Chapter 4 - That's Enough, Bakugo!

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After arriving at Pinkie Pie's house, they go into her bedroom, and Twilight immediately began writing the counter spell using Fluttershy's notebook. While Deku was working on his song called, "Sora Ni Uteaba."

Meanwhile, Kaminari and Kirishima were being asked about more details about their world from Sunset Shimmer.

"That's amazing! Your world is like something straight out of a comic book!" Sunset said, obviously fangirling..

"Basically, yeah." Kirishima replied.

"So, tell me more about this "All Might" guy." Sunset said.

Deku's body shot up and he immediately started telling Sunset everything about All Might. From when he first started at U.A to when he was trained by Gran Torino.

"Okay, Midoriya. I think I get it now." Sunset said.

Deku blushed and apologized before sitting back down and writing his song.

"Aww... he's so adorable.." Sunset thought.

Meanwhile, Rarity shifted her body closer to where Todoroki was sitting. His gaze kept pondering on her as she moved closer. Once she got near his shoulder, she let out a cute "heeey."

"Hey." Todoroki replied, "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing much darling. Just wanted to know a little bit more about you and your world." Rarity said, giving him a wink with her left eye, "Ya know, like what's it like having powers and being a hero? Blah blah blah, stuff like that."

"Oh, well since you asked." Todoroki said, making a flame appear in the palm of his hand, "I'm the son of a hero named Endeavor. He's the second best Hero in all of Japan. I have the same quirk as him along with an ice quirk from my mom."

"Oh. So that's why your hair has that color pattern?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah." Todoroki replied

Todoroki made ice appear with his left hand, which Rarity was interested in because it was shiny and fabulous.

"Oh my! How impressive! I can only imagine how many dresses I could make with that." Rarity stated.

"But they're not for clothing. They melt pretty easily." Todoroki replied.

"Pfft! I know that darling. I was just admiring your quirk dear!" Rarity said, playfully grabbing Todoroki's arm.

"It's a good thing you have something to cool down with for being so hot all the time." Rarity flirted.

"My body's actually not hot all of the time. Though, if I use my fire too much I can overheat, and I use my Ice quirk to cool down." Todoroki said, completly oblivious to Rarity's flirting.

"Huh. Fascinating. What kind of hero do you want to be?" Asked Rarity.

"I guess.... a hero that makes people feel safer." Todoroki replied.

"Interesting." Rarity said, "though, the problem is that if a such a handsome boy like you came to save me, my heart would simply go into overdrive!"

"Oh, do you have heart problems?" Todoroki asked, once again being completely oblivious to Rarity's flirting.

"My my, he's quite the dense one isn't he?" Rarity thought "but that doesn't mean he still isn't cute though. Maybe I'll talk to him more later."

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