Chapter 105 Butterfly Wings

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  The stars are falling.

He wasn't completely unconscious.

In fact, since he entered the second stage of maturity, he is not prone to fainting at every turn, but this does not reduce everyone's worries, because with the growth of his ability, he will still have symptoms of discomfort and no coma. But the corresponding symptoms will last longer, a little less than a week or two, and longer, lasting for nearly two months.

He was falling, but he felt like something was pulling him, making him not very fast.

Not the energy of the wind.

Shi Xing can feel it.

He is too tired, exhausted, and has no mental strength to use the talent of his partner that he has obtained from his spiritual sea.

But there is something constantly rushing in, supporting him in vain.

Shi Xing felt that he had turned into a feather, dangling and slowly descending.

In fact, he felt right.

Because the energy dissipating in the air around him, along with his absorption, has formed an energy vortex to surround him.

And the center of the vortex is him.

Chi Yao rushed out, followed closely by Er Ya, Fei Chu and Fu Qing, together with all the senior officers of Shi Xing Squad, Tan Jue Ying Geng and Xiang Fei followed them in a row.

Realizing something, Erya turned her head and shouted to Fei Chu, "Don't let the remaining officers and troops in the rear stop, Shi Xing is still absorbing energy!"

Erya stretched out her hand, moving forward at high speed, removing the wind that penetrated her fingers , hidden in the wind, there is also rushing energy.

Fei Chu was taken aback, then pressed the communicator and shouted.

"Bi Zhou, use you as the dividing line, let the team retreat, the situation here is wrong."

Bi Zhou was stunned, "Ah, then I..."

Fei Chu understood, and said, "Of course you don't come, go back! "

Indeed, seeing that something was wrong between Shi Xing and Chi Yao, Er Yafei Chu was chasing after him, and Bi Zhou also subconsciously chased after him.

Gritting his teeth, Bi Zhou responded, "Okay."

"Call me if you have anything."

Even if he hasn't fully grown, his mental power is not weak, and he is second only to Chi Yao.

Fei Chu didn't answer, there was only the whistling wind on the communicator, and he didn't care about answering.

Erya turned around and released the barrier, blocking most of the people behind him. Fei Chu cooperated tacitly, and immediately said loudly, "The situation is wrong, you wait here first!"

As the team leader who first joined Shixing's command, Fei Chu's status is second only to Shi Xing's existence.

Ying Geng and Tan Jue responded quickly: "Got it."

Immediately formed a team and stood by.

Erya frowned again, "No, that's bad..."

The barrier she released in the air is also melting, except for the targeted absorption of individual spiritual power, Shi Xing is absorbing energy in the air almost indiscriminately.

But the point is, he has already absorbed a D-grade 3s mutant star beast, so much energy...

Erya is afraid that Shixing can eat it, but can't digest it!

"Can you catch up with Chi Yao?"

Er Ya asked Fu Qing.

Fu Qing sincerely said, "That's full speed, maybe a little dizzy."

Er Ya: "Then go full speed."

Misty, Shi Xing saw someone coming towards him from the sky, calling his name.

"Your Highness..."

Shi Xing murmured subconsciously.

Seeing Shi Xing falling, almost without thinking, Chi Yao also swooped down.

Getting closer, in a trance, a rare anxious expression appeared on Chi Yao's face in Shi Xing's vision.

Are you worried about him?

Chi Yao didn't meet Shi Xing after all, and was interrupted by Erya who was chasing him, and directly built a barrier to prevent him from approaching.

Erya yelled, "Don't come close, he is still absorbing the dissipated energy in the surrounding air." "

If you touch him and his mental power is drawn like a star beast, the situation will be even worse. The spiritual sea can't hold energy." There is a limit, and I can't bear so much high-level mental power!"

Er Ya's words quickly calmed Chi Yao down.

Distinguishing the perception carefully, Chi Yao frowned. Erya was right. The energy in the air was converging towards the time star, and even the barrier released by Erya disintegrated into pure energy around the time star, and then followed the air Yes, all flow to the time star.

"You undo the barrier!"

