|°CHAPTER 13°|✔️

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"I hope he gets to eat only upma his entire life!" Riya told

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"I hope he gets to eat only upma his entire life!" Riya told.

"No but when did Arjun grow this cruel?" Aditi asked no one in particular

"He is not cruel but much more than that! I agree Kiki stole his keys but shouldn't he also steal her keys or something else? Why does he play with academic things!" Riya asked

"Kiki! You go tell Aravind!" Aishwarya told

"Pch! I feel so tired physically and mentally I wanna sleep and listen to songs now!" Kiki said with a pout!

"Alright at least drop me at your brother's apartment?" Aditi asked and keerthana gave a bombastic side eye making Aditi give a nervous chuckle.

"I...We..for purchasing a play costume! Don't give me that side eyes! I will pluck out those eyes and play ping pong!" Aditi said and keerthana nodded and away to grab her keys.

Keerthana was ready in a white shirt and jeans and Aditi wore a white kurta with a blue printed scarf around her neck.

Her face looked a little swollen! Of course yes last night was one of the 'what Am I going do in life' nights and she had to let that stress out by crying her soul out.

And also last weekend's conversation with keerthana made her a bit clear.

Why was she so loyal to a man who didn't even know she had feelings for him? Aditi felt herself not moving on and was stuck in the same place.

She wanted a change, a change of mind.
But with Aravind around her, she knew it was impossible!

The most confusing man to ever exist! He was both wrong and right man! He was her brightest moment and her darkest secret.
He was the one who made her laugh and cry.
He was the only man Aditi had a hard time understanding because she loved him for the joy and despised the pain.

Keerthana was driving her bike towards the house and Aditi sat back.

A minute or two later they reached the apartment and stood knocking at the door.

Aditi's eyes noticed the opposite house to Aravind was wide open and just the television playing sound was heard.

"Helloo!" Aravind who opened the door said and just then the opposite house man came out and collected the newspapers and went in.

Fully dressed in a white shirt and black jeans.
He looked like a guy who walked straight out of a K-drama.

"OH MY GOD!" Aditi gasped looking at him

"LOOK AT THAT FACE!" keerthana joined her

"HE LOOKS LIKE MY NEXT MISTAKE!" Aditi whispered and heard someone clearing their throat.

She turned around and saw Aravind.

"Get in girls! " He told

"Aravind! You never told us that there is such a hottie living right in front of your apartment!" Keerthana told as she walked in.

"What's his name?" Aditi asked, her voice being excited and energetic.

Aravind shrugged and turned around not wanting to answer her.

I mean who doesn't know the name of the man who lives right in front of his door?

Aravind said he doesn't!

"Roshan!" Aditi whispered after a few minutes and Aravind immediately turned back.

How does she know?his eyes blinked in confusion until he saw her pointing to the tress-shaped name board that was hung outside his house.

"Alright, are you ready? Shall we leave? The shop closes in an hour for a break" Aditi told

"Yep! Let's go! I will go grab my wallet and come you keep waiting for me down!" Aravind told

"Okay! Kiki you stay here for 20 mins nah? Plesh? " Aditi asked to which keerthana nodded

"Shore! You guys get going," keerthana said lying on the sofa like a lazy cat.

A few minutes passed and Aditi was waiting down at the apartment Aravind grabbed his wallet and made sure he looked appealing.

And as Aravind left alone keerthana in his apartment.

He forgot to inform me that it was not just her in the apartment right now!

Aravind walked out the stairs and saw something that made his blood boil

Did he just see Aditi talking to that roshan guy? Laughing? Giggling? Him smiling?

Was the world rotating on the opposite side or maybe the crow was singing or maybe the cow was barking?

Looking at Aravind walk towards them Aditi gave a smile to him.

"Okay! Then let's meet on Sunday!" Aditi smiled as Roshan nodded.

Aravind was now driving and the passenger Princess Aditi sat behind.

The ride was slow and silent like always.

But this time, it was different for Aditi, she did not feel the need to be perfect in an attempt to impress him.

After years she felt herself, looking at cute men, talking and not trying to maintain that good girl image.

They reached the costume shop and Aditi got down the bike first and smiled at him.

And for the first time, her smile did something to him! Was it always this beautiful? Oh wait it was and she gave it only to him right? Now what? She smiled the same way at Roshan!

And..and that did something to Aravind.

Didn't she smile only at him so cheerfully?

And now what was she going to do on Sunday? Where are they going?

And they both silently walked to the shop !

They were disappointed!
The shop was closed

For some reason, that did not disappoint Aravind he found it an opportunity to destroy a date that was gone happen

"Aditi! Let's come back on Sunday?" Aravind asked

"Oops! I am going out with Roshan on Sunday you take Arjun or someone with you" Aditi said as she turned away to walk to the bike.

But paused and turned around

"Talking about Arjun! Your best friend spoiled my best friend/ your sister's image in the art club! She is sad" Aditi said.





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