Chapter 8 - Struggling With Friendship!

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After the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms made their way up to the top with Trixie's team. The Thunderbolts of justice get ready for their song, that will determine their spot in the finals along with the Rainbooms.

"Alright." Deku said, "Let's give it our best shot out there!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Replied Kirishima.

"Let's blow their fucking heads off!!" Shouted Bakugo.


(Deku is the singer, Todoroki played the piano, Bakugo is the drummer, Kaminari and Kirishima are the gutair players)

This time, only half of crowd liked the song. The other half found it very boring and cheesy, especially the crusaders. But principal Celestia, and vice principal Luna enjoyed the song.

"That was so... boring!" Said Scootaloo.

"Really weak compared to their other songs." Applebloom sighed.

They then walked back behind the stage and there stood the Rainbooms waiting for their next performance.

"That was... beautiful.." Fluttershy said, a tear flowing down her eye.

"Absolutely stunning!" Said Rarity.

"Thanks!" Said Kaminari, he then looked at Deku, "I didn't know you could sing Midoriya!"

"Yeah! You were awesome man!" Added Kirishima.

"It's nothing.." Deku nervously chuckled.

"Y'all did great out there!" Said Applejack, "Especially you Kirishima."

"Oh... thanks.." Kirishima blushed

"Ooooooh.... Kirishima-"

"Shut up!" Kirishima interrupted Kaminari

"Welp, let's go out there!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Um, Rainbow... can we play-"

"No way, Fluttershy!" Rainbow snapped back, "We gotta play awesome as I wanna be!"

"Oh.. okay.." Fluttershy looked down.

"Let her play, Dash." Said Bakugo, "You know how long she's waiting to play that!"


"Just do it!" Yelled Bakugo.

"Next onto the stage, the Rainbooms!"

"We need to get out there quick!" Twilight said, running onto the stage.

The crowd booed them as they got on.

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