Keep it on, the stars will absorb more after disintegration.

Seeing Chi Yao's reaction, Er Ya withdrew her spiritual power from Shan Ruliu.

A wind surged from the bottom, and when he was approaching the time star, he lost his restraint, and it was only used to prevent his downward trend.

In a few seconds, or more than ten seconds, Shi Xing's body finally reached balance under the action of the wind and was suspended in the air.

Knowing that Shi Xing will absorb mental power, Chi Yao dare not use mental power to control the wind nearby, he can only do so.

During this period, Erya Feichu and Fu Qing also arrived at Chi Yao's side one after another.

Erya: "I clean up the energy in the surrounding air and let him absorb less."

Chi Yao nodded, Erya estimated the radius of the time star's forced absorption of spiritual power, released the spiritual power outside the radius, and will converge towards the time star energy is absorbed first.

Fei Chu: "Then what should we do now? It's impossible to just let the wind support it like this. Will Xingxing's body get sick after blowing for a long time?" Fu Qing choked, and slowly admitted, "It's

very likely.

" His body really couldn't bear too much toss.

Fei Chu had a headache: "After fighting for so long, there is all the energy dissipated from the battle just now. Is it possible to put the stars in space."

Er Ya immediately rejected his proposal, "Impossible, outer space also has energy Chaotic flow, are you sure you won't attract it?" "

And the energy exchange on him is also very large now, releasing a little mental power on the desolate star will attract the D-rank mutant star beast. Just after solving it, you can guarantee that he will be in space. Won't it attract something more powerful?"

Fei Chu was speechless.

He can't guarantee it.

Fu Qing: "Let the unmanned ship come over and catch the people first?"

Chi Yao changed his tone, "Yes."

It's a way.

Ye Jun personally steered an unmanned battleship to prevent Time Star from absorbing the spar in the energy bin. Outside the energy bin, Erya's barrier was superimposed on Chi Yao's, firmly locking and protecting the power source.

After a while, Shi Xing fell into the unmanned ship, and before entering, his hand held up on the dome.

Erya found something, "He didn't lose consciousness."

Chi Yao's voice was very soft, "I didn't faint, but it was very uncomfortable."

The shadows were faint, and Chi Yao could feel the trance of Shi Xing's thoughts. He didn't faint, but there was nothing left How much self-awareness.

Erya was startled: "Connection?"

Chi Yao nodded.

At critical moments, there will be some empathy between the Blue Stars and their partners at both ends of the connection.

Shi Xing has experienced too much today. First, he tested the formation against ss-level star beasts, tested a new combat plan, then opened a barrier to block them, and finally was dragged away by the mutation ability of the mutant star beast... Chi Yao frowned,

shaking Shaking his head, abandoning these disturbing thoughts, he descended with the battleship carrying Time Star.

The clouds in Shi Xing's eyes are getting farther and farther away.

From the initial comfort of absorbing energy, the body became extremely uncomfortable again.

It seems that there is no external injury, but the ups and downs of energy in the spiritual sea make Shi Xing's internal organs seem to have shifted, and he can't tell where he feels uncomfortable, but he feels uncomfortable everywhere.

The body is very heavy, as if filled with lead, and it takes effort to move.

Shi Xing breathed heavily, like an old bellows, inexplicably giving the illusion of dilapidation.

During this period, Erya scanned Shixing's spiritual sea with her mental power. As she expected, she absorbed the mutated spiritual power of the star beast, and Shixing's spiritual sea was closed again. From the outside, she could feel that it was filled with an incredible amount of energy, but Can't get in at all.

It is the protection of outsiders, and it is also an act of self-preservation.

But in the process of descending, the rate at which Time Star absorbed energy did not slow down.

Perhaps because of absorbing Chi Yao's spiritual power, Shi Xing can also use his innate ability, which is a good thing in normal times, but now... Chi Yao can feel that the surrounding wind is converging towards them. It's not big, but it carries the energy dissipated in the air.

A few minutes later, the unmanned battleship landed.

The ordered army has landed more than a thousand meters away from here.

Bi Zhou also rushed over with what Chi Yao wanted.

