Chapter 123 Movement

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In a region where energy is turbulent and dense, a light blue planet glowing with jade luster is centered and silently rotates.

The luster of the star is hot, and its uniformity is higher than that of the planet.

Occasionally, star beasts pass by this area, and they all choose to take a long detour.

Only certain star beasts can travel through this death zone, cross the energy belt unscathed, and enter the planet's atmosphere.

Within the atmosphere, the trees are lush and the rivers are thriving.

The centuries of desolation have made the planet's already beautiful natural ecology nourished even more beautifully.

On the emerald green lawn, the star beast, which has not received any news from the depths of the universe for a week, is irritable.

The different pupils flickered with a cruel luster.

"Aww, aww—"

No message came back.

The star beast that just landed said to the star beast with different pupils.

This is already the third star beast that traveled to and from the universe this day.

Before he could stand still after speaking, he was blown away by Yitong's roar.

Yi Tong is in a bad mood.

Walking back and forth a few steps in place, he let out another roar.

More star beasts stood up from the grass and went out to wait for news.

The star beasts with different pupils looked at their figures flying out of the atmosphere with a faint envy.


It roared a few times as if venting, and its mental power was bounced back by the atmosphere. This damn planet is filled with high-density energy from the outside to the inside.

Energy has its own unique trajectory on this planet. Only the life forms bred on this planet can run in step with its energy, instead of the original life forms on this planet, they will be like different pupils. Trapped by the flow of energy outside the atmosphere and unable to travel through it.

I have forgotten that it was the first few years when I was trapped, and Yitong misses the days of traveling in the universe.

Even if there are dangers lurking in the universe at any time, it is also a time of freedom.

Now... " Ouch


" In the middle of the night, Shi Xing sat up. Fu forehead shook his head, allowing his thoughts to return to his body. "What's the matter?" Holding his wrist with one hand, Shi Xing trembled, and the people around him whispered, "It's me, Chi Yao." Only then did Shi Xing return to his place of fascination, and murmured, "Your Highness." "Dream What's the matter?" Chi Yao also sat up, living in the military all year round, coupled with his high level of mental power, he would wake up when there was any abnormality. 

Shi Xing held his forehead again and shook his head, "It's not dreaming, it's... I seem to feel it..." Swallowing, his sea-blue eyes were full of uncertainty, "I felt the blue star and the star beast above it."

The dry palm brushed against the back of the neck, and he was also taken aback upon hearing this.

Shi Xing looked at Chi Yao, and said a little uneasy, "Does that sound ridiculous?"

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