Chapter 94 Apology

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   After Chi Yao said so, a large number of doctors, nurses and servants retreated. Qin Jue and Xiang Fei thought about it and then left. The officers left behind Fei Chu and Fu Qing, medical doctor Erya, and the two servants Xu Now with Yan Changyue.

When everyone was almost gone, Chi Yao couldn't help shaking his body after taking a breath.

Erya knows why.

"You'd better take a rest, Xing Xing won't be able to wake up, and you'll be exhausted and need to recover."

Then Xu Jin stepped forward nervously, supported Chi Yao, and asked.

Shi Xing's matter was discussed, and Er Ya had time to talk about Chi Yao's situation, "It's nothing, it's not a big problem, but self-healing consumes a lot of mental power." "Self-healing?" Xu Jin was surprised


There were also other people in the room who showed surprise expressions.

Erya nodded, "Yes, self-healing."

"The star absorbed the violent energy in a crack, and Behrman's gene was strong, and he began to heal himself immediately after that."

Feeling that a result should be given, Erya added "When the stars were not right, His Highness cut off his mental power immediately. The crack didn't disappear completely, but it shrunk a lot, and there should be some energy left in it." Chi Yao didn't look very happy on his face


Glancing at Shi Xing who was sleepy on the bed, he said in a deep voice, "I don't know how much he has absorbed."

Er Ya enlightened, "Be content, the situation is not the worst."

Chi Yao frowned slightly, disagreeing very much, "Why? Is it the worst?"

Erya opened his mouth and said, "For example, the star beast didn't attack you so many times back then, all the spiritual power gathered in one place, and there was only one crack in your spiritual sea. You have also seen that Shi Xing is not in the right state to absorb these energies. If you don't Scattered, I don't know how much will be absorbed, what do you think?"

Chi Yao couldn't breathe out, "Thank you for your hypothesis."

Er Ya shrugged, "You're welcome."

Fei Chu: "..."

Fu Qing: "..."

Yan Changyue: "..."

Chi Yao changed his breath, raised his chin to Erya, and said coldly, "Get up, let me see Shixing."

Erya sat on the edge of the bed beside Shixing, indeed It hindered Chi Yao from investigating.

Erya got up and moved out of the way, moved her body, patted her shoulder and said, "I'm going downstairs to eat something, I've been tossing so much, I'm hungry."

Xu Jin only looked at the time, and it was almost time for dinner.

Chi Yao reminded, "Don't forget to come back in the next hour to see his spiritual world."

Erya walked out, waved her hand, "I know, I will never forget."

Fei Chu chased Erya out the door.

Outside the door, Fei Chu suddenly said, "Don't always talk to my cousin when he's in a bad mood."

Er Ya raised her eyebrows curiously.

"Are you worried that I'll be mad at him?"

After a moment of silence, Fei Chu said, "After all, it's His Majesty of the Empire, it's scary to get angry."

Oh, that's what he meant because he was afraid that Chi Yao would target Erya.

Erya smiled, "Not at all."

He said clearly, "Your cousin won't be really angry with someone who is not close enough."

Fei Chu choked, and searched the past memories carefully, and it was exactly as Erya said .

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

In the room, Chi Yao reached out and touched Shi Xing's forehead, the temperature was as usual, he couldn't help sighing.

Then release the mental power perception, and the depression is even more lingering.

Shi Xing's spiritual sea is self-blocked, he can't even feel it, let alone other people.

What's more, there is still a bond of connection between them.

Xu Jin on the side was still immersed in the excitement of Chi Yao's crack shrinking, and when he regained his composure and saw Shi Xing, he calmed down again as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

Before knowing the price, it is really impossible to be purely happy.

Yan Changyue persuaded, "Your Majesty, clean up."

Chi Yao didn't move, he shouldn't be at such a close distance, Yan Changyue didn't dare to say more.

Chi Yao suddenly said, "Before he had a fever, we were nervous, but now we feel that it is better to have a fever."

Every time Shi Xing has a fever, it is a representative of the rapid growth of the spiritual sea, but right now, although everything is fine, it is too confusing .

Chi Yao said softly, "Perhaps, I shouldn't let him try..."

Hearing this, Xu Jin knew that Chi Yao was really uncomfortable.

Since he was a child, he grew up under the educational concept of "mistakes are not regrettable, but corrected". When he discovered a problem, Chi Yao immediately sought a solution. Even if he didn't, it was extremely difficult to have "regret" Such useless negativity.

But at this moment, Xu Jin could clearly feel that Chi Yao regretted it.

