chapter 3

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No one's pov

Jungkook didn't knew it was Jennie's party . He just knew that it was Lisa's close friend's party . It's the person's party who he never wanted to see . Lisa nor taehyung know about Jennie and jungkook's past . Jennie hide it cus she was afraid that she might lose taehyung and her company cus if her mom get to know then she is dead for sure . Jungkook hide it from Lisa cus he don't want Lisa to see him as a weak person .
"Lisa since when you are dating jungkook?" Rosé asked .
"Well me and jungkook are dating for past 2 years" Lisa said holding jungkook's hand and looking at jungkook with maybe the most loving eyes . "Guys i wanna say something " Rosé said . "Humm what ?" Taehyung asked . "Well I'm seeing someone" rosé said closing her eyes . "Woah since when and who is he?" Lisa asked . "I will tell you guys everything later" rosé said . "Babe why are you so quite ?" Lisa asked jungkook . "Uh- me ? It's maybe cus you know i don't feel comfortable with much coward" jungkook gave a excuse to Lisa . "Taehyung i will just go and greet some guest who just came excuse me" Jennie said and left from there . "Yah what's wrong with her ?" Lisa asked . "That's very likely of her Lisa . She is mostly like this" rosé said while taking a sip of wine .

Jungkook's pov

"Taehyung oppa does unnie even talk to you with her usual cold tone?" Lisa asked in a teasing voice . What ? Jennie speaks in cold tone ? No way she is the most cheerful person i have ever saw . Is she is really changed ?
"Well it's been now 4 years of our marriage and maybe 5 years of our relationship but she opened up to me after our first anniversary . Now she doesn't talk to me with her cold tone even she talks to me with the most soft tone" taehyung said while looking at Jennie from far away . She is really changed . She used to talk with everyone in sweet tone . "Does she really loves you ? And are you sure she won't dump you for someone?" I don't know why i asked this . Ugh my stupid self . "I believe she will never dump me and if she does i will again caught her . And about love i-" taehyung was cutted off by Jennie . Well how she came here so quickly ? "Yes we both love each other more then anything ." I just nodded . It's become quite awkward now . "The party is almost over let's leave everyone" rosé said grabbing her purse . "Oh i will go to restroom before leaving rosie come with me" Lisa said and she left from there with Rosé . "Babe I will say bye to namjoon hyung and Mr choi" taehyung said and left from there . It was just Jennie and me left here . I looked at her as i wanted her to say something . "Oh it's nice to meet you again jungkook" jennie said with a damn cold tone and bowed a bit . "It's nice to meet you too Mrs Kim" i said with also a formal tone . "I will go then" Jennie said and left from there . It was my biggest mistake to come here .
I saw taehyung and Jennie left the venue . Lisa also came and told me that we should go now as we did .

Taehyung's pov

Me and Jennie were sitting on the car . She seems to be absent minded . I tried to approach her but she seems to not interested so i stopped trying . She was looking at outside . "Sir we are here" our driver spoke and stopped the car Infront of our home . "Oh okay Jennie we are here" i said looking at Jennie . She just opened the car door and quickly went inside our home . That's really werid . I followed her and went inside . She already went to our bedroom . I went to our bedroom and took a shower and wore my night wear . When i came outside i saw Jennie still opening her jewelry . I went to her and opened her leftover jewelry . "Jen what's wrong ?" I asked her . "No-nothing" she said and left from there . Huh i guess i was wrong that she opened up to me . I went to another bedroom . Cus i don't wanna talk with her at this moment .

Jennie's pov

"Kookie pass me the whipped cream" Jennie said to jungkook who was nowhere to be seen but suddenly jungkook back hugs her and kissed her neck .
"Yah don't bother me now leave" Jennie said .
"Well no babe. "Jungkook said and turned Jennie to face him and smashed his lips into her .

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