Chapter 43 Bravery

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The next day, there were no problems in the examination for a week. The doctor reported to Chi Yao, and Shi Xing was finally able to escape from the full set of physical examinations once a day, which lasted for more than an hour.

At the same time, it also means that the recuperation is over, and the daily time of learning and ability training begins again.

When he first came to the Northern Territory, Chi Yao was invited by Tan Baishan to inspect the Seventh Army in the morning.

It stands to reason that Shi Xing should follow along with him, but the climate in the northern region is extreme, and Shi Xing has only been alive and kicking for a few days. Out of various considerations for his health, Chi Yao finally only brought Qin Jue, Xiang Fei and others, from the royal family. Several senior military officers accompanied by the escort.

Fu Qing was ordered to protect Shi Xing, and stayed in the residence together with her.

Shi Xing felt a little sorry for Fu Qing, "What are you looking for in the

military parade ? They're all pretty much the same, that's all, I'm tired of seeing them."

Shi Xing: "."

Well, fortunately, Fu Qing doesn't want to go either.

Seeing something from Shi Xing's reaction, Fu Qing asked back, "Do you want to go?"

Shi Xing: "I haven't been."

Naturally, people who have never seen things are curious and want to go.

Fu Qing: "Then there are still many opportunities in the imperial capital, let alone the royal guards directly attached to His Highness, the Second Legion and the Third Legion are stationed around the Imperial Capital, and when His Highness lives in the Imperial Capital for a long time, two or three months The fifth army is not far from the imperial capital, and there are only four legions here. The weather conditions will not be too bad when you return to the imperial capital. When the time comes, His Highness will take you to review one by one, and the four legions will go over one after another. , can make people vomit."

Shi Xing: "..."

When it comes to the third army, he no longer looks forward to it physically.

Not wanting to mention this, Shi Xing changed the subject and said, "Major General, will you come to the training room to help me train this afternoon?"

Shi Xing said his plan, "I want to record that my current mental strength can reach What are the depths of different levels of spiritual seas?"

Fu Qing was also at the dinner yesterday, and asked in his first reaction, "Do you want to prepare for the delay in the treatment?"

Shi Xing: "It's not just him."

The first talent Shi Xing already understands the application and the extent to which it can be achieved.

But his specific healing ability, mental strength, and what his second talent is and how to use it still needs to be explored.


Shi Xing's long eyelashes drooped slightly, covering his sea-blue eyes, and the eyes under his eyelashes were firm.

He has his own plans.

In the afternoon, after absorbing a beast core and several pieces of ore normally, Shi Xing didn't use his healing ability, and directly used his mental power to sweep Fu Qing's spiritual sea, from the outside to the inside, unimpeded. It can also go deep into the bottom of the spiritual sea.

Shi Xing joked, "It seems that at least treating you, Major General, is completely fine."

Fu Qing was also happy for Shi Xing's transformation, and said expectantly, "I hope that one day, I can see His Highness's mental disorder problem solved. As a single sample, Fu

Qing is obviously not enough. Fortunately, Qin Jue and Xiang Fei and other officers returned to the residence with Chi Yao in the afternoon. After trying Fu Qing, Major General Xiang Fei with 3s mental power seamlessly connected, Shi Xing In his spiritual sea, he can still enter most areas, but the central area will be more difficult.

After all, the detection value of his current mental strength is only ss.

But it's good news too.

After thinking about it repeatedly at night, Shi Xing boldly knocked on Chi Yao's door.


Shi Xing pushed the door open, still bringing a pillow with him, while Chi Yao was sitting at the desk, reading documents as usual.

"Your Highness, are you busy now?"

Shi Xing asked.

Chi Yao didn't raise his head, and the marker pen tickled several places of the holographic projection, and said to Shi Xing, "Fortunately, there are still two or three reports, and I will rest after reading it. You should sit down first." Shi Xing

obediently Went to the sofa next to the desk.

He didn't browse the star network, but just looked at Chi Yao.

Across a projection screen, Chi Yao frowned, obviously encountered some difficulties, and concentrated on his official duties.

Shi Xing waited for a while but didn't wait for Chi Yao to call it a day. After thinking about it, he gently released his mental power without telling Chi Yao.

The strength is very weak, it can't penetrate the walls of the room, and when it leaves the room, it escapes and cannot be captured.