"Your Majesty, pack up and have lunch right away. Only by taking care of yourself can you take better care of the stars."

Xu Jin's rank is still high. After speaking, Chi Yao nodded and got up to go to the bathroom.

Fortunately, the bed is movable and can be separated. After discussion, Xu Jin separated the two beds in the master bedroom.

In view of the special circumstances of Shi Xing's coma, the two temporarily slept separately before he fully woke up.

As usual in the afternoon, in the evening, after another perception, Erya said with a heavy face, "His outer layer has more energy, and the energy iteration of the spiritual sea is also large, and the spiritual power continues to flow into the outer beach." Chi Yao: "What

? What do you mean?"

Erya: "I tend to increase the power of suppression."

In other words, it is very difficult for Time Star to absorb that energy.

Er Ya: "I know the reason why he closed the spiritual sea. It should be to seal the extremely destructive energy to prevent it from escaping and hurting people."

Chi Yao: "Can you release the spiritual power to his spiritual sea to help? Erya

: "I tend not to."


Er Ya said with a serious look, "Because the situation has not yet reached the worst, and his mental state is very strange, I am not sure that the suppression is effective, nor that he will accept it, let alone his mental state after I release my mental power. It won't be closed to me."

Chi Yao was silent.

Er Ya: "I think it's the best chance for me to release my mental power when he is out of control." At

that time, it would not be a pity to fail, and it would be best to succeed.

Chi Yao accepted.

The time interval of Erya's investigation was changed from one hour to half an hour.

The changes in Shixing's spiritual sea became more and more intense, and Erya could detect that the waves caused by the spiritual sea were abnormal in Erya's vague perception.

But in the end, within Shi Xing's tolerance range, it changed from weak to strong, then weak again, and it didn't stop until midnight.

When the spiritual sea fluctuated violently, luckily among misfortunes, although Chi Yao could not enter the Shixing spiritual sea because of the connection, he could finally vaguely feel the inner changes.

In this way, Erya finally had time to breathe and went back to sleep for three hours.

Three hours later, I changed shifts with Chi Yao.

Change Chi Yao to sleep for three hours.

I don't know when, and I don't know where I am.

Shi Xing had a dream.

A, psychedelic and gorgeous dream, everything is colorful, including the air.

The wind has its unique color, and every wind is different.

Shi Xing saw countless mother trees, swaying under the psychedelic colors, and there were countless blue fruits on each tree.

Shi Xing heard that language again, or in other words, the information carried by the energy.

He can't speak, but strangely, he can understand everything.

He even heard Lan Guo making a sound, simply communicating.

Crossing the area where the mother trees were densely populated, he saw...people, all kinds of people.

The facial features vary widely, and they can pass through his body.

He heard them also carrying information with energy, communicating.

"Suddenly recalled, and didn't say anything, why are you so nervous."

"I don't know, I asked the priest and she didn't say anything."

"It can't be that she can't understand the behavior of us all running away?" "

You What are you thinking, the priest doesn't want to go out, obviously she doesn't like to go out."

The fight passed him.

Shi Xing drifted with the crowd, and arrived at another place. At first glance, it looked like a gathering place, but the building was very... unique, how to say, it was all black.

The shoulder was suddenly tapped.

Shi Xing was startled, turned around, and a woman with gorgeous facial features smiled and said, "You are here, it's a pity..." At the

same time, a spaceship landed behind him, and a person came out from inside with his arms outstretched, and said loudly, "Ah, I finally returned to the blue sky!" Star..."

Blue star? Is it the blue star he thought of? !

With the ups and downs of Shi Xing's mood, everything around him suddenly distorted.

Shi Xing sleeps for four or five days, and during these four or five days, the spiritual sea is constantly active.

Every time the mental sea fluctuates too violently, Chi Yao and Er Ya always have a person guarding the time star, for fear that something will happen to him.

There were two times when Erya wanted to release her spiritual power, but Shi Xing's spiritual sea could always calm down again at the final level.

Day after day, even the iron can't hold it.

On the fifth day, Erya fell asleep on the side of the bed and woke up again, with two dark circles under her eyes. After feeling it, she said to Chi Yao, "A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Chi Yao

: "It's up to you."

All right, I have to listen to it anyway.

Erya: "The period of confrontation should have passed, and his mental state has returned to normal fluctuations."

Chi Yao's face remained unchanged, "What about the bad news?"

Erya admired his stability a little, "Prepare for medical staff, servants, and The crystal stone beast core, after completely absorbing that energy, his spiritual sea began to grow again, and if there is no accident, he will directly enter the second stage when he wakes up." "After entering the second stage, it is impossible for me to

let He tried to treat you."

