Chapter 9 Connections

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Shi Xing was in an unspeakably complicated mood, so he decided to take a bath to wake up first, then sat on the bed after washing, and projected all the news in front of his eyes.

I feel a headache, but I have to face it even if I have a headache and confusion.

There are more than ten pieces of information, compared to Lu Lu's usual brevity, it is already a lot.

The last one was what Lu Lu told him not to be afraid, saying that he had no intention of forcing him to express his opinion.

Even if Shi Xing's decision will never be changed again, seeing such a humble sentence from the always proud Lu Lu, he still can't help being dazed, and can't ignore it badly.

Of course, as Young Master Xiao Lu, he couldn't ignore it.

[After coming back, I fell asleep on the sofa and just woke up]

Shi Xing: [I'll watch it now, and return to you after watching it]

Lu Luguo stayed in front of the communicator as Shi Xing thought, and replied in seconds, [OK]

Shi Xing bit the bullet and read up.

It was normal before, just asking about Shixing's body and what he was doing.

In the future, apart from the few confessions he saw when he woke up, there will be others, some... that can arouse Shi Xing's complicated emotions.

[I didn't know very well at the beginning, I just thought you were easy to talk to and comfortable with you. Later, when I return to the imperial capital, I will miss my life in Tree Nest. Of course, I mainly miss my classmates in Tree Nest, and I]

[I don't know when it started, but when I realized it, I couldn't ignore it]

【Often in the imperial capital, there are many things, novel, interesting, and eye-catching. When I was in school in the imperial capital, I always thought it would be nice if you were there, but you can't leave the tree nest. Later, I got used to giving you Bring some things, I hope to have more common topics with you, of course, I also always unconsciously want to get close to you and treat you well] [

Thinking about it now, it seems to have been a long time]

It has been a long time, the second year that Lu Lu came to the tree nest for a short time, then Every time I come back from the imperial capital, I will bring gifts to Shi Xing.

If the item is common, all the students in the class will share; if it is rare, Lu Lu will secretly give it to him.

At that time, Yu Man was close to Shi Xing, and he also had a good impression of Lu Lu. Lu Lu's small actions could avoid others, but they couldn't avoid Yu Man. After a long time, how could Yu Man have a balanced mind? !

In the beginning, Yu Man also fought with each other, bumping into each other inadvertently, or interfering with them when they were getting along. Later, Lu Lu noticed it and asked the teacher to change his position to separate Yu Man.

Since then, Yu Man has stopped making unnecessary attempts, but the conflict between him and Shi Xing has become deeper and deeper.

Pian Shixing used to be very tolerant, the more he tolerated, the more he indulged Yu Man.

Back then, Shi Xing still didn't understand the principle of repeating the same thing again and again, and blindly giving in. There will always be a time when there is no way to retreat, and some things... can't be let go from the beginning.

Thinking wrongly, Shi Xing already had a decision in his heart when he focused his eyes on the projection again.

Yes, there are many things that cannot go astray from the very beginning.

In fact, in the tree garden, apart from the explicit refusal, he had already explained the reasons for his inappropriateness very thoroughly.

Lu Lu didn't believe it, and he didn't want to force it, so he planned to evaluate his talent...but unexpectedly, Lu Lu confessed his love.

The time for intuition to refuse is now. Shi Xing took a long breath and typed: [I finished reading]

The four words are only narrative, without emotion or attitude. Lu Lu intuitively feels that the not very good.

Sure enough, Shi Xing didn't mention the confession, but instead said, 【You should know that once you have been in the tree nest for so long, once the Blue Star people choose someone, it is equivalent to handing over their lives to the other party, right? 】

The words were too heavy, seeing the words "put your life in the hands of the other party", Lu Lu's eyelids twitched, and his anxiety became more and more intense.

[I know]

[The blue star people are different from the imperial people. Even if the spiritual sea of ​​the imperial people dries up, they can still have a long lifespan. Once the spiritual sea of ​​the blue star people starts to dry up during the growth period, they will die naturally in a few years]

Lu Lun entered with a steady finger, promised, [I won't let you do this]

Shi Xing: "..."

Shi Xing smiled wryly.