With his chin resting on the pillow, Shi Xing looked at Chi Yao quietly from a distance.

It took several minutes before Chi Yao seemed to notice the changes in the room, looked at Shi Xing and said, "Have you released your mental power?" Shi Xing did not deny it, "Well,

not strong, very weak."

Shi Xing: "When you leave the room, it almost dissipates in the air. If you leave the villa, you should be completely uncapturable." "

I'm not worried about causing trouble."

After hearing Shi Xing's answer, Chi Yao said in a deep voice.

Because they brought Shi Xing with them, every place they live in has a mental power shielding device, even if Shi Xing's mental power is strongly dissipated, they can still be blocked in this world.

Shi Xing understood, "Do you want to ask me what to do with my mental power?"

Chi Yao nodded.

Shi Xing: "Your Highness, do you still remember the plan I said when I helped you interrupt the disorder last time?"

Before Chi Yao remembered, Shi Xing took the initiative to say, "I said at the time that I was planning and wanted to At night, try to use your mental power to soothe your spiritual sea." "

But later, when I encountered the awakening of my talent, I was powerless, and everyone's attention was diverted." "

Now that I'm back to normal, I think this plan is It's time to put it on the agenda."

Chi Yao choked.

Sliding the long finger down, all the holographic projections in front of him went out.

The lines of sight intersect, and there is no obstruction between the two.

The lights in the room were not turned on particularly brightly at night, and when they looked at each other, Shi Xing couldn't see the subtle expressions on Chi Yao's face, or Chi Yao was as expressionless as he saw.

"Your Highness?"

Shi Xing couldn't help calling out after a long silence.

Chi Yao was slow to speak, and walked two steps forward slowly before saying, "Do you know what you're talking about?" His

tone was neither forceful nor oppressive, it was a question between familiar people.

Even Shi Xing seemed to hear some uncertainty from it.

Shi Xing's answer was firm, "I know."

The order was clear, "I have plenty of energy now, and there is no patient in the First Legion that needs my treatment, and the intensity of mental energy used every day is not too high." After thinking about it

, Shi Xing affirmed, "In the training room, the mental power required to activate the natural ability is actually not much, and the consumption... I think it was not even a quarter of it when it was the most powerful." "In this low-consumption situation

, I think I can allocate part of my mental power every day to appease Your Highness's spiritual sea."

Chi Yao sensed that Shi Xing didn't lie, he was indeed full of mental power.

Shi Xing said in an orderly manner, "Last time I forcibly interrupted the disorder for you. The place where my mental power swept should be stable for a few days, right? Healing mental power has a deep calming effect." "

I If your mental power is not consumed, it will also be recycled by the spiritual sea. If you don't need to sleep, you will have new spiritual power to breed and replace. Instead of waiting for it to dissipate naturally, why don't I use it on you every night, no matter whether the effect is good or bad, It won't be completely useless, what do you think?"

Chi Yao couldn't speak.

Walking in front of Shi Xing, the child's eyes were bright, and his conversation was orderly. It was a proposal after serious consideration.

Even though his first reaction was to refuse, after thinking about it, he seemed to have no reason to refuse.

As Shi Xing said, no matter how useful it is, under the premise that it is harmless to him, the healing power has a more or less soothing effect on Chi Yao, and it will always have a positive impact.

Not always a bad thing.

Chi Yao looked at Shi Xing, and at the same time felt novel, he seemed to know him again.

The long silence made Shi Xing feel a little uneasy, so Chi Yao said, "You can wait for a while." At least

in his opinion, Shi Xing is in good health and there is no need to worry so much.

Shi Xing's answer was very interesting, "But I've already recovered, it's the same if I wait any longer, but you..."

Chi Yao's mental power level is too detached. If he doesn't take the initiative to talk about his situation, others can't perceive it from the side .

And it just so happens that Chi Yao's identity is also detached, and everyone dare not ask, and he will not reveal his situation easily.

Shi Xing looked directly at Chi Yao, and said bluntly, "I'm more worried about you."

"Everyone is also very worried about you."

Shi Xing: "Didn't you ask me to treat you better? That's considered good for you."

Said Afterwards, he emphasized, "I'm asking for your opinion right now, but I'm not making any claims!"

Chi Yao looked at that immature face, with a faint smile on his lips, feeling...very strange.

