Chapter 4

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“Calm down, it’s my brother,” I told Midoriya. He seemed surprised, but he calmed down.
“How? He looks nothing like you?” He said as Touya entered my room.
“That’s a story for another time, now what’s going on Sho? Your siblings called me over cause something was wrong,” He asked, me still not looking at him.
Midoriya just put a hand on my shoulder. “C’mon Sho, let him see.” I hesitated, but knew that it’d get out eventually. I turned towards Touya, showing him my new appearance. He didn’t seem scared at all, nor surprised in the slightest. He seemed more confused if anything.
“I see your looks have changed, but how does it bother you so much to the point where you were crying?” I could tell he was slightly confused.
“I-I got bit by a vampire… then turned into one right after…” I told him truthfully. He seemed to understand.
“So my little bro has fangs now?” I nodded, keeping my mouth shut. “Cool. I don’t understand why this bothers you so much though.” The thoughts of everyone leaving me swarmed back into my brain. I tensed up slightly, Touya coming over and sitting on the other side of me to comfort me.
“I-It bothered me… because I thought everyone would be scared of me…” I told them both truthfully. “I-I thought… everyone would leave me a-and be scared of me… even my f-family…” They both seemed surprised and sad by this.
“Todoroki, just know that I would never leave you ever,” Midoriya told me. “I’d never have any reason to leave you, especially for something like this that wasn’t your fault.” I could tell he was smiling, although I kept looking down, a few tears sliding down my pale cheeks.
“I know our family isn’t the best, but most people in the family still love you,” he told me, grinning.
“You say most because you’re still sulking over the fact that the old man loves me more,” I grinned at him, him giving me an annoyed expression.
“Oh come on, I’m trying to help you here,” he dodged. I was still smirking mischievously. “I could’ve said that he’d hate you because of what happened.” I lost my smirk.
“I couldn’t care less of what the old man thinks, I’m more worried about what mom and everyone else thinks,” I stated truthfully.
“Well when you tell them, which will hopefully be soon because Natsuo and Fuyumi have been very worried about you for the past few weeks, and it’s been kinda annoying,” he told me. “When you do tell them, just know that I can be with you if you want, and I will support you.” I nodded and looked at him, glad that he was okay with it.
“I can also be with you if you’d like,” Midoriya offered. I turned to him.
“If you want to, then it’d be helpful,” I said back. He smiled.
“Of course!”
“Anyways, when are you gonna tell them because Natsuo and Fuyumi have, like I said, been very annoying recently,” Touya told me. “They’ve literally called me everyday to tell me that I should come over and check on you, and I finally agreed when they told me that you were crying.”
I was silent for a moment.
“Well… since you’re both here, I guess I could tell Natsuo and Fuyumi now…” I told them. “Possibly mom as well if you wanna go over there right now.” I glanced at the two beside.
“If that’s what you’re comfortable with doing, then I’m okay with it,” Midoriya smiled. I grinned back at him, liking to see his cute smile.
“Yeah yeah, let’s go, I don’t wanna see your lovey-dovey shit anymore,” Touya argued, making me slightly blush, Midoriya getting rather flustered by the comment. “I don’t wanna be third-wheeling.”
“N-No, it isn’t like that,” I told my older brother since Midoriya was too flustered to speak. Touya just rolled his eyes.
“Hey Midoriya kid, can you leave for a sec, I wanna speak with the vampire,” he bluntly asked. Midoriya nodded, walking out of the room for a second.
“Can you not call me ‘the vampire’?” I asked.
“Okay Mr. Vampire,” he told me back. I rolled my eyes annoyingly. “What? You told me not to call you ‘the vampire’, so I’m calling you Mr. Vampire.” I rolled my eyes again.
“Just get to the point. Why did you need to talk to me?” He smirked, making me a bit worried of what he was gonna say.
“Well, I wanted to talk to you about your future relationship,” he smirked. I just kept my annoyed expression.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, it’s kinda obvious that you like that Midoriya kid, like, WAY more obvious than I was with Hawks,” he said, smirking. I felt my face heat up slightly.
“You were still obvious with Hawks,” I told him bluntly. He just gave me an annoyed expression.
