs set up on either side, all but two of them occupied. Shota takes a quick survey of the others in the room. Snipe, Cementoss, Thirteen, Ectoplasm... Even Midnight is here. Hizashi slinks away and takes the seat closest to Shota's right. He grins sheepishly at him before giving Maigo a thumbs-up. Shota clears his throat, mentally comforting Maigo who is permanently attached to the back of his right leg.

"Good morning, everyone!" Nezu chimes, smiling brightly. "I believe we all know why we are here today: to assess this young girl's quirk!"

Murmurs shift around the room, chased by dim head nods. A few of the gathered exchange slight phrase with each other. Shota's throat feels inexplicably dry as his eyes dart around to each of the heroes gathered before him. Midnight gives Ectoplasm a sly grin in response to a question Shota could not hear. Snipe tries to dim his hand gestures, deep in conversation with Cementoss, who is nodding his head. Hizashi slumps down in his chair, completely absorbed in the LED screen of his phone. So he gave Nezu the idea for this meeting and he's not even paying attention?

"Alright, alright," Nezu continues. "Eraserhead, could you please introduce us?"

"Hm?" Shota is lost in his thoughts. "Oh, yes." He looks behind him to the girl, who is trying her hardest to push herself further and further into Shota's calf. He picks her up and gently places her in front of him. She squirms and tries dart behind him again, but is caught and settles for squirming and twisting instead.

"This is Maigo," Shota begins. "As far as we can tell, she's about 6 to 8 years old. I found her in an alley one night. She was starved and freezing, so I decided to bring her back home with me. After a while, I had realized that she had a quirk, which I've started calling mirage. Basically, she uses her quirk to bend the mind, creating a very life-like hallucination. I've concluded that she uses her quirk to get food and to hide from any threats she might encounter."

The other heroes shoot worrying looks at each other. Snipe leans forward, eyeing the girl still twisting between Shota's legs. "And how do you reckon she's not using her quirk right now?"

Shota looks down and opens his eyes wide, his irises glowing bright red. The girl continues to squirm beneath him, grasping onto his pants and hiding her face in the fabric. He looks back up at Snipe rubbing his eyes as they dull back to their usual black. "She's not using her quirk right now."

Snipe leans back into his chair, seemingly satisfied with the answer to his question. Ectoplasm raises his hand, rising in his seat slightly. "Are there any signs to be aware of when she does use her quirk?"

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