Chi Yao: "I don't seem to have a reason to refuse."

Shi Xing said in a hurry: "Then you must not refuse!"

Then he bowed his head a little embarrassedly, "I rely on you, and I want to be of some use to you, Your Highness. "

It's more than a little useful.

Chi Yao didn't say it.

Touching Shi Xing's head, he couldn't tell what he was thinking. Thinking that Shi Xing was getting nervous, Chi Yao said, "Then do as you said." "The main premise is still, it can't

affect You, I don't care about the rest."

Shi Xing's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Chi Yao's hand, "Then let's start now!"

Chi Yao looked down, looking at the held palm, feeling subtle.

His silence just now was not actually thinking about the current proposal, he just couldn't remember when was the last time he relied on others, and it was amazing that Shi Xing gave him this kind of entrustment feeling at this moment.

Regardless of whether he is strong or weak, Shi Xing always seems to be brave, which is a trait in his character.

Chi Yao slowly realized that perhaps he could expect more from Shi Xing.

This evening's attempt was a success.

Shi Xing made some other discoveries.

His healing spiritual power will not penetrate much into Chi Yao's spiritual sea, and will be quickly absorbed.

After removing the healing ability, he tried it with mental power, and it seemed that he could only reach half of the overseas layer of Chi Yao's spirit.

It was also the final position he perceived with a lot of mental power last time.

On this level, after awakening his talent, his abilities have been enhanced, at least in easy situations, he can reach the level of previous strenuous effort.

Some things that make people sigh have not changed. Chi Yao's spiritual level is too high, and his spiritual sea is too vast. It will be a challenge for Shi Xing in the future. He is not sure how far he can grow, can he... But for

now As far as Shi Xing is concerned, Shi Xing only needs to work steadily to cure the problems he can perceive.

Not to mention, there are also many problems around Chi Yao's spiritual sea. It takes a lot of time to deal with the peripheral problems just because of the magnitude of the spiritual sea and the density of the spiritual filaments that Shi Xing perceives.

But Chi Yao is the person in charge of Time Star, and what they need most in getting along is time.

Now that Chi Yao has agreed to his plan, he will continue to heal as he grows, and the small problems outside will always be dealt with one day.

Chi Yao's question Shi Xing only worried about the future briefly that night, then put it behind his mind and focused on the present.

Compared with the question of whether he can completely cure His Highness in the future, what is more urgent is Tanchi's illness.

After staying in the Seventh Army for a few days, the group rested completely, and Shi Xing checked Tan Chi's condition as scheduled one day.

The location was chosen in the Tan family's energy-enclosed room.

After practicing with Fu Qing and Xiang Fei, Shi Xing used his natural ability to easily see Tan Chi's mental state clearly.

It is easy to see clearly, and the feeling after seeing clearly is not.

After repeated confirmation, regardless of the urgency of Tan's family members to ask, Shi Xing went out and went straight to Chi Yao.

Pulling Chi Yao aside, he whispered, "Your Highness, there are two bad news."

Chi Yao raised his eyebrows, and said calmly, "Then which one do you talk about first depending on your mood?"

Shi Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I still said it according to my own ideas.

The voice was very small, wrapped by Chi Yao's mental power, and people outside could not hear it.

"First, Lieutenant General Tan's spiritual sea is really drying up. I have felt the speed at which his mental power is draining. If it is fast, it will be half a year. If it is slow, it should not be a year, and it will completely dry up.

" Jian couldn't help but look back, and met Tan Chi's calm face, Shi Xing didn't know if his mood when he first found out was as complicated as his own.

"Secondly, I have never seen his mental state. The subdivision of his mental strength should be higher than that of Major General Xiang Fei. I'm not sure. I can completely cure him." After a pause, he

felt I shouldn't have said this.

But after looking at Chi Yao for a long time, the eager anticipation in his eyes may have been revealed. Chi Yao said before him, "Just say what you want."

The tone is gentle and tolerant, with complete understanding.

Shi Xing opened his mouth, and heard his own voice pleading, "I want to try treating Lieutenant General Tan..." "I don't think

he deserves the end of his spiritual sea being dried up."

After a pause, his expression changed again. Resolute, looking into the smoky gray eyes nearby, Shi Xing said fearlessly:

"Your Highness, please let me try."

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