Chapter 2 - The Dazzlings!

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"Who the hell are you guys?" Bakugou asked

Adagio let out a mischievous chuckle, as her and the other two dazzlings approached them.

"We're the Dazzlings. And you are?"

"Oh, crap! I forgot we needed a name!" Deku said, "What should our group name be? I think The Superheroes sounds great!"

"Sure, whatever." Bakugou replied.

"Sounds pretty good to me." Said Todoroki.

"We're the Superheroes!" Deku said.

"Ooohh." Sonata exclaimed, "sounds cool!"

"That's awful!" Aria said.

"Hey! What do you know about good band names?" Sonata asked

"More than you." Aria replied.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Don't listen to them, they're idiots." Adagio said.

"Just cut to the chase already." Bakugou said.

"Right." Adagio replied, "I'm sure you were there when me and my sisters caused that little... eruption in the lunchroom."

"Yeah." Deku replied, putting his thumb and index finger on his chin, "Once you guys started singing everyone in the room got angry at each other all of the sudden."

"Yeah, we were.... and..?" Bakugou asked

"I find it quite interesting that you three weren't affected by it." Adagio said, "As well as seven other students. Only those with Equestrian magic can withstand such a power. So I'm curious, are you three from a different world?"

"She's on to us!" Deku thought

Bakugou raises his hand and lets out a few tiny explosions as a warning. Deku thought about stopping him, but since he thought the Dazzlings were villains, he didn't attempt to stop him.

"Go throw yourself into traffic." Said Bakugou, "We're not telling you shit!"

"My my, what a foul mouth you have." Adagio said

"Looks like you guys need to be taught some manners!" Aria said, balling up her fist.

Adagio then puts her arm out in front of Aria, to prevent her from potentially attacking the boys.

"Now, now girls. Save it for the battle of the bands!" Adagio said, "We'll see you boys at the show." She said, walking away with her group.

"So they're the villains!" Deku said.

"Wasn't that obvious?" Bakugou asked.

"Let's go somewhere where we can sit down and talk about this." Todoroki said.

They then head to the school's library.

Meanwhile, at the gym. Fluttershy is still sad at what Bakugou said to her. She holds her pet angel to comfort herself. Her friends then come In and go over to confront her.

"You okay, sugarcube?" Applejack asked

"No!" Fluttershy said, sobbing.

"Don't listen to those fools darling! You're still our friend no matter what!" Rarity said, patting Fluttershy's back.

"Yeah, I know bu-but.... I've gotten called that s-so many times... I'm starting to think that it's.... true.." Fluttershy responded.

"Hey." Sunset Shimmer said, putting a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder, "I've been called rude names too, especially after what I did at the fall formal. In fact, we all have."

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