It is a backup emergency robot on the main ship.

The battleship opened, and the robot took out the time star and placed it on the military inflatable air cushion.

The moment he saw Shi Xing's face, Chi Yao's heart contracted, and after subconsciously taking a step, he restrained himself from stopping.

Shi Xing is still conscious.

I can feel something is wrong with me, but what is wrong specifically, I'm afraid I have to wait until he sits up...

Shi Xing put his hands on the inflatable air cushion, knowing that there are people in front of him, it's not good to lie down, and he wants to sit up, but it doesn't work.

Hissing softly, Shi Xing couldn't help curling up his body.

It took half a year to replenish, but the high-intensity daily training left Shi Xing with little fat left in his body. When he bent, the shape of his spine was clearly printed through the thin combat uniform. This scene made Chi Yao's side hand clenched instantly .

"Robot." Chi Yao reminded.

Shi Xing stretched out his hand, and the robot got the behavior instruction, and finally helped Shi Xing up.

After sitting up, everyone could see Shi Xing clearly, his face was sweating and his face was pale.

Er Ya: "He consumed too much today."

And when he sat up, he was no longer suspended in the air, his senses returned to their place again, and Shi Xing finally realized what was wrong with him.

He is still absorbing energy.

dissipated in the air.

He... couldn't stop.

Shi Xing stared blankly at his hand. In a trance, his talent was activated. He saw that the energy density of his body was much higher than usual, and a strange orange red appeared in his field of vision. It was dazzling, and it was also like a danger warning. .

If he felt something, Shi Xing was startled and raised his head.

Seeing this, Chi Yao and Er Ya also raised their heads.

The scene in front of me was suffocating.

The clouds are constantly converging in their direction, forming a natural vortex overhead and extending downward.

Below the center of the vortex, facing the time star.

Of course, the principle has nothing to do with the clouds. It is the time star absorbing energy, and the talent drives the wind element, so that the wind on this planet carries energy to drive towards them, and then gather together, resulting in this shocking vision Effect.

But it just means...

Chi Yao Bilya first released his spiritual power of perception, and said affirmatively, "The energy above the clouds is accumulating, and they are going down."

Shi Xing is still absorbing energy indiscriminately.

"You have to stop the stars." Er Ya said.

"The star beast is dead, you are safe, calm down and concentrate on stopping energy absorption."

Shi Xing nodded weakly, trying.

Dozens of seconds, or a few minutes passed, Shi Xing opened his eyes again, raised his hand, and the energy density in his body became even greater.

Looking up at the sky again, the clouds were constantly lowering, Shi Xing felt suffocated for a moment, clenched his hands for a moment, but his face didn't show, and he spoke.

"You guys are too close, I'm very sensitive to mental power now." "

I...need you guys to step back a little and give me a little space."

His throat slipped, Shi Xing's voice was vain, but he remained firm. , "Stand back a few hundred meters and don't disturb me."

Erya felt something was wrong.

Chi Yao's eyes fell on Shi Xing's hand, his eyes moved slightly.

Erya immediately vetoed it, "No, you are not in this state. If you faint, the remaining energy will make you mentally collapse after being absorbed." Seeing

Shi Xing take a deep breath and close his eyes again, Erya: " Someone must make sure you are awake..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Yao waved his hand back and said at the same time, "You guys back away, I will guard him."

With the wind in his mind, he pushed everyone back by the middle, The strength is not great, but the level of suppression makes people unable to resist.

When Shi Xing opened his eyes again, he saw Chi Yao.

Shi Xing suffocated.

The knuckles contracted again, and he called out, "Your Highness."

Chi Yao nodded, his eyes fixed on Shi Xing's face, observing him, and said: "They all backed away, stop concentrating now, I will accompany you "

Shi Xing's knuckles turned white due to the force on the back of his hand.

"Your Highness, why don't you..."

"Shh, concentrate."

Facing those smoky eyes, Shi Xing had the illusion of being seen through.

Gritting his teeth, nodding after a while, Shi Xing tried.

Once, twice, three times...

Shi Xing's combat uniform was soaked in sweat and stuck tightly to his body.

