Chapter 68 Attack

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    When Shi Xing heard the words, he looked at Chi Yao.

Although they came out all the way, there was no space for them to be alone so that they could talk about the meeting with Mr. Chang in detail, but... Shi Xing was

surprised, "Isn't it a deal?"

Yan Changyue and Tang Mi had already discovered it.

"It's not settled."

Chi Yao didn't deny it.

After thinking about it, he suddenly asked Shi Xing, "You came back with that kid, did you do anything to him?"

Oh, this.

After getting on the aircraft, they were discussing restaurants and places to visit today. Shi Xing didn't have time to say it, but it's not too late to say it now.

Shi Xing: "The child's mental state is not very strong. I think it can be cured, so I cured it."

Yan Changyue stared, "I have consulted many doctors and medical practitioners for the situation of the old man's grandson, and they all said there is no way. Xing Xing, you are right. Just..."

Yan Changyue's throat rolled, and he couldn't believe it, "cured, cured?"

Shi Xing didn't think about it, and scratched his head in embarrassment. I just dealt with it."

Yan Changyue's reaction made Shi Xing unsure, "Shouldn't I treat it?"

Chi Yao had already delegated the authority of treatment to Shi Xing before, and it was up to him to decide. , although I briefly thought about Chang Quan's attitude, but quickly put it behind me. Chi Yao didn't use medical coercion to talk about Baishan, so of course, he can't, and shouldn't use treatment conditions to force Chang Quan to support him.

Sure enough, Chi Yao shook his head when he heard the words. And he explained to Shi Xing, "Changyue is just marveling at

your ability."

Go back."

Hope was ignited in Shi Xing's eyes, "Will he change his mind?"

Facing Shi Xing's shining eyes, Chi Yao laughed, although he couldn't bear it, he still shook his head slowly, "Probably not Yes."

"When he was the speaker, he was known for his lack of favoritism. If these unorthodox methods were effective, Chang Quan would not have won the super high approval rate of the Senate and the entire civil service." Looking at Shi Xing, his eyes

dimmed Yes, Chi Yao said again, "But since we are invited back, we will definitely not be aimless." "

In short, the situation can't be worse, right?"

Shi Xing regained his energy and nodded heavily, "Your Highness, you are right. "

The current situation is already the worst, and if it changes, it will only get better.

A group of people turned around.

In fact, Chi Yao's judgment was extremely accurate.

After returning home, the Chang family first discussed Shu Ning's treatment. The whole family thanked Shi Xing and promised to send three animal cores as medical expenses. The choice of words and sentences was very good.

"Your Majesty's treatment of Ning Ning must be more than this price, but there is no one in the Chang family who serves in the army, so there is only so much that can be given away. I hope His Majesty and His Majesty will not be disgusted, and accept it with a little heart." The posture is quite low

. up.

Shi Xing was embarrassed, but Chi Yao felt that what he said was right. Shi Xing's treatment was priceless. Compared with the conditions offered by the Tan family, the three beast cores were indeed only a little heart, a meager heart.

Later, Chang Quan proposed to have a private chat with Shi Xing, and Chi Yao agreed.

As expected, Chang Quan did not change his position.

What I said to Shi Xing still has those meanings in it, because I don't understand it, I won't support it immediately, but because of the treatment, the tone of my speech is not as firm as when I faced Chi Yao, but because I refused again, I seem very sorry .

After making a solemn statement, the topic came to the most critical part.

"So, he told you that he can't support you, and then what?"

Coming out of Chang's house again, Chi Yao and Shi Xing went to the restaurant they reserved as planned, and while Yan Changyue and Tang Mi went to check the ingredients and meals, Chi Yao was like Ask Shi Xing like a small talk.

The two sat close, and Shi Xing sat on the inside again. Chi Yao propped his chin with one hand and looked at him sideways. Most of the natural light was blocked by Chi Yao's body, which made Shi Xing feel as if he was enveloped by the other party.

The pupils contracted, and he was distracted for a moment and then quickly returned to his thoughts.

Shi Xing sat back as if avoiding the intimacy, straightened his back and said, "Then, the old man said that if I encounter difficulties in government affairs, I can go to him." "Even if they don't take the initiative to support me, the Chang family still owes me a favor.

" ."

Chi Yao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"anything else?"

