Chapter 1

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*Hello readers!! Thanks for clicking on this story! This is my first story so I hope you like it..😭
Anyways with that being said ENJOY*


"Beep.....beep.....beep" That was the first thing I heard, filling the black Void I was in. "beep...beep...beep" I heard it once again disrupting the peace I was in, was I asleep? If so why wasn't I waking up?

I felt like I was Being weighed down by two sumo wrestlers.
While in the midst of almost having a panic attack, I heard what seemed to be a door opening and two sets of feet walking what seemed toward me.

"Thanks for letting me see her doctor" a deep voice rang from my right.

'Doctor?' I thought.

"It's the least I can do given her condition." a female voice said from my left.

"I just wanted to thank you..." The deep voice hesitated but continued "For being there all these years and keeping YxN alive" The deep voice said with a sad tone.

"Beep..beep..beep" the noise was a little bit faster this time.

"" I thought.
The name sounded like it was my name for some reason. Why were they talking about me and keeping me alive?...why can't I open my eyes, I don't understand what's going on I felt my heart rate start my pick up.

"I'm just glad you came to the decision, She can finally rest" The female voice continued
"All you need to do is sign this paper and will have the body cremated or buried...your choice" the woman handed the paper to the man to my right.

"Okay.." the man let out a whisper.

Was I in a hospital is that what that beeping sound is...'Whoever you are if you sign those papers I will beat your ass!!' I roared in the empty void although no one could hear me. I could see a faint light just ahead of me.
I need to move that's all I thought about...that faint light was the only way out.

"beep..beep.beep.beep" The man glanced at the heart monitor taking notice of the quick beeps.

'Is that normal?' the man thought.

The man glanced at the woman who
also took notice of the beeps after a minute of staring at the heart monitor she turned to the man giving a
reassuring smile.

"Please take your time to say goodbye, I will be just outside waiting." the woman said before turning around and walking out of the room.

The man looked down at the woman who was in a coma, tears pooling in his eyes he reach down to grab the female hand.

"I am so sorry..." the man sobbed.

'WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG' I scream in the empty void, it seems I was getting nowhere near the faint light. Running wasn't easy either, it was like running a marathon with wet jeans and flip-flops.

And for what seemed like hours... I was starting to lose all hope I finally saw the light glow a bit brighter.
I kept hearing the man say something to me but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying the sound of my running and heavy breathing overpowered all noise.

"My dear Yxn, you will soon get to see your mother...I am sorry I kept you too long, please forgive me" the man said squeezing Yxn's hand twice.

The man stared at yxn face taking it in one last time "You look just like my wife your dear mother" he said, but then he saw that her eyelids fluttered just a bit.
The man shook his head and thought
'Stop imagining things, sign the paper for Yxn's sake'

The man let go of yxn hand looking at the paper he was holding so tightly after a minute he sighed and started to look for a pen.

'You got this Yxn, keep running your near the exit' I said picking up the pace and running even faster.
'You DO NOT want to die in a hospital gown' I said getting even closer to the light. 'OMG OMG I think I will mak-" I tripped over air and fell on my ass.
'owch~' I whined getting back up and dusting myself off. 'what did I even trip over I spoke looking around

'That shit hurt like a buttcheek on a stick, what was I doing again...' I said looking around then at the white light in front of me 'OH SHIT' I scream starting to sprint toward the light.

"Beep..beep..beep...BEEP" The heart monitor goes off.

"Where is that damn pen" the man said searching the room.

"BEEP...beep..beep..BEEP. The heart monitor goes off again.

Yxn fingers started to twitch although the man was too focused on finding the pen to notice.

"BEEP...BEEP...BEEP....beep" the monitor screams.

I kept on running and didn't look back I felt I needed to get back to someone, someone who I hadn't seen in years.
I felt I couldn't just die...I didn't want to die just yet. I felt tears streaming down my face although I didn't know why or who I was crying for.

The light was getting even brighter that it soon lit up the black void I was once in, I soon stopped running a felt myself fall back closing my eyes. After a few seconds.

I open my eyes slightly to see a ceiling it was so blurry, I could not make out what was going on. I could hear a muffled scream.

"Yxn.............Doctor......HELP......Im here....." I heard the man say all muffled.

All I wanted to do was take a nap all that running seems to have tired me out, my eyes start to close as that's the last thing I remember before waking back up.......

*hope y'all enjoyed the story, please vote and comment*💕💕

Wordcount: 995

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