Thinking of something, Erya's eyelashes drooped, and she pointed out, "You have to grasp the bottom line by yourself."

Chi Yao nodded, relieved in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. .

He replied, "Understood, but I didn't plan to let him mature and then try to treat me, so it's not bad news."

Erya stretched her waist, "I'm exhausted, is there a levitator to move me out directly, I'm going to be sleepy." " I

'll help you call the human flesh levitator."

He didn't realize it, but after a while, when he saw Fei Chu enter the room, he realized what Chi Yao was talking about.

Erya: "Thank you."

Chi Yao: "Reciprocity is a courtesy."

Erya: "..."

Erya walked out with her legs.

Shi Xing started to get hot later, and Xu Jin asked Chi Yao to rest at night. Afraid of any accident, Chi Yao resisted for another night, confirming that all the indicators of Shi Xing were in line with the characteristics of the growth stage of mental power, and Not other accidents.

In the next few days, Chi Yao remained normal, sleeping 6 hours a day, and the rest of the time, when the New Year was approaching, he didn't deal with official business much. He discussed with Xu Jin the holding of Shi Xing's birthday and the preparations for the New Year.

Yes, Chi Yao thinks Shi Xing can wake up before his own birthday.

In fact, it is true, but it is somewhat different from Chi Yao's idea.

After the high fever subsided, and after the fog dispersed and the mental power was no longer repelled, Shi Xing still did not wake up.

Erya observed for a whole morning and saw some tricks, "It will take a while, it's getting finalized."

"What?" Fei Chu didn't understand.

Without waiting for Erya's answer, Chi Yao said straightly, "After the first stage, the spiritual sea of ​​the Blue Star people will be roughly finalized, and the increase in spiritual power in the second year will mainly come from the increase in the depth of the spiritual sea and the re-intensification of the spiritual threads.

" Xiang Erya, "Are you sure?"

"Not very sure, but the high probability is that Shi Xing's spiritual sea has two parts. I feel that the area is being adjusted and adjusted. The outer layer is still increasing, and the inner layer is fixed." Er Ya: "It should be in daily life

. It's because there are too few sources of mental power."

Healing Chi Yao was completed in one step.

This sleep lasted for many days, and when the daily nutrient solution was about to be added, two days before Shi Xing's birthday, he finally woke up.

And woke up gasping for breath.

Just after waking up, Shi Xing covered his chest with a layer of cold sweat. Chi Yao called his name from the side, until he was hugged, Shi Xing finally came back to his senses, and explained, "It's not a nightmare, it's a very strange dream." A dream."

"I seem to have dreamed of Lan Xing, Your Highness, you..."

He broke away from Chi Yao's arms for a short time, and Xing just wanted to say something when they faced each other, but was suddenly distracted by what he saw in front of him, and said in surprise, "Your Highness, Why is your complexion so bad?"


Realized that Chi Yao's spirit was not very good, Shi Xing realized later, "How long have I slept?" He

got a hoarse answer, "The day after tomorrow is your birthday, from the day you fell into a coma It's almost half a month now."

Shi Xing was speechless.

Knowing that Shi Xing didn't have a nightmare, Chi Yao began to call people in.

After half a month, Shi Xing finally had dinner with everyone again.

Her whole body was soft when she was walking, Erya saw the key point, "I haven't recovered yet, it will be fine in two days."

After the meal, after checking Shixing's body and confirming that he was in good spirits, Erya said, "By the way, you have entered the second stage of maturity."

Shixing was surprised, and after repeated confirmation, he laughed.

Er Ya: "Don't be too happy, there is something else I want to tell you." " The second

stage has too many variables, and the treatment will not continue."

The words that came down blocked my throat.

Chi Yao: "It's the result of everyone's joint discussion. You first ensure that you are well. Since my spiritual sea can be restored, it can also be done after you mature." Er Ya: "And even if you try

again , it may not be able to continue to repair, you still have a lot of trouble absorbing this energy, you enter the thinnest crack, and the rest are wider, this crack has not disappeared, you still wait for yourself to become After being a healer, think about thoroughly treating your Highness."

Shi Xing was anxious, and blurted out, "Then... what if I can't become a healer?"

Er Ya choked.

Chi Yao's face collapsed visibly to the naked eye.

Erya's eyes flicked back and forth between the two, and she nuzzled, "Why don't you discuss this issue first?"

Shi Xing realized that Chi Yao's face was ugly and conspicuous, and Chi Yao turned around and left without saying anything.

Shi Xing later realized that he said the wrong thing, which made Chi Yao angry.

