Chapter 8

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I opened an eye, still in my bat form as I was still being held by Izu. I sleepily looked up, seeing Izu looking down at me, smiling.
“Hey Sho, I see you’re awake now,” he said sweetly. He was sitting down, so I decided to climb off of him (without flying), and turned back into myself besides him.
“Softie,” Touya teased, making me annoyed.
“Shut it,” I stated, glaring at him. “Leave,” I stated sternly.
“Fine, whatever. I don’t wanna deal with your attitude anyways,” Touya stated, getting up and leaving.
I looked around a bit, just now noticing that we were in my room.
“You were so cute when you were sleeping!!!” Izu fanboyed. I lightly blushed.
“I wasn’t cute, I was just comfortable… there’s a difference,” I stated, not making eye-contact with him.
“So my arm is comfortable to lay on?” He asked, grinning. I blushed slightly more.
“I guess… the times where you stroked my head were also rather relaxing…” I whispered slightly. He grinned sweetly.
“You are adorable,” was all he said, before bringing me into his lap. I quickly adjusted, snuggling into his lap comfortably.
He started running his fingers through my hair, making me more comfortable and relaxed. I snuggled into his lap more, now being VERY relaxed and loving his fingers running through my hair.
“Shoto I-'' my father walked in without knocking, catching both Izu and I off guard as my father stared at us both. I stared at him back, my eyes wide. Izu also stared.
“Hi?” I said, breaking the awkward silence. I sat up from Izu’s lap, kinda sad that we couldn’t continue cuddling any longer.
“What I needed to tell you, was that I got you some blood. It’s in the fridge, so if you need any, you have some instead of starving yourself,” he stated rather quickly. My eyes slightly widened more, surprised that he would actually go out of his way to do that for me.
“Oh… thank you…” I thanked quietly. He grinned and nodded.
“Of course. Now, I’ll leave you two to do what you were doing,” he stated, walking out of the room. I turned back to Izu, still in shock.
“I’m honestly surprised that he did that,” I told him truthfully.
“Sho, he’s your father. I’m also kinda surprised, but also not at the same time,” he told me back. I looked down, the word ‘blood’ kinda sounding good right about now. “Sho? You alright?”
“Yeah… although blood sounds kinda good right now…” I mumbled quietly, not making eye-contact with him as I fiddled with my fingers.
“Well, if you’re hungry, then let’s go get you some blood,” Izu smiled. I looked up at him as he got up from my bed, me getting up as well.
We walked to the kitchen together, hand-in-hand as we approached the refrigerator. It kinda felt odd picking up a bottle of blood for the first time, although to me, seems appetizing (obviously).
I looked at the glass bottle, holding the red liquid, and then glanced at Izu.
“Something wrong Sho?” he asked in a concerned tone.
“No… it just seems… odd…” I told him truthfully. He seemed to understand how this first time would be odd.
“It’s alright, I understand,” he told me. I slightly nodded, opening the bottle and smelling the cold red liquid. It didn’t smell as good as the fresh stuff, and probably would taste worse, but it’s better than harming someone and taking their blood.
I took a small sip of the red liquid, and to be honest, it was alright. The only problem; it was cold. I set it down, tasting the cold blood still tingling in my mouth.
“Is it bad or something?” Izu asked, yet again, in a concerned tone. I nodded slightly.
“It’s cold… it’s gross cold…” I told him. I hated being so picky about it, but it wasn’t the most satisfying to drink it cold.
Izu thought for a moment, and apparently thought of something. He looked at me. “Do you have a pot?”
And now was when I figured out that my boyfriend was a genius.
“Yes, there over in that cabinet,” I pointed. He opened the cabinet, taking out a pot and handing it to me.
“If you don’t like it cold, then warm it up,” he smiled. I had to admit, I always loved his warm smile.
I took the pot from his hand, pouring the thick, not-very-sweet blood into the pot. I quickly turned on the stove, and was now waiting for the blood to heat up.
I was hoping that by doing this, the blood would hopefully become sweeter, because the reason why I didn’t like it was because it was cold and not very sweet. Hopefully, by doing this, would resolve both of those issues.
Not very long after putting the pot on the stove. The scent of warm blood filled the room, making my mouth water more. Now yes, it still felt strange finding blood an appetizing meal for me, but once the scent filled the room, I kinda forgot about that aspect of it.
I went back over to the pot, Izu following behind as I lifted the pot and poured the warm, red liquid back into its glass.
I could sense Izu not really liking the smell of it, which I understood and felt bad about.
“I’m sorry about the smell of it,” I apologized, putting the now empty and used pot in the sink, which only had a few empty dishes in it.
“Don’t apologize for that, it isn’t something you can control. You’re just hungry,” he told me, giving me one of his cute little side smirks, which were adorable (in my opinion).
I picked up the now-warm blood bottle, smelling the scent of it, making my mouth water even more. I took a small sip, immediately knowing that this was better and that it helped almost tremendously.
I drank the bottle within seconds, my hunger finally satisfying over the course of those few seconds. Izu looked at me, surprised.
“That was fast,” was all he said. I looked at him, a small path of blood dripping down my chin from spilling.
