Chapter 15 Broken

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Seeing Lu Lu like this, Shi Xing's heart trembled.

He stopped the other party, and since he was willing to stop and turn around, Lu Lu didn't hesitate to take a few more steps, and walked up to Shi Xing step by step, so that Shi Xing could see himself clearly.

The usually high-spirited Young Master Lu got closer, and more details of his face appeared.

His eyes were dark red, his eyes were blue and black, and his expression was full of exhaustion and haggardness... It

was clear that Lu Lu hadn't had a good rest these days.

As for why, Shi Xingxin couldn't help trembling again, he naturally knew why.

With an arm's length between them, Lu Lu stopped and stared at Shi Xing for a moment. Shi Xing felt a little tormented and unbearable by such eyes, but he didn't show any strangeness on his face.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

Quiet, completely quiet.

"Call me, and don't speak?" Lu Lu's voice was rough as if it had been rolled on sandpaper.

Taking a deep breath, closing and opening his eyes again, Shi Xing's eyes were clear.

"Didn't you come to the residence to look for me?"

"It wasn't you, are you finally willing to see me?"

Shi Xing understood Lu Lu, and if he really wanted to avoid him, he wouldn't show up at the door of the residence ostentatiously. Hide, at that time Xing didn't even have a chance to see him.

The most likely explanation is that Lu Lu finally decided to respond to the invitation on his communicator and came to him directly.

However, there is a high probability that he will be sent back by Tan Yan. The list of Tan Yan and Xiang Heze participating in the match has been announced, and Lu Lu will know who they are after on Starnet. Lu Lu knows who they are after. .

Lu Lu was naturally angry when he bumped into Tan Yan and sent him back talking and laughing while he was suffering.

Young Master Lu's pride made him leave angrily.

Shi Xing asked Lu Lu to be silent, and sometimes silence is tantamount to acquiescence.

Lu Lu really came to look for him.

There was silence again between the two of them.

At this moment, there is something boiling in the hearts of both parties, but they are facing each other, but they are silent at the same time.

"You decided a long time ago?"

Lu Lu finally spoke hoarsely.

"From the beginning to the end, you never thought about choosing me, did you, Shi Xing?"

Lu Lu asked.

"No." Shi Xing's voice was very soft, "I thought about it a long time ago." In the previous

life, I thought about it and chose it, but unfortunately it didn't work out.

Shi Xing smiled, the smile didn't reach his eyes, it was very bitter and astringent, a look that Lu Lu had never seen before.

"However, there are always differences between reality and ideals. You can also see that we... are not suitable."

These words that were pressed in his throat twice and three times were finally spoken out solemnly and firmly by Shi Xing.

And repeated again, "Yes, we are not suitable."

"Lu Lu, you can't support me, and I am also a burden to you." "

In this case, it is better to be realistic."

After a long pause, Shi Xing again Smiled, this time with clear eyes, said: "That's it."

The eyes looking at Lu Lu are very bright. After being infiltrated by the water light, Shi Xing has experienced many devastating moments. When he discovered the princess's true attitude, when he lost his ability, he knew that there was no possibility for him and Lu Lu. , but...but, he never cried.

It hurts, it hurts, but I don't want to cry.

But at this moment, when the fate is clear and there is a turning point, Shi Xing abnormally feels the moisture in his eyes.

Lu Lu was also looking at him, unbelievably, the moment he realized that Shi Xing was not joking, his body shook unconsciously.

Young Master Xiao Lu was speechless, unable to utter any sound.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "Is that the way ?

" . It was as if any heaviness that had been pressing on my heart for a long time disappeared. Lu Lu couldn't help taking a step back, his eyes flickering. Shi Xing didn't even know how much suffering and pain he had these few days. However, based on this, what Shi Xing doesn't know is that even so, even at this point, he is still unwilling to give up, still thinking of ways, thinking... the possibility that they can match... these days Lu Lil finally figured out how much he likes Shi Xing. But Shi Xing's words made him behave like a fool, meaningless. Lu Lu looked deeply at the other party, as if it was the first day he met Shi Xing... Was it really the other party who said these words? Or, did he never really understand Time Star? !

Lu Lu deeply and clearly remembered his experience after the talent assessment.

At the beginning, it was a complete confusion, with information flooding in like a flood, and Lu Lu felt that he was already half numb.

He has nothing to do, Shi Xing's level is too high, even if he knows rationally that he should take action to solve the problem, there is always a voice in his heart denying it, saying that everything he wants to do is meaningless.

Born into a family of military officers, and his eldest brother is an admiral who has been stationed on the border all year round, Lu Lu's deep understanding of this situation is very accurate and clear.

- Giving up is the best choice.

But his emotions don't allow it, he can give up a blue star of SS+ level, but he can't give up Shi Xing, even if he imagines it, he feels the burning of his soul.

After two days like this, before he participated in the matching, he chanted Shixing's name countless times at home, and then turned on the communicator, and his family members knew what happened. His father and second sister comforted him, but what Lu Lu wanted was not Not consolation.

Only the eldest brother couldn't bear to give him a solution, saying that the matching is ultimately a matter of personal choice, if he is not reconciled and can't let go, let him go to Shixing to try.

Even if you fail, it is better than thinking about it later and doing nothing.

Lu Lu wanted to move, but he was still afraid, afraid of many inexplicable things... until his mother said that he would come.

His mother has always ignored everything. The rich and idle people who have lived in the imperial capital for a long time are willing to come and help him find a way when they hear the news. So what is there to be afraid of as a client?

The act of the princess stepping on the spaceship and coming to Ancheng to accompany Lu Lu gave him great courage, which is why he made a bold move to find Shi Xing today.