With the energy absorption and repeated failed attempts, Shi Xing's eye ends turned red, and the discomfort in his body increased, forcing the corners of his eyes to blush.

Taking another deep breath, Shi Xing shook his head, "No, I can't concentrate." He

paused, lowered his head, and repeated the old saying, "Your Highness, your existence disturbs me too much, you are still like them..."

" Where is the interference?"

Chi Yao's question was even a little unreasonable.

Shi Xing stifled, and explained, "Your sense of spiritual presence is too high." "


"It will interfere with me, so that I can't concentrate and stop."

Chi Yao stopped talking, and the silence lasted for a long time Shi Xing's heart was raised, feeling uneasy.

When he opened his mouth again, Chi Yao's voice was cold, and he said a little impersonally, "Look up at me and say it again."

Shi Xing's heart skipped a beat.

"Look up."

Chi Yao said forcefully.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, Shi Xing raised his face, his eyes were deeply red, and physiological tears overflowed at some point.

Chi Yao, on the other hand, was extremely calm.

The moment he saw His Highness's expression, Shi Xing was sure, and His Highness saw it through.

He...he didn't deceive the other party this time.

Probably if you have been deceived by him a lot, you will have a hunch, some methods can be used, but you can't.

Chi Yao stretched out his hand to hold Shi Xing's hand in front of him. Shi Xing had no strength, and his palm was easily turned over. Blood oozes from the palm of his hand. It was Shi Xing who kept clenching his fist in order to stay awake, and his fingernails sank into his flesh caused by.

Chi Yao looked at his hand, let out a light breath, and then looked directly at him, his smoky eyes seemed to be able to see through the bottom of people's hearts.

"Is it because our presence disturbs you, or is it because you're not sure if you can stop, and you want to send everyone away for safety?"

Everyone, including him.

Shi Xing did not speak.


However, the silence didn't last for a few seconds. Feeling something, Shi Xing stared, "Your Highness, let me go, I'm here, here..."

Chi Yao helped him complete the second half of the sentence without changing his face, "Well, you Absorbing my spiritual power."

Shi Xing shook his hands frantically, but Chi Yao held Shi Xing just like that, and with the physical fitness of an imperial man, he couldn't break free at all.

Chi Yao told his real situation now, "You can't stop absorbing energy."

Chi Yao's mental power was pouring into Shixing's body, and the speed was not slow.

Shi Xing felt it.

Using the other hand to break Chi Yao's tightly clasped knuckles, Shi Xing struggled, "Let go..."

Chi Yao remained unmoved, and even said firmly, "No, stop."

"I don't want to absorb it. " My mental strength, you stop yourself."

Unable to break away from Chi Yao, uncomfortable, anxious, coupled with being seen through by the loved one, conflict broke out, Shi Xing broke down emotionally, and finally admitted.

"I won't, I really won't."

It's not so much that I got through the two veins of Ren and Du at a critical moment, it's better to say that I was acting on instinct and with the awareness of survival, and I was relieved...

"From the beginning I If I can't learn this ability, I don't know how to get it now..."

He tried, but it didn't work.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't feel Erya's method.

"Let go of me!"

"If this continues, I will drain your mental strength."

If this continues...he will kill His Highness.

Like the star beast, the imperial man is also full of spiritual power in his body. He can feel it now. If this continues, he will lose control like this... Shi Xing shook his head, and pushed Chi Yao in a panic, but Chi Yao didn't feel much strength , but the blue veins on the back of Shi Xing's hand and forehead showed how hard it was for him.

Chi Yao's eyes were not untouched by this scene.

He wanted to touch Shi Xing's cheek, but moved his fingers slightly, but held back.

Hardened his heart, and said firmly, "Don't let go."

"Two choices."

"Either you calm down and take back your abilities, or..."

After a pause, Chi Yao's voice was very soft, "Let's just do it.

" Xing didn't understand, "What do you mean by just doing that?"

Staring deeply at Shi Xing, he leaned over to his partner and moved closer. It was obviously a lingering gesture, but Chi Yao's words were cruel and realistic.