Shi Xing: "I think this is the only sentence. Later, I asked Ningning's condition alone, asked me what method I used to treat it, and discussed how to find me if Ningning relapsed; after that, I said Let's talk about the scene, I'm more happy to meet me and so on, I hope to have more exchanges with me in the future, that's about it."

Chi Yao laughed.

Shi Xing was keenly aware of something, "Why, isn't it right?"

"It can't be wrong."

But it can't be right either.

After Chi Yao laughed, he raised his eyes lazily, with slightly curved eyes, "I know why he doesn't want me to listen in.

" The meaning of these few sentences..." The trailing sound was deliberately dragged on, and when Shi Xing couldn't help showing an expectant expression on his face, he continued, "What he really wants to say is that he may not support you now, and wait for him to treat you. With a certain understanding, maybe you will change your mind."

Chi Yao shook his head, "How long has Chang Quan's speaker been out of office, and the burden of thinking is still so heavy, I am not allowed to listen in because I can fool you by talking around corners, but I Now, I heard it all at once, he has no face, he can't hold back that face."

Shi Xing widened his eyes when he heard this.

"What's your expression?"

Shi Xing: "I didn't expect that?"

Shi Xing was curious, "I thought the old man was very open-minded, and he wouldn't have such ordinary people's troubles at all!"

Chi Yao lowered his head and laughed happily. Don't 'support', "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. From top to bottom, the empire is a bunch of ordinary people. When you get in touch with the Senate, you will have a deeper understanding."

Smiling slightly, Chi Yao looked at Shi Xing, Shi Xing liked the harmonious smile in his eyes.

"Let's not talk about Chang Quan, I'm curious, how did you cure Shu Ning directly?"

Before entering the door, Chi Yao told Shi Xing that Chang Quan had a grandson with mental problems, even if they wouldn't coerce Chang Quan with treatment , but it is not impossible to use it as an overweight to gain support. With Shi Xing's brain, Chi Yao doesn't believe that he couldn't think of this.

After asking, his eyes met, Shi Xing whispered, "Actually, I didn't treat him all for the sake of treating him." "On the

one hand, Shu Ning is really small. It doesn't need to cost me much energy, and he deserves to be treated."

With a slight flicker in his eyes, Shi Xing felt that the words flowed from the bottom of his heart, and they were dissected in front of Chi Yao.

"On the other hand, Your Highness, his insanity caused cracks in the bottom of his seabed..."

The word "also" is well used, even if Shi Xing didn't finish speaking, Chi Yao understood what he meant .

There was a subtle stagnation in the atmosphere, and Chi Yao's eyes suddenly darkened a lot. The next moment, he leaned over and drew closer to Shi Xing. There was a wall behind Shi Xing, and he couldn't avoid it.

"So, you performed the treatment for the purpose of trying to repair the cracks in the spiritual sea?" It is self-

evident why you want to repair the cracks in the spiritual sea. Who has this problem in the spiritual sea around Shi Xing.

Shi Xing was practicing with Shu Ning, and what he wanted to cure was Chi Yao's spiritual sea.

Chi Yao's eyes were too straightforward. At close range, Shi Xing could feel the other person's breath sweeping across his face, and his throat felt dry for a moment. Shi Xing turned his eyes away and didn't dare to look at Chi Yao.

After a while, Shi Xing nodded and admitted.

The corners of Chi Yao's lips turned up, and he moved closer again.

Shi Xing's breathing stopped, "Your Highness, you..."

"What about me?"

It's hard to say whether these three words were asked knowingly.

But the effect is very good. After the shortness of breath, Shi Xing's words are also stuck.

After a long while, feeling that Chi Yao's smile became more and more meaningful, Shi Xing bit the bullet and reminded, "

Your Highness, it's too close.

" It's about to stop.

Chi Yao asked again, "Why don't you look at me?"

Shi Xing: "..."

Shi Xing closed his eyes in despair, it was fine, and his heartbeat also got involved, he had no doubt that Chi Yao should hear it again in a while His confused heart skipped a beat. Chi Yao's chuckle sounded, and Shi Xing's painful mask said, "

Your Highness, if you do this again, I will resist." "

Then try it, I'm curious about your way of resisting."

Shi Xing: "..." Shi Xing

Xing raised his hand and pressed the service button with precision.

Chi Yao was startled.