[Lu Lu, I want to be a medical doctor]

Shi Xing didn't respond to Lu Lu's promise, but he said this sentence endlessly. Although it wasn't a rejection, Lu Lu was not a fool either.

Especially after he had unilaterally confessed for so long without getting any clear reply, this sentence in Lu Lu's eyes seemed to be setting the stage for something, and it completely ignited his anxiety, [You can't be with me. Become a healer? 】

Once the annoyed emotion rushed out, it couldn't be contained anymore.

[Is there anything wrong with the Lu family? Is there something wrong with me? 】

When Shi Xing was asked, he didn't know how to answer for a while, and the short pause seemed to be some kind of tacit consent, which further stimulated Lu Lu.

Lu Lu: [Before you were worried that I would not be able to support you. I went to the library later and read all the results of the talent evaluation. I am sure and sure. The highest tree nest has only given an A-level evaluation] [Although I do not agree with

this It should be said, but even if you are A-level, you will become an S-level medical doctor in the future, I don't think it's a problem for the Lu family to raise you] Before waiting for Shixing's reply, Lu Lu said again, [Yes, I haven't

been graded yet, but It is impossible for the Lu family to lack crystal stones. Beast cores can be exchanged for the other six major legions. Even if they cannot be exchanged, there will always be some in the black market of the alliance. ]

[There is no problem in grading my mental power to SS level]

[Shi Xing, I don't understand, I don't understand what you have to be afraid of]

Is it that difficult to agree to him, he... is not a person with poor conditions , on the contrary, he has always been excellent among his peers.

[Or you already have other ideas, and you don't like the Lu family, and you don't like me anymore]

The self-deprecating, almost venting emotions, was too sharp, Shi Xing didn't return for a long time.

When Lu Lu later realized that something was wrong, it was too late to withdraw.

Shi Xing: 【Didn't you say you wouldn't force me? ]

Lu Lu's words were repeated by Shi Xing, as if a wake-up call sounded in his ears, deafening.

Shi Xing: [I'm not afraid]

It's come to this point, Shi Xing gave up the euphemism, "The Lu family is fine, you're fine too" The

moment Lu Lu saw the eight characters, his heart skipped a beat.

There is no fear, the Lu family is very good, and he is also very good... This topic...

Huge panic swept Lu Lu...

Shi Xing: [Matching is not a trivial matter, I originally wanted to think about it carefully]

Think about how to minimize the damage.

[But if you must give an answer today]

The words "I don't think we are suitable" are halfway through.

【sorry! ] Lu Lu's abrupt apology interrupted his reply.

This sentence was almost instinctively completed by Lu Lu. Before he realized what he had done, he had already typed and pressed send.

After a while, Lu Lu repeated: [I'm sorry, I was too excited just now]

[I didn't intend to force you, but maybe I've been too concerned about gain and loss recently]

[I really like you, Xing Xing]

I like you so much that I can't accept it at all. With a strong premonition, what Shi Xing will say later.

[Is it true that you said "consider carefully"? ]

[Forget it, it's okay, you're right, I shouldn't force you, and you don't have to worry about it today]

[Since you're not at ease, let's talk about it after the talent assessment. After thinking about it, let's continue]

and wait for him to calm down and clear his mind.

After a pause, Lu Lu said affirmatively, [Yes, wait until the evaluation comes out] When

the evaluation comes out, at least there will be no more excuses of "can't afford it".

[Sorry I lost my temper tonight, so be it, I'm off]

Before Shi Xing recovered, Lu Lu's avatar turned gray first.

Lu Lu...was he afraid of his rejection?

There was no answer, Shi Xing tried to send a few more messages, but they all fell to nothing, confirming that Lu Lu would not reply again.

After turning off the communicator, Shi Xing didn't know whether to be grateful or regretful, and his thoughts were confused.

Forget it, let's talk about it after the talent assessment. At that time, Lu Lu will not suspect that his reason is just an excuse.

Before falling asleep, Shi Xing thought that he had to take a good rest recently, one Yu Man and one Lu Lu, he couldn't mess up the talent evaluation anymore.

Maybe because he was confessed, or maybe because he recalled some of the past during the conversation, Shi Xing had another nightmare.

This time the dream was clear, and the voice of the princess was so real.

——"That's enough, it's really not enough, send him back to the tree nest."