"Of course I was drained of my mental power by you."

"You can't stop, after absorbing too much energy, your mental sea collapses."

Shi Xing's pupils trembled, "Your body will disintegrate."

You will die.

Chi Yao calmly said, "Well, wouldn't your spiritual world also collapse, the same."

Shi Xing was shocked at how easily Chi Yao could say such words, his chest heaved and his mind was a rare blank.

Chi Yao's tone had a kind of detached calmness, "I brought you out of the tree's nest. Without you, the accident happened, and I, the responsible person, have a good reason."

"Besides, the Blue Star people who died unexpectedly in the empire basically died with their partners."

After a pause, he hooked the corners of his lips at Shi Xing, and even smiled a little, jokingly said, "Can you die in the sky?" It's quite romantic together."

Looking at that smile, Shi Xing seemed to be fixed by something, and then trembled uncontrollably.

"No, don't say such things!"

Realizing that Chi Yao was not joking, Shi Xing's teeth were trembling.

An indescribable fear finally rose from the bottom of my heart.

Even worse than when facing mutant star beasts.

Chi Yao's smile subsided, and he could not comment again, and gave the only option he could offer, "Then you take back your ability, stop." Forced

to a desperate situation, knowing that there is no room for negotiation, Shi Xing nodded, tears overflowing uncontrollably , and finally followed Chi Yao's voice, "I control it, I can control it."

Seeing Shi Xing's thinking turned around, Chi Yao heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, Doctor Shi save me."

The voice even It also has two points of tenderness.

Shi Xing didn't know how Chi Yao did it.

But he could feel the ruthlessness in the other party, and he was stung severely.

Trembling, he concentrated again, this time Shixing had no distracting thoughts.

The next moment, seeing that the clouds were too low, Chi Yao opened the barrier to isolate the energy.

Sensing the passing of the opponent's mental power again, Shi Xing closed his eyes and stopped struggling in vain. Instead, he took the initiative to hold Chi Yao tightly, and after two unsuccessful attempts, he called Erya and asked Erya to dictate the method.

The communicator failed under the energy vortex, but fortunately the distance was short, and Erya's voice could still be heard through spiritual power.

"Take a deep breath and push the energy out."

"Stop the absorption."

"Imagine that you are healing others and try to release the spiritual power. This is the opposite process of absorbing the spiritual power."

Erya shouted, providing references for Shi Xing every sentence.

After a few more attempts, Shi Xing lost his strength, Chi Yao held Shi Xing in his arms, and accepted the only solution, Shi Xing finally followed his heart and leaned his forehead on Chi Yao for strength.

In the difficult place, I even said to myself over and over again, "I can do it, I can do it."

At this time, it is all driven by faith.

Chi Yao felt distressed.

But he is more ruthless.

Following Shi Xing's words, he deepened his hint, "Yes, you can."

"You still want to cure me."

This sentence aroused Shi Xing's numb nerves, and nodded, "Yes, I still want to cure you "

Chi Yao: "Become the strongest medical doctor in the empire."

Shi Xing smiled, but physical tears flowed down in pain, and he nodded heavily, "Yes, become the strongest medical doctor in the empire."

Chi Yao seldom There are negative emotions towards himself, but at this moment, he doesn't feel that he is glamorous.

Somewhere in his heart, he thought, using himself as a bargaining chip, he should be mean.

But again, he'll do it anyway.

In silence, Chi Yao and Shi Xing clasped their knuckles apart. After adjusting the angle slightly, they inserted into Shi Xing's fingers one by one, interlocking their fingers.

From Chi Yao's dry palm came a temperature that reassured Shi Xing.

Thinking about Erya's words, Shi Xing thought mechanically in his mind, treatment, treatment...

he will.

He has used it countless times.

he can.

Repeatedly, tirelessly.

After trying for an unknown amount of time, the process of absorbing was slightly stagnant, Shi Xing finally felt the resistance, closed his eyes and did not speak, and continued to push his mental power outward.

When Chi Yao could feel that the passage of mental power had slowed down, he looked down at Shi Xing.

