Chapter 7

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"YXN.......YXN..." I heard a distant voice called out.

I slightly opened my eyes at the voice.

"Huh?" My groggy voice let out.

"YXN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE," The voice yelled.

I sit up from my bed rubbing my eyes.
I looked around the room trying to find the voice that has called me.

I instantly smile when I find out that I wasn't back in 2017.
The window let in the orange morning light.
I looked down at my clothes and realized I had slept in yesterday's outfit.

"YXN!" my dad yelled from downstairs.

I jumped at the sudden scream.

'What does he want?' I thought dreading going downstairs.

I lift my blankets off and walked to my door before walking downstairs
I passed the front door noticing some moving boxes on the floor.

I stopped in my tracks looking at the moving boxes.

"Wait.... don't tell me" I spoke looking at the shoes on the shoe rack dreading what I would possibly find.

I notice that there was a pair of pink flats and black heels on my part of the shoe rack and my shoes were on the ground.

My eyes widen at the instant realization.
I ran to the nearest box to me ripping it open.
Though I knew Rina and her mother would be moving in soon I didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Dress....skirt.....More heels" I threw the clothing on the ground

"No...No...this can't be real" I mumbled

I grab a cheetah print little piece of clothing.

I squinted my eyes trying to figure out what it was.

"what is this?" I question

I turned the clothing around looking at the back after a few seconds my eyes widen as I realized I was holding up a thong.

"EW, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" I screamed as I threw the thong on the floor.

I heard stomping coming towards me before I could respond a hand grabbed my wrist and turned me around harshly.

I let out a Yelp as I was whipped around.


My dad screeched in my face.

I look up to see my dad glaring at me with the angriest expression though I kept a calm expression.


I remained silent but it only angered him more his grip on my wrist tightened.

After a minute of him glaring at me, he let out a defeated sight.

"I don't have time for this" he sighed heavily.

'It looks like I won.' I thought letting out a smirk.

"Let's go" my dad spoke as he dragged me by my wrist through the house we passed the kitchen and made it to the living room.

We stopped at the living room entrance I managed to rip my hand out of my dad's grip.

"Oh, you must be YxN" a woman's voice rang from the living room.

I looked up to see a redheaded woman standing in front of me she had the same face as the woman I saw in that photo in my dad's room she looked nothing like she did in 2017.
Her makeup wasn't horrible as much as I hated to say it.
She was dressed in a long blue floral dress she looked like an innocent and kind woman, Nothing like how she did in 2017.

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