He wanted to chase, but was stopped by Er Ya, who reminded him, "I really can't bear it for half a month since you were in a coma. Only the past few days, I stayed with you every day and slept for three hours. Your family has been sleeping for three hours. Sleeping like this, his mental state has just recovered... War is nothing more than that, if you still think about it, don't say such bad things."

Shi Xing: "But..."

Er Ya: "No but, even if he can't be cured, he won't die with you." "

What about you, what will happen if you don't pass the maturity stage? I don't know?"

Shi Xing The star language is suffocating.

Erya patted Shi Xing's shoulder, "Don't think too much, you are worried about him, and he is also worried about you."

There was a little sadness in his eyes, which only existed for a very short moment, "Treasure it."

Shi Xing felt that Erya was a little unsure. Speak the words.

When Erya left, Shi Xing saw Fei Chu standing behind him. He didn't know how long he had been standing there. As soon as Shi Xing saw him, Fei Chu came over and stuffed a crystal fruit into his hand. He said with a usual smile, "Long Yue asked me to give it to you, saying that you like it."

"I've lost weight by taking nutrient solution every day, so I'll make up for it

during the Chinese New Year." Shi Xing nodded and thanked.

The crystal fruit is really sweet.

That night, Shi Xing didn't coax Chi Yao well and had no chance, so he went back to the room and found that he was already asleep. Thinking of Er Ya's words, he sighed softly, went to wash up, and climbed into bed.

Fortunately, Xu Jin and the others are efficient and have already closed the two beds, so Shi Xing can sleep next to Chi Yao.

His Highness muttered a few times, perhaps because he felt someone was around him, Chi Yao stretched out his hand unconsciously.

At the moment when he was hugged unconsciously by the other party, Shi Xing felt an indescribable feeling of intimacy in his heart, dispelled all worries, buried his face in Chi Yao's shoulder, said good night, and slept with Chi Yao.

The next day Chi Yao dealt with the backlog of official business, and only then did Shi Xing know that Chi Yao had rejected all recent unimportant official documents.

He woke up, but the other party had no time to rest and started working again.

Fortunately, the working hours are not long, they take a long lunch break and get off work early, and everyone stays together for the rest of the time, and it is not easy for Shi Xing to whisper to Chi Yao.

Shi Xing slept for too long and needed to move around. At night, Er Ya dragged him to jump in the living room, and then returned to the room, Chi Yao fell asleep again.

Shi Xing resigned himself to his fate and climbed onto the bed.

On the third day, Shi Xing woke up in the sound of colored paper.

It's his birthday, Xu Jin has planned it for a long time, today is the time to celebrate.

New clothes, new matching accessories and new itinerary.

I went to Xinghai Pavilion in the morning, stood in the underwater passage, Shi Xing looked at the large paleontological flying shark flying over his head, and opened his mouth wide.

Lowering his head, Chi Yao stuffed him with a mouthful of sweet fruit.

"So pretty?"

Didn't hear what Chi Yao's tone was, Shi Xing bit off the pulp and chewed it, before he had time to answer, he was called by Xu Jin to go forward again.

Behind Shi Xing, he touched a large fish in Xinghai, which was a project of Xinghai Pavilion. He was not wearing a diving suit. Chi Yao's spiritual power wrapped him up and created an air channel under the water, which could support him to walk in the water , making sure he is surrounded by air.

At noon, I had a meal at a family restaurant with an ephemeris history. It was so delicious that Shi Xing was a little full.

If it wasn't for knowing that takeout is not available, Shi Xing really wanted to ask before leaving.

In the afternoon, I went to the game hall in the imperial capital. Shi Xing came here once before, but last time I only went to one, this time I went to three, from mechs to spaceships and warships, I played all models. What made Shi Xing feel lost was , Erya unexpectedly played well, he is still the best one.

But for games, winning or losing is fine, Shi Xing doesn't really mind.

In the evening, I went back to the palace, blew out the candles and ate cakes, and finally accepted everyone's gifts.

Chi Yao's was the last one to be removed, and when he took it out, it was a pendant, not small, half the size of a palm, but unexpectedly light in his hand.

It's... made of crystal stones and animal cores. I don't know what technology was used. It is made of many pieces of high-grade crystal stones and animal cores. It presents a beautiful texture. There is a transparent layer on the outside. Shi Xing can't figure it out. Observe the neck repeatedly.

"Want to touch it?" Chi Yao asked.

Before Shi Xing could answer, he stuffed the necklace into Shi Xing's hand, and Shi Xing found that he couldn't absorb the energy of the spar and beast core through the transparent medium.

