chapter 7

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No one's pov

It's currently 2am . Jennie is still on her car Infront of the school building . She needed someone to call about her problems . Jennie started driving . In order to talk with jisoo . One person who will try to understand her before judging . She had no other options on that time other then dumping jungkook . It was hard for her to forget her first love . Honestly in the first year of their marriage Jennie just used to think about jungkook but getting closer to taehyung was like a ointment for her . Her scars suddenly started to fade away . Her life becomes perfect . Jennie loves taehyung from bottom of her heart . And taehyung too . But in her perfect life jungkook used to haunt her . She felt like a criminal .

Jennie started turning on the bell ring switch . Jisoo quickly came and opened door for her . Jennie was crying . Her hair were messy  . Looking like she cried the whole night .

Without thinking twice Jennie hugged jisoo and started crying on jisoo's shoulder

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Without thinking twice Jennie hugged jisoo and started crying on jisoo's shoulder

Without thinking twice Jennie hugged jisoo and started crying on jisoo's shoulder

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"Jenduk" jisoo said and let her come inside and closed the door .
"Yah don't cry it's fine ." Jisoo started comforting jennie. "Okay let's talk come let's sit" jisoo said and turned on her House's lights . Jisoo made Jennie sit on a couch and quickly ran to kitchen . Jisoo came back with a glass of water . She placed it on a table and wiped Jennie's face by tissue . "Jenduk it's fine" jisoo said and offered her glass of water . Jennie drank it .
Jisoo started caressing Jennie's hair and cupped her cheeks . "A princess doesn't cries" jisoo said . "Okay now stop crying humm?" Jisoo asked and jennie nodded . "Let's sleep now we will talk tomorrow" jisoo said . "Can i-" Jennie was cutted off by jisoo " yes Jen it's your house too . I doesn't matter if we are blood related or not but you are my younger sister" . Jisoo took Jennie to a guest room . "Let me give you nightwear" jisoo said and went to her room . She came back with cute Pikachu pajamas . "Wear this" jisoo said and pointed at the washroom where Jennie can change . Jennie came back after changing into the night wear . Jisoo helped her to lay on bed and pulled a blanket to cover Jennie's body . "Good night" jisoo said and turned the lamps off and left from there .

At morning

Jennie woke up naturally . She stood up from bed and wore her slippers . When she came out from room she saw jisoo sitting on couch and doing something in laptop . Jisoo somehow realised Jennie's appearance and shuts of her laptop and put it on a table . "Good morning Jen" jisoo said with a warm comforting smile . "Morning and sor-" Jennie was cutted off by jisoo "i made your favourite breakfast sandwiches . Have a bite" jisoo stood up and went to kitchen and came back with a plate with sandwich and one glass of juice . Jennie sat on couch and started eating . "Am i invited to your anniversary party?" Jisoo asked and jennie nodded . "Oh by the way taehyung called you a few times ." Jisoo continued . "Finish the juice" jisoo almost ordered . "Where is Jin oppa ?" Jennie asked . "He left early at the morning" jisoo replied. "You didn't left cus i was here right?" Jennie asked ."um hum" jisoo said . "If you feel comfortable then say what's the matter" jisoo asked Jennie taking plate and glass from Jennie and putting on side table . "Jungkook is my ex....." Jennie said but jisoo wasn't shocked . "I know tell me the reason for yesterday's sadness" jisoo said . "You knew?" Jennie was shocked . "I didn't meant to hear but on the trip day I heard your and jungkook conversation" jisoo said . "Unnie....i had two choices on that time . If i didn't had married taehyung then my family will destroy jungkook and his family . And i can't be this selfish right ?" Jennie asked . "You did the right you don't love taehyung?" Jisoo asked . "Taehyung is my life . Only reason for me being alive . The person who i love the most and sacrifice everything....i love him" Jennie said and a tear escaped from her eyes . "I will tell him about jungkook very soon . If he doesn't accept me then i will leave this country . I already booked my tickets to new zealand" Jennie said looking at her fingers . "What about Lisa?" Jisoo asked . "It's jungkook's matter...." Jennie replied . "Won't you go to your company?" Jisoo asked . "No can't i take one day off?" Jennie pouted . Jisoo gave her the most warm and comforting hug . "Thanks for being always soo sweet towards me ." Jennie said between the hug .

Author: really really short chapter isn't it ? Oh by the way what they will wear in the party is here

(Jennie's dress,heels, hairstyle)

(Jisoo's bag, dress, hairstyle,boots)

(Lisa's hair , dress,heels)

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