chapter 10

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My werid neighbour's pov
(No one's pov)

Kai quickly came with a file on his hand . "How is she now?" He asked handing the file to jisoo . "Her condition isn't so good she needs to go through a surgery" rosé said . "She is delaying this surgery ever since she went to Auckland" Kai said . "What?did she already knew?" Jimin asked . Taehyung also looked at Kai's direction . "Yeah... that's why she left everything... this surgery just have 5 percent chance to be successful..." Kai said and sighed . Taehyung was almost crying hearing these things . "Are you both in a relationship?i know it's not the time to ask but" Jimin asked . "What no...we are just friends " Kai said . "Anyways inform me about her health...I have some work to do ....take care of her and taehyung it's your responsibility to take care of her " Kai said and left . Jisoo gave Jin the file . "We aren't sure if we can keep her alive...." One doctor said  . Jennie who was laying on a bed came from emergency room surrounded by nurse and doctors including Jin

 Jennie who was laying on a bed came from emergency room surrounded by nurse and doctors including Jin

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(Imagine this women as Jennie)

Taehyung started crying seeing Jennie in this condition . Jisoo and rosé also started crying . Jisoo who rarely cries also started crying . They took her to operation room .

After two hour

Taehyung and everyone else was standing Infront of operation room . Jin finally came from operation room . "Surgery is done but her condition is still critical . She stopped breathing alot of time . What we can do is just pray nothing else . Also she is in coma right now" Jin said and went to rest room to wash himself . "Can we see the patient?" Jisoo asked a nurse who just came from jennie's room . "Jisoo ma'am no I'm sorry but I will inform you whenever you can meet ." The nurse replied then bowed to Jisoo as Jisoo is the wife of owner of this hospital . Taehyung was still crying and begging to God for jennie's life . They shifted Jennie from operation room .

After a week

Jennie is still in coma . Her body doesn't respond to anything . Doctors still can't say that the surgery was successful . Today they can finally see Jennie even though she is still in coma . Taehyung went to the cabin where Jennie was . She was still unconscious and having a oxygen mask . Taehyung sat on a chair and took Jennie's hand on his hand . "I missed you now quickly wake up..i will obey whatever you will say . If you want me to divorce you then i will just wake up Jen... I love you" taehyung said holding back his tears . He placed a kiss on Jennie's forehead and was about to leave since meeting time is over . When he was about to open the door and leave one bell started ringing . He looked towards Jennie and saw her heart breathe is dropping . Oxygen mask started ringing . Nurses and doctors quickly came on the cabin and gave Jennie a injection . Taehyung was Clueless standing there . "Go out Mr Kim" one of the nurse said and taehyung obeyed .

After a while

One doctor came out from the room . "Congrats she is conscious . But we aren't sure about her mental health . Usually in this types of case people often forget who they are or forget some memories . Let's see what's her case" doctor said and patted taehyung's shoulder and left followed by nurses . Taehyung wasn't sure to enter the room so he called their friends who immediately came . "How is she?" Jisoo asked . "She is conscious now" taehyung replied . "Let's just few people meet her first ." Kai said . "Taehyung, Kai, and jisoo unnie should go first" rosé said and taehyung, Kai, jisoo entered .
Jennie was laying on bed . She looked towards them . "Jennie are you okay?" Kai asked . "Hum" Jennie replied . Jisoo hugged Jennie as Jennie sat on bed . "Unnie" Jennie said in short . Jisoo broke the hug and Jennie looked at taehyung . "Taehyung" Jennie said and taehyung quickly hugged Jennie . "Thank god you are fine" taehyung said while hugging Jennie . "what happened to me?" Jennie asked . "You just go through a brain surgery you don't remember?" Kai asked and Jennie shook her head as no . Taehyung broke the hug and was shocked . "You don't remember us?" Jisoo asked . "I can't remember anything " Jennie said and started tearing up . "It's okay Jen" taehyung said and hugged her while he is also crying .

4 hours later

"It's called PTA or post traumatic amnesia" the doctor said to taehyung . "Usually patients forget everything expect from their families and friends . In Jennie's case she remembered you guys but forgot memories which is normal for patients like her . The memory usually take few minutes to come back but it's also might take few days or few months to get those memories again" doctor continued . 

Author : I'm too much busy so i just wrote a short chapter . I wanted to update so i just quickly wrote this chapter . Also one chapter left and then ending

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