chapter 8

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No one's pov

Jennie and taehyung entered their anniversary party .
A middle aged couple came towards them . "Congratulations on your fifth anniversary Mr and Mrs Kim" Mr park said .
"Thanks" taehyung replied and took a glass of champagne from the waiter who was passing by . After that the middle aged couple left and Jennie's mom and dad approached them . Taehyung bowed politely . "Congratulations jennieya and taehyung" Jennie's mom said and gave a hug to Jennie and taehyung . "I can't believe it's been 5 years" Jennie's dad said . "Thanks for coming Mom Dad" taehyung said . "Where is ji-yong oppa?" Jennie asked her parents . "He is busy with his soo called gaming company" Jennie's dad said . "Dad" Jennie said with a annoyed voice . "Okay fine his precious company" Jennie's dad said and left from there along with Jennie's mom after giving them a hug .
Taehyung and Jennie greeted some of their business partners . Taehyung's parents came to congratulate them as well . "Now I'm just waiting for a baby shower event" taehyung's mom joked . "Mom" Jennie said . "Why? what's wrong with it ?" Taehyung's mom argued back . "The wrong thing is it's not the right time" taehyung replied . "You guys talk i will go and greet few others" Jennie excused herself from this awkward conversation .
Jennie saw jungkook entered the venue so she went towards him . "Thanks for coming" she said giving him a smile . "Congratulations on your fifth anniversary ." Jungkook said and jennie nodded . She was about to leave but jungkook held Jennie's wrist . She turned to face jungkook . "Can we have a talk later?" Jungkook asked . "Sure let's meet tomorrow at our high school ." Jennie said and jungkook let go of her wrist . "Time?" He asked ."at 9am?" Jennie said . Jungkook nodded and that's when Lisa came . "Unnie congratulations on your fifth anniversary again" Lisa said giving Jennie a hug . "Thanks and enjoy" Jennie said and left . She wanted to say taehyung everything but couldn't . What if he leave him ? What if he doesn't love her anymore ? What if......he divorce her.....all these thoughts were running over Jennie's mind . Jennie quickly took a vodka bottle and drink it in once . "Drinking isn't everything solutions" jisoo said from behind . There aren't any people around them so they can talk here . "I can't unnie.... whenever i tries to tell...i can't" Jennie said . "Jen-" jisoo couldn't complete her sentence but Jennie left from there .

Party ends

Next day morning

Jennie couldn't tell taehyung anything . She woke up and got ready . Something was definitely on her mind .

Taehyung woke up and saw Jennie wearing her earrings

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Taehyung woke up and saw Jennie wearing her earrings . "Good morning honey" Jennie said turning her face . "Morning . Are you going somewhere? you are on holiday right?" Taehyung asked being confused . "I'm just.... yeah I'm going somewhere ." Jennie said coming towards the bed . "It might take a while for me to come . Don't wait for me" Jennie said . "I can wait for you forever" taehyung said while smiling . "Don't wait please" Jennie said . "Okay fine" taehyung replied . Jennie sat on the bed and hugged taehyung tight . He hugged her back . "You know i love you right? I will never cheat you" Jennie said while holding her tears . "Yes Jen what happened?" Taehyung asked breaking the hug almost but Jennie refused to break the hug . "Let's stay like this for a while" Jennie said . "Okay" taehyung said while rubbing her back . He was kind of worried but doesn't know what to do.

After a while .

Jennie broke the hug and taehyung went to restroom . "I love you taehyung . I have......brain tumor and if i don't do surgery i might die... rather than you seeing me dying i prefer you to hate me" Jennie said to herself .

(Yesterday at afternoon)

"Mrs Kim you have brain tumor . You have to go through a surgery" the doctor said to Jennie who was shocked . "Then i wanna take it please make it as soon as possible" Jennie said to the doctor .
"But the thing have just 5% of chances to be successful out of 100" doctor said in a sad tone .

End of flashback

Jennie sighed . Taehyung came out from restroom wearing a black shirt with jeans . "I will go now" Jennie said . "My goodbye kiss?" Taehyung asked with puppy eyes . Jennie chuckled and went towards taehyung . Usually she would give a kiss on cheeks but unlike usuals she kissed him in lips . It was a deep kiss . She wrapped her arms around his neck . After a while taehyung broke the kiss and Jennie left from there .

At school where she supposed to meet jungkook

She saw jungkook sitting on a bench . She sat beside him . "Am i late?" She asked but jungkook shook his head as no . "This is the place where we used to bunk class" jungkook said and Jennie nodded . "Jungkook i have to tell you something" Jennie said and jungkook looked at her . "Years ago my family forced me to marry Taehyung . I refused to marry him cus i don't even know him but if i had refused than my parents would have destroyed your whole career and your family's business . Yeah one of the reason was also that they would have kicked me out from their soo called family " Jennie said and let out a sigh after completing sentence . "So you don't love taehyung? It's all fake?" Jungkook asked kind of shocked . "No....i love him from my heart but...." Jennie stopped cus she don't know what else to say . "I'm sorry for treating you as trash from last few days" jungkook said . "I'm also sorry for dumping you on that time doesn't matter what's the reason" Jennie said . "Jennie I'm going to tell Lisa everything..."jungkook said . "Good" Jennie shortly replied . "I will go now... just don't you dare to hurt lily" Jennie said standing up .

Author : sorry for not updating past two days . Actually my headache is getting worse day by day . Anyways short chapter and we are kind of getting close to ending . Maybe just three or four chapters left

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