After a while, a service staff came in and asked them what service they needed. Shi Xing asked for an extra chair. When Yan Changyue and Tang Mi came back, he saw Shi Xing sitting alone on a chair, and sternly refused the seat next to Chi Yao.

"It's too dark over there, if you don't like it, let it be."

Shi Xing excused.

Chi Yao tried to redeem: "I'll sit in, you sit here with me?" Shi Xing

refused, "No!" It was a pleasant day. while outside. Chi Yao took Shixing to two restaurants, and in the afternoon to the largest holographic game hall in the capital, and then to a scenic spot. Shixing felt novelty in everything he saw. The trip is well planned, there is no crowding and waiting, and it is comfortable to play. The rivalry in the restaurant was forgotten by Shi Xing after the meal. Chi Yao liked his personality and didn't care about it. But when he returned to the palace, Chi Yao became very angry at night. When Xu Jin went to the living room to talk to Shi Xing, Fei Chu was already listening outside the study. As soon as Shi Xing approached, he heard a cold and majestic voice saying, "If you don't do well, you don't have to do it. Fu Mu was trained very well by Chang Quan. If you want to submit your resignation tomorrow, I will approve it on the same day. The Senate can be incompetent. But you can't be ignorant!" "This is the same for Ren Yanyong, please convey it!" Shi Xing heard Chi Yao's stern voice for the first time, compared to when he was treating Fei Chu, he was still angry, and he was stunned. Looking at Fei Chu, he asked, "What's the matter?" Fei Chu replied in a low voice, " There was a disagreement, there was a quarrel. " What about law, people are being forced to leave here again." Shi Xing: "Who is Fu Mu?"

Fei Chu told Shi Xing about science, "The pre-appointed next speaker is the same as Xu Mirou in the Presbyterian Council. When the higher-ups retire, they will take over." Shi Xing: "Your Highness probably won't let the speaker resign, right

? ?"

Fei Chu thought for a while, "It's hard to say, Wei Zhen is stubborn, let's see if he can figure it out, if he can't make the turn..."

Seeing Shi Xing staring at him, Fei Chu lowered his voice again, "I'm afraid it's true. I'm about to be resigned."

"Mr. Chi is in control of the military, and everyone in the legion trusts him. Besides, he is not young and ignorant when he first took over the throne. No one can object to what he has insisted on in the past few years." I don't know why

. When the time came, Tang Mi interjected, "But what His Majesty insists on has a position."

In other words, they are all insistences with a certain reason, not all subjective.

Tang Mi worried, "I hope the speaker will not commit a crime, otherwise the Senate will be moved, and the follow-up civil servants will support it. I am afraid that several major institutions will have to be replaced one after another. The price of the chain reaction will be too high, and it will not be good for His Majesty's reputation.

" The organization has already reached the transition period, and it is best to be able to transition smoothly. If it is too tough, it will inevitably hurt the hearts of the elderly.

Fei Chu thought for a while, and his focus was strange, "Exchanging blood is something Chi can do."

Chi Yao's respect has a bottom line.

The civil service may be under the coordination of the Senate and the Presbyterian Council for a long time, and they don't face Chi Yao directly, so they don't have a deep feeling, but the major legions all have a deep understanding of Chi Yao's temperament!

Shi Xing half-understood, but he was not most concerned about these.

He was wondering when Chi Yao would calm down.

Try to maintain a stable mood, it will be better for His Highness who is in a special state.

Xu Jin obviously thought of this too. Since Chi Yao didn't deliberately block the sound, after listening for a while, Xu Jin brought a plate of fruit and knocked on the door, interrupting the communication between Chi Yao and the Senate, and it ended early.

Later in the evening, Chi Yao was in the living room with everyone, he was looking at the documents with a blank face, and everyone was browsing the star net to relax.

Shi Xing couldn't tell whether he was happy or not.

After a while, Shi Xing secretly sent a joke to Chi Yao.

Seeing that Chi Yao opened it, after a while, he sent another one, and another one.

In the end, Chi Yao laughed and shook his head.

Turning his head suddenly, he said to Shi Xing, "You don't often go to Starnet for entertainment in the tree nest, do you?"

Shi Xing was stunned when he asked.