Shi Xing took a deep breath and continued to fight against instinct.

Chi Yao took Shi Xing's hand away, but Shi Xing didn't resist, but used his strength to bury his head and face deeper into the opponent's arms.

In the extreme pain, the world was nothingness, and Shi Xing could only feel the existence of Chi Yao.

Little by little, little by little...

When Chi Yao's mental power was no longer absorbed by Time Star, Chi Yao finally removed the barrier.

Once the barrier was opened, the wind seemed to be much quieter.

At the moment when the wind was completely still, Shi Xing was about to let go, but Chi Yao held him back, "Don't stop." "

Go on, release your mental power."

"You've absorbed too much, you have to throw some out."

The words remained firm, and Shi Xing's eyebrows frowned together: "But I feel so uncomfortable."

When Shi Xing was forced like this, Chi Yao felt uncomfortable: "I know."

His voice paused, and suddenly became very soft.

"But I can't stand your accident. It's completely unacceptable."

As a monarch, he talks about facts and evidence in everything. Chi Yao seldom says such idealistic words.

"So, even if it is to satisfy my selfishness, Xing Xing, throw out more energy."

At the end, her tone seemed to be coaxing and pleading.

Shi Xing's heart was pinched by something, and it softened into a ball.

Pressing his forehead against Chi Yao's chest again, no matter how bad it looked, he nodded heavily.

As time passed, Er Ya and Fei Chu also approached again.

Chi Yao embraced Shi Xing, allowing Erya to feel Shi Xing's spiritual sea.

Erya felt it and was shocked.

Chi Yao: "Do you still need to release energy?" Er Ya: " To be on the

safe side, it would be better to empty the free mental power on the surface of the spiritual sea."


Chi Yao nodded, and Shi Xing responded sullenly.

In the back, Shi Xing could feel exhausted, and the release of mental power was very subtle and gradually slowed down.

But before Erya agreed, Shi Xing didn't stop even though it was difficult.

I can't toss anymore, I just insist on will.

After another long time, it was confirmed that Shi Xing was not in any danger, nor was it dangerous to people, Er Ya helped him draw out the last of his spiritual power.

"Okay, stop."

Erya's words fell in Shi Xing's ears like the sound of heaven.

Unloading his strength, he planted his whole body on Chi Yao, even if he was still conscious, Shi Xing had no strength at all.

"Medical kit, bring some wet wipes." Chi Yao said.

Fu Qing complied, and after listening to the request, went to the main ship to get things.

With a sigh of relief, Chi Yao unconsciously hugged Shi Xing tightly, with an unusually strong strength.

Erya walked a few steps to the side, looked at the cumulus clouds above her head, had a bad feeling, and asked Fei Chudao, "In your perception, is the energy of this planet turbulent?" Her mental

power was also very exhausted, Don't want to use it anymore.

Fei Chu tried it, "What I can feel is turbulence."

Erya sighed, but knew that the energy dissipated by the time star in the process could no longer be controlled, so she simply didn't worry about it, and was going to go back. See whether to leave the planet immediately, or open all defense barriers.

After all, the volume of this kind of energy fluctuation will attract more than one or two star beasts.

Fu Qing is back.

Chi Yao wiped Shi Xing's face carefully with his own hands, wrapped him in an army blanket, and Chi Yao stood up holding Shi Xing.

I don't feel it if I don't move, just standing up, Chi Yao's body swayed in a rare way.

Er Ya was taken aback, "You..."

Immediately after seeing Chi Yao shaking his head to himself, Er Ya shut up when he realized something.

Chi Yao carried Shi Xing to the main ship.

Feeling relieved, Erya's figure also swayed, purely due to excessive energy consumption.

He was helped by Fei Chu.

Fei Chu suddenly asked, "What charades were you playing just now?"

Fei Chu noticed Chi Yao and Erya's maneuvers.

Er Ya glanced at Fei Chu, and laughed: "You don't want to know."

Chi Yao's mental strength has bottomed out, and that's what she just wanted to say.

But Chi Yao didn't want Shi Xing to feel guilty, so he shook his head at her.

Tsk. love.

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