——"There is no precedent for sending him back, just send him back!"

The too sharp voice seemed to pierce Time and Star, making him frown Frowning, as if he was about to wake up in the next second.

In the next second, Shi Xing didn't wake up, a powerful spiritual force suppressed all the turmoil, flowing in his spiritual sea, like a pair of gentle and strong hands, covering his eyes and ears, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet .

Shi Xing felt that the breath was very familiar, which reassured him, but he couldn't remember who it came from.

Shi Xing on the bed slowly relaxed his brows again, and fell asleep again.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness!"

The moment Chi Yao sat up from the bed, Fu Qing and his servant knocked on the door almost at the same time.

Chi Yao realized later that his mental power had leaked out.

When the two came in, Chi Yao was already exploring his spiritual sea. To his surprise, there was no abnormality in the spiritual sea. On the contrary, he lived in the tree nest, and his state was more stable than usual.

Chi Yao: "I'm fine."

"The spiritual sea is still stable now, and there is still some time before my disorder erupts."

The servant asked and retreated. Fu Qing had already left, but when he thought of something, he stopped and turned around again Come, stop talking.

Chi Yao doesn't like to guess, "Say what you have, and leave without saying." After

a moment of silence, making up a certain determination, Fu Qing half-kneeled and saluted, "Your Majesty, you are not going to take away any blue stars this year. People?"

Changed all the titles outside, which shows that it is very formal, Chi Yao looked at Fu Qing quietly after hearing this.

Fu Qing: "The doctor has made it clear that your disorder can no longer be forcibly suppressed with medication, and must be relieved in time."

Chi Yao remained expressionless, "Oh, so the elders will urge me every year, so you should join too, right? "

Chi Yao also changed his name.

Fu Qing's cold sweat broke out in the incomprehensible tone of voice. He knew that His Majesty hated others urging him, so although this thought had been swirling in his heart for a long time, he kept it in his throat and didn't say anything, but, but... ...

Fu Qing lowered his head fiercely, "I know it's because there have been no Blue Stars with a matching level, so you haven't been matched for a long time, but this year's situation is different. Consider it?"

Chi Yao and he both knew who Fu Qing was referring to.

After hearing this, Chi Yao didn't speak for a long time.

Just when Fu Qing felt that there was hope, Chi Yao said, "Then how much do you think his talent evaluation can make it possible for him to become a medical doctor with a mental power level of 3s?" The still indifferent tone was like a basin of cold

water , I poured Fu Qing to cool my heart.

That's right, His Majesty's level of spiritual power is too high. If it is not for an sss-level medical doctor, I am afraid that it cannot be cured.

Fu Qing knew that there was a high probability that Shi Xing would exceed the S-level, but this was completely different from his possibility of reaching the SSS-level. The tree nest had existed for more than a hundred years, and during this period, there had not been a single SSS-level medical practitioner...

Even if it is SS level, this will be the first one.

But His Majesty's meaning is obvious... He only wants 3s level.

Fu Qing didn't speak for a long time, Chi Yao raised his hand and waved, "Okay, step back."

A gust of spiritual wind sent Fu Qing straight out of the bedroom, and when Fu Qing stood still, the door was closed tightly in front of him.

Chi Yao was disturbed and couldn't sleep. He got up and drank water by the window, shrouded in the mental power of the mother tree, and the feeling of disturbing his sleep suddenly came again, but when he was awake, Chi Yao could be sure of his spirit There is nothing unusual about the sea.

Realizing something, Chi Yao held a wisp of wind outside the window and let it go.

This ray of spiritual wind fluttered under the cover of the mother tree, rushed into Shi Xing's room, and finally sank into Shi Xing's body.

The moment he felt completely calm, Chi Yao frowned and murmured, "It's only once or twice. Is the connection so strong ?



Another week passed, and Shi Xing checked him for the last time. The doctor confirmed that he was fine, and the administrator finally announced the specific date for the talent assessment.

On this day, Lieutenant General Xiang Heze, who belonged to the Xiang Family of the Fifth Army, and Major General Tan Yan, who belonged to the Tan Family of the Seventh Army, also arrived at the tree nest at the same time.

The author has something to say:

I just want to see how many people in the comment area will shout "fight"!

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthWhere stories live. Discover now