Chi Yao waved to Fei Chu, and picked out a joke for Fei Chu to read. Fei Chu was surprised, "Isn't this a popular joke in the imperial capital when I was in elementary school? Yes, where did you dig them out?" Shi Xing: "

... ..."

Shi Xing scratched the ground with his toes, looked at the file he was looking for, and pulled it to the top, very good, the title is "Selected Old Jokes".

It was because he was not rigorous in examining the questions.

Turning his head to look at Chi Yao's smiling face, the effect was achieved, but not in the way he imagined.

After a while, Shi Xing was too embarrassed to stay any longer, so he turned his head and went back to the room.

When Chi Yao returned to the room, Shi Xing climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Listen to breathing, people are in bed, but not asleep.

call out.

The time star communicator rang, and Chi Yao sent him a joke.

Chi Yao sent him another message.

Chi Yao sent him another message, Shi Xing couldn't hold back after reading it, and laughed out loud, "Your Highness, where did you find it, hahahaha, it's so funny, haha." Chi Yao: "Just like you, Xing

Xing Copy and pasted from the Internet are also old jokes."

After laughing for a while, realizing that Chi Yao was teasing himself, Shi Xing touched his nose and corrected him, "You don't have to do this, I'll make you a joke, just to make you happy "

"Well, I'm really in a better mood." After a pause, Chi Yao said straightly, "I'll send it to you, and I want you to be happier."

Shi Xing's heart skipped a beat for a moment.

"Your Highness, are you..."

Shi Xing's pupils shrank, his lips parted slightly, and he didn't say the second half of the sentence, but said, "Your Highness, good night."

Chi Yao: "Good night."

But it is destined to not sleep well this night .

When Shixing woke up in the middle of the night because of the connection, the mental strength in the room was already very high.

When Shi Xing stretched out his hand to feel it, his face changed slightly, becoming aggressive.

Chi Yao was still sleeping, Shi Xing went to call him.

Stretching out his hand to shake people, his vision was confused in the dark, and he touched Chi Yao's neck all of a sudden, Shi Xing swished his hand, and retracted it again.


Maybe it was because of discomfort, but when I called out, it really woke me up.

After waking up for a moment, Chi Yao frowned, "Mental power is disordered."

Shi Xing: "Can you sit up?"

Chi Yao tried, and discussed, "Can you not?

" Touch, and found that the accumulation of energy on the skin has reached a terrifying level, Shi Xing didn't know whether to touch the other party for a while, his voice was a little trembling, "Is it painful?

" All the Blue Stars felt that the forced energy intensity was already destructive to the bodies of the imperial people.

However, the imperial people's body has strong repair ability, and it will quickly repair itself after being damaged.

Although it seems that there is no difference, the constant destruction and repair is obviously a painful process.

Chi Yao's throat slipped, and he spit out two words, "It's okay."

Shi Xing didn't dare to think about it.

After a pause, he asked urgently, "Can your spiritual world stabilize after this leak, or is this a period of disorder?" The

mental sea of ​​the disorder period will continue to be chaotic for a period of time.

During this period, mental power will leak continuously or intermittently, most of which are aggressive.

Time from a few days to several months is possible.

Chi Yao was also not sure, "I'm afraid it depends on how it develops."

If he can stabilize himself and his mental power is restrained, then everyone will be happy.

But if it can't, the leaked spiritual power will become more and more chaotic, and I'm afraid it's really entering a chaotic period.

Shi Xing was uncomfortable, but helpless, after a long while, he asked Chi Yao: "Is there anything I can help you?"

Thinking of something, he took the initiative, "Would it be better to reduce the energy intensity around you like last time?"

Chi Yao didn't Sure, "Maybe."

"Then try it."

Chi Yao was so uncomfortable that before he could figure out how to try, he felt that Shi Xing got into his quilt.

The moment the other party posted it, Chi Yao's body froze for a moment.

After a while, Chi Yao let himself reach out, and hugged Shi Xing back.

Shi Xing's hand was attached to Chi Yao's face, and as he moved, the corners of his clothes turned up, and Chi Yao could feel the delicate skin of the opponent's waist with the hand he hugged back.

Shi Xing felt uncomfortable, and seemed to be talking to himself, "You'll be fine."

Chi Yao turned sideways and buried his face in Shi Xing's shoulder.

Breathing on the side of Shi Xing's neck, burning, Chi Yao responded, "Well, I have you."

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