“Not the point, I’m saying that you should confess to the man. He obviously likes you back,” he told me.
“How come you know so much about love? You never got it as a child, so how do you know about it?” He looked more annoyed.
“Hawks,” was all he said, obviously annoyed, which I understood. “So, are you gonna confess?” I sighed.
“... Probably not… He won’t like me back, especially not when I’m like this…” I told him. He facepalmed.
“Dude, you have no self confidence, just confess, I know he likes you,” Touya smirked. I felt a smirk grow onto my face.
“Says the one who was too chicken to confess to a literal chicken. The chicken had to confess to you,” I smirked. He slapped me, me of course acting over-dramatic about it.
“Whatever, I’m just giving advice,” he said. “One more thing before we go, if you ever need blood, just come to the league. Toga has tons of spare blood, and I don’t think she’d have a problem with sharing,” he said, having an annoyed expression. I could easily tell that was a lie.
“It’s Toga, I don’t think she’ll share,” I told him.
“If I’m there threatening to let you have all of it, I don’t think she’ll have a problem,” he told me. I grinned.
“Thanks,” I told him. He rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, now let’s go, your future boyfriend is waiting,” he grinned, my face heating up slightly.
“Whatever,” I said as he got up from the bed, me as well. We went outside of my room, Midoriya pacing across the hallway.
“Midoriya,” I said, getting him out of his brain. He looked at me, having a light blush on his face. Touya was just smirking, not sure why. “Your face is kinda red, you okay?” Midoriya blushed even more.
“Y-Yeah, it’s just that I got used to not seeing your face…” He said, kinda sadly. It made me frown.
“Okay, we don’t need to be sad anymore, let’s just go,” Touya pushed me forwards. I rolled my eyes, taking the lead as Midoriya and Touya followed behind, both supporting me, which made me glad.
“What’s with the new look, Shoto?” My father stepped in front of me, blocking my path. Exactly what I didn’t want right now…
I tensed up slightly, looking back at Midoriya and Touya. Touya looked annoyed, and Midoriya looked kinda surprised.
“Just tell him to get it over with,” Touya told me. I sighed, taking a deep breath as I turned back to my shitty father.
“Well… A few weeks ago, I got bit by a vampire…” I was looking down, not able to see his expression, but he seemed kinda angry and in disbelief from what I sensed. I tensed up a little more. “A-And after that, I turned into a vampire… I’ve been a vampire for the past 3 weeks… that’s all…” I finished, looking up at him.
He had an angry expression on his face, making me a bit scared.
“Failure…” he said. “How…? You should’ve been stronger, you could’ve easily prevented this, but you let this happen to yourself,” he told me, bringing my confidence level down. I mean, it wasn’t like I had one to begin with. “You’re a disgrace of a child, no wonder your mother burned you.”
“SHE BURNED ME BECAUSE OF YOU,” I screamed, getting angry at the extra comment. He seemed very pissed off now, although I didn’t care.
“DON’T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!” He yelled back, coming to smack me, although with my speed, I moved out of the way quickly. Midoriya was at a safe distance, which was helpful, and Touya was watching this unfold.
Natsuo and Fuyumi had also heard all of the noise, and had come to watch the screaming battle between my father and I. It was going alright, and I was winning as far as I could see…
“I NEVER WANTED TO BE BORN!” I screamed back, immediately covering my mouth after that sentence. I stared at him, anger filling my eyes. “I never asked to be brought into the world. You took me into this world, and if you hate me that much, then take me back out. I never asked to be made, and I couldn’t care less to be here any longer.” At this point, tears were filling my eyes as my father stared down at me, guilty and full of regret. Everyone else around me seemed sorrowful, which I didn’t care about right now. I didn’t care what the old man was feeling, as I quickly disappeared from the scene.
I reappeared in my room, walking over to my door and closing it, locking it in the process. I jumped onto my bed, and immediately started sobbing into my pillow, not wanting to face anyone right now.
Damn near my whole family, along with my crush, had just learned about my life’s worth of depression. It truly sucked, and I wish I could undo the past, but I can’t. Everyone knew about everything I had been hiding. Everyone knows I’m a vampire, a monster, and now they know about my depression that just got a whole lot worse.

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