"Yes, the pendant?" Shi Xingchi asked.

"It's a pendant, and it's a spare for you when you're in danger."

Chi Yao hung the pendant around Shi Xing's neck and explained, "The outer layer will peel off when you need to absorb energy especially. The outer layer peels off, and the inside is full of energy." It can be disassembled, because of its size, only seven pieces are placed, but the level of the seven pieces is not low, and it is sealed daily, so there will be no energy dissipation, and if needed, it can be temporarily used to absorb..."

After a pause, Chi Yao continued unhappily, "It's used to save your life."

"Don't you have the habit of carrying a few crystals on your body? Bring it with you in the future."

Hearing this tone, Shi Xing knew that the other party was Reminds me of my careless words that day.

Looking at the radiant spar, Shi Xing was speechless.

In fact, Chi Yao doesn't need to bother to send spar, after all, spar beast core will be absorbed by him, ordinary gems will not, but...

Shi Xing suddenly realized that his existence might be important to Chi Yao.

It is important enough to pay attention to the little habits in his life, and it is so important that the gifts are both ornamental and practical.

Thinking that it will take at least a month to prepare this gift, I'm afraid Chi Yao was thinking about this a long time ago... At a

certain moment, Shi Xing felt deeply loved.

He is loved.

This night, Shi Xing finally caught His Highness who was awake before Chi Yao's eyes closed.

After an apology and a guarantee, seeing that Chi Yao didn't respond, he didn't know where he learned it, so he went down three ways.

Chi Yao pressed Shi Xing's troublesome hand, wondering: "Who taught you this?"

Shi Xing was a little embarrassed, "Sister Erya said it."

Chi Yao: "..."

Chi Yao: "What did she say again?" "

Shi Xing was naive, "Fighting at the end of the bed?"

Chi Yao closed his eyes, "I thank her."

Pushing Shi Xing away slightly, Chi Yao let out a long breath, "I'm not angry."

" It's just... not very comfortable."

Maybe Chi Yao would be angry when Shi Xing said such words, but this time, after a long lethargy, Chi Yao's feeling was very different. Long-term lack of sleep would make him have a A vague sense of reality, as if...

Chi Yao frowned for a moment, waved away those thoughts, and said tiredly, "Don't say that, I will take it seriously."

The voice was very soft, but the tone was helpless to the extreme.

Shi Xingxin snapped up.

After a long while, he said in a muffled voice, "I originally thought that part of it could be cured this time."

Not only did it fail, but it also made everyone worry about him.

"Unhappy because of this?"

Shi Xing nodded.

Chi Yao laughed, "That's just right, we're even."

After a moment of reaction, Shi Xing realized that what Chi Yao was talking about was about his coma and his feelings after hearing that sentence.

Shi Xing still had self-knowledge, "I'm afraid it's still unfair, I...don't say that next time."

Chi Yao denied: "Wrong."

Shi Xing was stunned.

Chi Yao seriously corrected: "You should say, there will be no next time."

Those smoky gray eyes stared at him, insisting that he say it again, when Shi Xing finished speaking, Chi Yao nodded and let it go.

After chatting for a few more words, I felt that Chi Yao was really not angry, Shi Xingxin let it go, but faintly felt that the other party was not in a high mood, but he didn't know why.

Hesitating whether to ask or not, Chi Yao said good night to him.

Two days later, Shi Xing found that his feelings were correct, and Chi Yao was indeed not in a high mood.

Suspecting that he was angry with him, Shi Xing didn't dare to ask the person directly.

After talking secretly, only Er Ya understood his hint.

"Is it okay to be angry?"

Shi Xing struggled: "I'm not angry, it's just that I feel that His Highness is not as happy as before, I..."

Erya: "Do you want to make people happy?"

There was a moment of embarrassment when it was pierced, and under Erya's sight, Shi Xing still nodded.

He likes the gift His Highness gave him very much, maybe he can do something for him to make people happy.

Erya laughed, "That's not easy, you can open the one I passed to you last time and have a look."

Shi Xing was confused.

Er Ya only dialed this sentence, and said nothing more.

During the lunch break, I finally remembered, "Passed to him", the key is the first word.

For so long, Erya only sent something to him once, that is...

Xing was in his room during lunch break, and he and Chi Yao had different lunch break time, so they separated.

After pulling out the book, Shi Xing struggled for a while, and finally reached out to it.

It's always good to open your eyes, but it doesn't have to be this way...

Last time His Highness didn't seem to like him very much, and even rejected him...

When Shi Xing opened it, he just thought so simply.

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