chapter 11

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Taehyung's pov

It's been a week since Jennie came back from coma . Doctors warned us to not force her to remember anything . She seems lost and i know it's reasonable . Today she will get discharged from hospital . We decided to take her to our house . Where we used to live before she decided to move to new zealand . Kai told me that Jennie knew about her condition and she didn't wanted me to see her dying . She wanted me to hate her then move on . Cus she thinks i will able to move on once i started hating her . Fool . Doesn't she know how much i love her ? . We reached our home .

"It's oddly looks familiar" Jennie said looking around the house .
"Here we used to live" i said . I took Jennie to our bedroom and tell her to get freshen up . I walked out from bedroom and went to kitchen .

Jennie's pov

I took a shower and wore a casual dress . I think i should wear some slippers . But where is it ? I think in wardrobe . I opened the wardrobe and saw two pairs of slippers so i wore it . I was about to close wardrobe but saw one file just fall on ground . I picked it from ground . "Divorce papers" it was written on that file . Out of curiosity I opened the file . It was mine and taehyung's divorce papers . I applied for the divorce and taehyung didn't signed it . "What are you doing?" Taehyung asked me from behind . I turned to face him and spoke "what's this?" . He came towards me and took the file from me . "I applied for divorce but why?" I asked but he didn't replied .

No one's pov

Jennie asked taehyung and almost started crying . Taehyung didn't knew what to answer . "It's cus you didn't wanted me to see you dying" taehyung said . Memories started flashing on jennie's mind which she wasn't ready for.  She quickly fainted  . Luckily taehyung held her and called doctor .

After a while

Doctor came and checked her . "Mr Kim it's just that her Memories started flashing and its become too much for her brain to manage  . I hope she will regain her Memories soon ." Doctor assured taehyung and left . Jennie is still unconscious  . Taehyung sat beside her waiting for her to wake up .
Finally jennie's eyes opened and she looked at taehyung  . "How are you feeling?" Taehyung asked jennie who was trying to sit . Taehyung helped her to seat . "I'm fine..." jennie answered  . "My Memories are back i guess " jennie said and taehyung hugged her . "I'm sorry for leaving you like that " jennie said and taehyung broke the hug . "I couldn't have forgive you but as people say you can't hate the person you love the most " taehyung said taking jennie's hand on his hand . "Well officially we are still married since I didn't signed the divorce papers but let's start again ?" Taehyung asked jennie  . "But before that let's clear up few things . Jungkook is my first love..we used to date in high school" jennie said . "It doesn't matter as long as you don't love him anymore" taehyung said while smiling  . "I love you taehyung" jennie said and hugged taehyung  . "I love you too" taehyung replied  . "Who is tzuyu?" Jennie asked while stopping herself from laughing  . "Ugh she is really just friend" taehyung replied .

8 years later

"When we will grow up we will marry each other " one 7 year old boy who looks like mini taehyung spoke making his parents and his uncles and aunties laugh .
"Yah Kim woobin don't make me blush" one 7 year old girl said .
"Jiwoo woobin what's your age ?" Jisoo asked the kids .
"We are enough old now aunty" jiwoo replied  .
"Lisa jungkook,  jennie taehyung your kids are now big" jin said while laughing  .
"Well we will think about what woobin said" jungkook said and kissed jiwoo in cheeks who was on his lap .
"Imgine Our son and your daughter will get married ...woah" jennie said to jungkook and Lisa.

Author  : its last chapter y'all  . Don't cry...and thanks for this much support
. New Story coming soon . It's vminkook +jennie

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