Chapter 5

392 13 11

No one's pov

Currently it's 2am . Everyone is sleeping expect Jennie and jungkook . Jennie came outside of the house for some fresh air . Everything is so difficult and confusing for her . The feeling she felt today and her feelings for taehyung . She was confused . Whenever she thinks about jungkook she feels like cheating on taehyung . Jennie was in her deep thoughts looking at the sky . "Here for fresh air?" Jungkook asked coming towards jennie . She turned to face jungkook and just nodded . The lights of house was enough for them to see each other . Jungkook reached her and he also looked at the sky putting his hands on the pocket of his pants . "How are you doing?" Jennie asked casually . "Me ? Better then i used to be" jungkook said with sarcastic chuckle . "How are you doing by the way ?" Jungkook asked Jennie . "Pretty good " Jennie answered shortly . "You know you are so changed . Like putting a poker face and this cold aurora . Isn't it hard to act ?" Jungkook said . "That's what i was always . I don't how i got changed when i was in Australia" Jennie replied . "Humm" jungkook said and nodded . "You know i thought you actually loved me and won't be this much happy but when i saw you at your party I was like yeah you never loved me" jungkook continued . "Jungkook we were young . We were teenagers and having attractions towards others isn't called love . We both just had attractions towards each other" Jennie said looking at jungkook . "Oh come on you might think it's attraction but from my side it was pure love" jungkook said . "If we had loved each other we couldn't have moved on but look after almost 5 years we had moved on and found our love of life" Jennie said and somehow it's what she told herself everytime when she remembers jungkook . "The scars you left on by your selfishness , Lisa used ointment on it and somehow made me fall in love with her but i will never refuse that i truly loved you" jungkook said . "Let's forget it jungkook . It's for both of our good . Let's act like we just knew each other . I actually love taehyung and you love Lisa so let's forget it" Jennie said . Jungkook left a sarcastic laugh and leaned closer to Jennie's face . Their lips were about to touch but Jennie pushed jungkook . "What the hell?" She yelled slowly . "Just checking what you would have done . Good you are finally loyal in a relationship" jungkook said and left from there . Leaving Jennie cry in floor .

They were aware that someone was watching them .

Time passes (at morning)

Taehyung was planning to celebrate their 5th anniversary of being together . Even though it's been 4 years of their marriage but 5 years of being together like plus the dating period . They all expect Lisa and jungkook were decorating the whole house and roof . They main event will held in roof . Jennie left for her company early in the morning cus ji yong her brother called her . Yes it's also a part of plan . Lisa and jungkook are still sleeping .
The whole house was filled with roses . Taehyung and Jennie's photo together were hang on roof .heart shaped Red and white balloons were on roof . Scented candles also wine bottles and glasses . 3 tables for their friends . Everything was like a dream place . Everything expect food were done . Thats when Lisa and jungkook woke up . "Guys what is today ?" Lisa asked when she saw them choosing a suit for taehyung in living room . "It's their 5th anniversary tomorrow but we will leave from here also tomorrow so won't have a time to celebrate their anniversary so we are planning to do it at 12am" jisoo answered . "Oh okay" Lisa said . "Is there anything i can do?" Jungkook asked . "Well you are new in our group so enjoy " jimin said . "Aren't you new too ? I mean i remembered they said you and rosé just exposed your Relationship so?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity . "Nope he is not . He was also one of us like in our group " Jin said .

At 11:00pm

"Guys bring the cake . Ji yong hyung called me and told me they just left from company and coming here" taehyung said .

After a hour

Jennie's pov

Ji-yong oppa is parking the car and i went inside the farm house . Why it's so dark and peaceful huh ? I turned on the lights and saw roses were on floor . Pointing me to go at rooftop . What the hell ? Ji-yong oppa isn't coming either . I followed the roses . It took me to rooftop . And i saw taehyung back facing me . I looked at the decoration and just wow . It's so good and romantic . Our photos and everything just awesome . "Babe" i said and taehyung turned around to see me . He was wearing a beautiful suit . Then i noticed the balloons . It was saying "happy 5th anniversary" wow . I quickly hugged taehyung . "Happy 5th anniversary honey" he said . "I thought you will wish me tomorrow and also happy fifth anniversary" i said and broke the hug . We shared a small but meaningful kiss .

"Happy fifth anniversary Mr and Mrs Kim" everyone else shouted and came out from their places where they were hiding . "Thanks guys" me and taehyung said . "So that's why ji-yong oppa called me and told me to go back to Seoul for no reasons" i said and they all nodded including ji-yong oppa . Wait jungkook isn't here . Did he just left ? Maybe yes . "Let's cut the cake" rosé said and me and taehyung went near to the cake . We was about to cut the cake that's when jungkook came and stood on a corner . "Cut it" Lisa said and we cutted the cake getting clapping from them including jungkook . "I need to go now guys enjoy . Also Jennie mom said to meet her when you comeback to Seoul" ji-yong oppa said and i went near him and hugged him . "Everyone should have a brother like you thanks" i said to him and broke the hug . "You are welcome bye everyone" he said and waved before leaving .

At next day morning .

Yesterday was fun . We celebrated our anniversary then spending time with our precious persons . It was a amazing memory expect from some awkward moments when mine and jungkook's eyes met . Everyone is now putting our luggages and important stuffs back on car . It's just me who is left i guess so . I was wearing my boots . After wearing those werid boots i came out from my room .
I saw my purse was opened so i closed it . I suddenly bumped into someone . "Oh sorry" i said and looked at the person . It was jungkook . Ugh why it's always have to him ? "It's okay" he said and was about to go with his luggage . "Jungkook" i said and he stopped and turned to face me . "Can't we be friends forgetting everything?" I asked . It's very unusual of me though . "Few things are what we can never forget but let's see . I will try" he said and left from there .

Author : short update right ? I got a really bad headache so I'm not re checking . So if any mistakes happen which i guess always happens sorry . Also updates might become a little bit late . I'm not feeling well so...
But won't take more then 3 days

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