It's just that I didn't expect that the most likely path was the most impractical.

Shi Xing's reaction made his suffering these days seem like a joke.

The hall roared with laughter.

Lu Lu felt desolate in his heart, looked at Shi Xing, and suddenly laughed, mockingly, laughing at himself and the Lu family.

"It's over, forget it?"

Repeating Shi Xing's words, Lu Lu's eyes were already red and he gritted his teeth and said, "If the account can be written off, what should I do with you?"

Lu Lu took a big step forward, Looking at Shi Xing very aggressively, the voice almost came out from between the teeth, "I like you so

much, so what?" For several years, have you not felt this kind of intention at all?"

"Am I not good to you, am I not good?"

Lu Lu firmly held Shi Xing's shoulders with both hands, describing his crazy, hoarse voice beyond appearance The words that were spoken nailed Shi Xing to death in place.

"In the past few years, do you have no feelings for me at all?"

With a crazy expression, but a humble tone down to the bone, Shi Xing has never seen Lu Lu like this.

Speechless, Shi Xing forced himself to calm down and said, "Lu Lu, calm down..."

This sentence had the opposite effect, detonating Lu Lu's extremely suppressed emotions.

"Calm down? How can I be calm, how can I be calm?!"

"Do you know what I've been through these days!"

"Do you know what kind of mood I came here, Shi Xing, you know... "

Do you know how broken I am?"

Yes, crash.

Tears fell from the corners of Lu Lu's eyes, but he didn't know it, and looked straight at Shi Xing, the questioning in his eyes seemed to have substance.

Lu Lu's voice became softer again, but with more weight, "I've never done this for anyone." "Neither did

my family."

"My elder brother is still on the border, where the mutant star beasts gather. , kept talking to me in the middle of the night to give me advice, my second sister has to put aside official business and prepare to go back to the imperial capital early, and my dad is in a meeting at the military headquarters day and night, and he wants to send me a message... By the way, there is also me Mom, when you heard the news about your rank, you immediately called me and said that you would come to Ancheng to accompany me and find a way for me." "I really didn't expect that you would be the first to tell me to

give up.

" It's you, why, it's you..."

Sad to the extreme, Lu Lu's hands holding Shixing's shoulders were too strong, which hurt him.

But when Shi Xing, who was originally speechless, heard something, other emotions grew in his eyes, so that he immediately pulled away from Lu Lu's sadness, and almost couldn't help asking.

"Your mother... Princess Tan Shao is coming to the tree nest?"

"Yes, the spaceship she boarded yesterday will arrive today."

The corner of her mouth twitched ironically, and Shi Xing suddenly said coldly, "Lu Lu, are you right?" What was wrong?"

"She said she would come to Ancheng to accompany you, I believe, but I will find a way for you... Are you mistaken?"

"What are you talking about?" Lu Lu.

Shi Xing didn't know where his strength came from, it was probably something that had been accumulated for too long, and it seemed that it would all be burned out like fireworks in this day, so he tried his best to break away from Lu Lv.

Lu Lu stepped forward subconsciously, and the next moment, Shi Xing pushed him away again.

"If I think right, she only said that she would come to accompany you."

"The rest is just that you take it for granted."

Lu Lu thought of something, his face changed slightly, "What do you mean?

" Almost said it all.

Shi Xing's fingernails stuck into the palm of his hand, and he suddenly realized that he might have been waiting for this moment for too long, so that he couldn't help but said at this moment: "


"Talk about yourself, don't mention your family.

" , Do you think you are really clear about your family's situation and your parents' attitude?" Lu Lu's face darkened, "Don't talk nonsense

about my parents."

Because of the real experience, it is more acute.

"Lu Lu, I said that we are not suitable. I am not talking nonsense. You and I are not at the same level, and your family will not agree." "There are

some things you don't know. It's okay. You can find out.

" It's coming soon, if you don't believe me, then you can ask her yourself to find out whether she is here to help you find a way or to persuade you to give up!" "You think your

brother doesn't come home at the border all year round, so it's true. Is it because the three armies can't get other people to come?"

"He asked you to spend more time with the princess, just because he couldn't go home because of his heavy military affairs?"

Seeing Lu Lu's dazed expression, Shi Xing said cruelly, "You don't want anything. have no idea."

I don't know what happened to the Lu family because of Wen Xi (Lu Lu's big brother's partner), I don't know the princess's complicated attitude towards the Blue Star people, and I don't know... He actually doesn't welcome him in his family.

"You go."

"Your family doesn't welcome me."

"We are not suitable, and I will not choose you."

"Xing Xing..." Lu Lu still wanted to pull Shi Xing.

Shi Xing shook off the opponent's hand, "Lu Lu, can you be more realistic?"

The two of them were a little confused due to the ups and downs of their emotions. Fu Qing watched for a long time, even if he only heard the last sentence, he was deeply shocked.

This is Shi Xing, have you met a entangled candidate? So fast? !

Fu Qing immediately recorded a video for Chi Yao, and asked for instructions: [His Royal Highness, it seems that someone has been pestering Shi Xing for a while, do you want me to deal with it? 】

In the video, Shi Xing is the front face, while Lu Lu only has the back view.

Chi Yao frowned, [Officers are forbidden to entangle the Blue Stars during the match]

Seeing that the two sides were entangled severely, and the little Blue Stars didn't look right, after thinking for a while, Chi Yao: [Bring him back]

At least no one dares to come here He's making trouble here.

Fu Qing said hello.

Just when Lu Lu was still reaching out to pull Shi Xing, a high-level mental force struck, and Lu Lu was instantly sent flying.

The author has something to say:

Shi Zai went to Lao Gong, and Lao Gong hugged (bushi

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthWhere stories live. Discover now