April 3rd

13 2 0

Dear You,


He said he didn't owe me loyalty.

I asked you for an explanation.

Why did you do that? Why did you waste my time and emotions? What did you think of me?

I asked you to be completely honest. I didn't care if it was bad or ugly. I wanted an explanation. I wanted closure.

"I found peace. You should do the same"
No you didn't. You're lying. But I can't tell you how I know that.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you"
I was very clear with what I wanted. Answer.

Tell me. I did you no harm. I deserve to know.


You said you don't owe me an explanation.

Ta bien ya como quiera tengo la respuesta. Segurito que vale oro. No te contacte para tratar nada contigo. Ni quiero nada.
Y corazón, yo valgo más que El Oro. Y tendré mis "problemas" como cualquiera, peor los tienes tú y soy mejor persona que tú mil veces. Espero que la vida te de lo que pongas tú en ella. Rencor no le guardo a nadie tampoco. Ni el mal te deseo. Cuídate mucho. Disfruta tu paz.

It hurt. I'm hurt.

I give my heart out and I'm not owed anything.

I give a piece of my self out every time.

And yet,

I'm not owed anything.

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