“Well, it definitely helped,” I told him. “The only issue is that it isn’t as sweet as the fresh stuff.”
“I mean, that’s kinda guaranteed since it isn’t fresh, Shoto,” he told me with a straight face. I looked at him and blinked a few times.
“Whatever,” I told him, placing the empty bottle down and starting to walk to my room.
“Wait for me!” Izu stated, running up behind me. He hugged me from behind, me turning to him and hugging him back.
“You’re cute,” I told him, making him lightly blush, making him more and more cuter.
“StOp,” he said awkwardly, hiding his face in my chest adorably. I picked him up, catching him off guard. “Hey, what a-are you doing?”
“I’m carrying my adorable boyfriend,” I looked at him and smirked, making him blush more and bury his cute face into my neck.
I carried my broccoli-haired boyfriend back to my room, and placed him down on the bed. I sat down next to him, smirking at him as he glanced back up at me.
“Do you tease me on purpose,” he asked me, still blushing from before.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” I shrugged, still smirking. “Either way, you’re cute.”
“ShOoOo,” he squealed, wrapping his arms around me and hiding his, once again, blushing disaster face into my chest cutely.
I layed down on the bed, bringing Izu down with me as he laid on top of me. It was fairly late enough, and we also had school the next day, therefore we both needed rest.
“Hey Izu,” I told him. He looked up at me cutely.
“Thank you… for not being scared of me…” I told him. He just looked at me and smiled brightly.
“Heh, you’re welcome I guess… I mean, I wouldn’t hate you or be scared of you over something like this. It was an accident, and there was nothing you could do about it,” He told me. I nodded, him laying back down on my chest. “Goodnight Sho.”
“Night Izu,” I told him, closing my eyes. Once again, another long and restless night for me, although instead of getting ½ – 1 hours of sleep, I got around 4-5, which helped me tremendously.
Either way, that night I thought about the previous day, and how surprisingly well it went. I expected a lot worse reaction from everyone, but there was still something I was VERY worried about… school.
Now yes, Izu knew about me now, but no one else did, not even the staff. It was nerve wracking, and it made me scared just thinking about what all of my classmates would think of me being a blood-sucking carnivore.
“UGHHHH,” I groaned, putting the pillow over my head. Izu woke up and yawned, my pillow still over my head.
“Sho? You okay?” He asked, still half asleep.
“No,” I mumbled, my pillow still over my head. He reached over to my phone, turning off the loud alarm. I took the pillow off of my head, throwing it across the room. I stayed laying down, Izu still basically laying on top of me.
“Ugh… I don’t wanna go to school…” he mumbled into my chest. I sighed, also not really wanting to get up as we were in a very comfortable position.
“I don’t want to either…” I stated, closing my eyes again, attempting to fall back asleep. I felt him get off of me, and grabbed my hand.
“C’mon Sho, we have to get up,” he told me, trying to pull me out of bed. I groaned, not wanting to get up.
“Noooo, I wanna sleep…” I protested, although he kept pulling on my arm.
“Shoto, c’mon. We have school, and you have to tell everyone about your vampire thing,” he told me, still trying to pull me off of the bed. He managed, me then falling onto the cold floor.
I huddled up slightly, now being colder than I usually felt as I glanced up at my green-haired boyfriend.
“That’s mean,” I mumbled, sitting up from the floor.
“Well I’m sorry, but we have to get ready for school,” he told me, looking down at me. “Do you have a uniform I can borrow?” I yawned and got up, walking over to my closet sleepily and pulling out one of my uniforms.
“Sorry, it might be a bit big, but it’s all I have,” I told him. He nodded and smiled, taking the uniform.
“Thanks,” he told me. “Do you mind if I just change here?”
“That’s fine,” I told him, turning to my closet and taking out another uniform.
We both quickly changed, me trying not to look at Izu while he was a blushing disaster.
“Okay, let’s go now,” Izu said in a cheery mood, still slightly blushing from before.
Honestly, since I had had blood, the scent of it got worse, as it was starting to get very annoying. I had now tasted the thick, red liquid, and it was now something I did love. It felt odd to love something like that, but I couldn’t help it. It helped me tremendously, and I was no longer in pain since consuming it.
“Hey Sho,” Fuyumi greeted once she saw us.
“Hey  Fuyumi,” I replied.
“Are you or Izu hungry before you go?” She asked. “I made pancakes if your boyfriend is hungry, and I also warmed up some blood for you since I heard you talking about how it’s better warmed up,” she smiled. I was surprised that she’d do that for me. I gave her a small, but warm and thankful smile back.
“Thanks Yumi. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have breakfast before we leave,” I stated, and turned to Izu. “You alright with that?”
“Of course,” he said, and ran over to the island in the middle of the kitchen. I giggled slightly, and sat down next to him.
Fuyumi handed me the thick, red substance, which I gradually sipped on as she handed Izu his plate of freshly made pancakes.
“You don’t seem as hungry Sho?” Izu muttered with a mouthful of pancakes. I giggled slightly.
“No, I’m actually starving, and would love to drink it all at once,” I told him truthfully, taking another sip of the warm blood.
“Then why aren’t you?” he questioned, swallowing his pancakes. Fuyumi had also gotten quite curious, and had eased in on our conversation.
“I just don’t wanna seem like a crazy monster who’s craving blood,” I told them both truthfully, taking another sip of the blood. Of course, it was difficult holding back from drinking it all at once.
“Sho,” Izu told me. I glanced down. “If you’re hungry, then you shouldn’t hold back just because you don’t wanna seem like a monster. You aren’t a monster,” he told me. “Of course, I won’t force you as it’s your opinion, but if you really are that hungry, then there’s no reason to drink it slowly if you don’t want to.” He took another bite of his pancakes.
I thought about his words for a moment, and to be honest, really thought of drinking the red substance all at once. However, the thought kept coming back to me in the back of my mind. ‘If you do that, people will fear you and probably think you're a blood-hungry monster and animal.’ I didn’t want that whatsoever, so I just kept taking small sips of the blood in my hand, the hunger gradually fading with every sip.
Out of pure coincidence, Izu and I both finished at the same time.
“Thanks Yumi,” I thanked her, Izu turning around from walking.
“Yeah, thank you,” he told her. She smiled at the both of us, taking the dishes that were still left on the table.
“No problem, now I'd start walking to school. I wouldn’t wanna be late,” she told us both, smiling. I nodded, grabbing Izu’s hand as we started walking down the street.
“So, how are you gonna tell them all?” Izu asked me. I then realized what he meant, me looking down so I wouldn’t get blinded.
“I… don’t know… I guess I’ll just walk in and explain to everyone…” I told him. He seemed to understand. “I mean, how else would you explain something like this?”
“I don’t really know… is the sun bothering you?” He asked me. I nodded, still looking down.
“I mean, that’s normal if you’re a vampire,” I replied. He stopped, me stopping as well.
“If you want, we can go to a shaded area. You could take off your hoodie, and I could put it on. You could turn into a bat and hide in the pocket so you don’t have to worry about the sun,” he whispered to me. I debated, and honestly, it seemed like a decent idea. Better than what was currently happening.
“I mean… that isn't a bad idea…” I told him. “If you’re really okay with it, then it’d be nice I guess…”
“Alright then, let's go,” he told me, pulling me with him.
We went to a secluded area, with tons of shade. It made me happy, as there was little to no sun anywhere in this area with tons of trees. There were also not any people around, therefore it was the perfect place to do this.
I took off my hoodie, now revealing the uniform that I was wearing underneath it. It felt odd taking the hoodie off in public, since I wasn’t used to it.
I handed the black hoodie to my boyfriend, him slipping on the hoodie. It was big on him, although I thought he was cute with my clothes on, so it was fine.
“Will I even be able to fit in that pocket?” I asked him. The pocket seemed kinda small from here.
“Well, we can try,” he said, looking up at me and smiling. I gave him a small smirk back, turning into a bat. His eyes lit up from seeing my bat form, as I knew that he thought I was cute. I flapped my way into the little pocket, him holding it open for me so it’d be easier to slip inside.
Surprisingly, it worked. I fit perfectly in the small, black pocket. It was honestly comfortable, and could probably fall asleep here.
“You good in there?” Izu asked, looking down at the pocket. I peeked out and looked up at him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s honestly comfortable,” I told him, slipping back into the small pocket that I perfectly fit into.
The sun didn’t bother me that much, but that was probably because Izu was holding his hands around the pocket, preventing the sun from slipping through the fibers of the black hoodie.
“Hi Deku!” Uraraka runned up to him. Izu was still holding his hands over the pocket, me not coming out, although I could still tell by the sound of her voice that it was her.
“Hi Uraraka,” Izu smiled.
“What’s in the pocket?” she eagerly asked.
“Let’s go inside, then I’ll show you,” he told her, starting to walk inside. Uraraka followed.
As we walked, we collected a few more people on the way inside, such as Iida, Asui, and Yaoyorozu.
“Y’know, I find it odd that Todoroki isn’t here yet,” Uraraka started.
“That’s true. It is very odd,” Iida chimed in.
“You’ll find out soon in just a moment,” Izu told them. Everyone following seemed to question it, as we all approached a shady area.
“Okay Sho, you’re good to come out,” Izu said softly. I hesitated, but knew this had to be done.
I poked my head out of the pocket, everyone looking down at me as I climbed out of the pocket. Izu brang his hand down, letting me climb onto his hand as he held me in his hand.
“Who’s that?” Yaoyorozu asked politely. Izu looked down at me, smiling and slightly nodding. I hesitated, but started flapping my wings.
As soon as I turned back into myself, there was an audible gasp from multiple people.
“Todoroki? This is unexpected. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you do that?” Iida asked. I was looking down, just because it was something normal. Something I got used to. Something that made me feel safe and secure.
“Sho, show them,” Izu told me. I sighed, and looked up at everyone, their faces giving off a concerned expression.
“What happened?” Yaoyorozu asked with a concerned tone. I looked back down.
“A few weeks ago, I got bit by a vampire, and then I turned into one…” I told them, taking a step back.

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