Too painful

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Haha angst time ✨✨✨✨ they've been too happy these last few chapters time to change that

Trigger warnings! Panic attack, flashbacks, vague references to kidnapping, cells, cuffs, s**c*de, self harm (accidental), gore, and violent descriptions

Izuku smiles wide as he snuggles into Hitoshi.

Hitoshi giggles, holding his new partner close. He grabs his phone, taking a picture of Izuku snuggling him, a large smile plastered on both their faces.

Izuku blushes out of embarrassment. "T- Toshi!" He giggles, playfully trying to grab his phone.

Hitoshi laughs. "Nope! I'm gonna post this on my insta! With a caption of what you said!"

Izuku laughs. "A- as much as I w- would l- love th- that. W- wait un- until we ask." He whistles. "birdy! K- kat okay? I d- don't want him g- getting the wrong idea."

Hitoshi nods. "Okay baby I won't." He holds the younger closer. He hadn't noticed it before with everything that was going on but now that he was paying attention he saw a scar going around Izuku's neck.

He gently sits up, the greenette falling into his lap. "Baby?" He asks, his voice filled with concern.

Izuku cocks his head, confused as to what got his boyfriend so worried. "Y- yes Toshi?"

Hitoshi frowns slightly as he takes a better look at Izuku's scar. "Where did you get that?.." He asks, pointing at his own neck for reference.

Izuku immediately freezes, his hands starting to shake slightly. "I- it d- doesn't m- matter-"

Hitoshi gently holds his lovers hands. "Yes it does baby, that's a very very bad scar. I understand if you don't wanna talk about it though."

Izuku takes a few minutes, trying and failing miserably to steady his breathing. He squeezes Hitoshi's hands tight, trying to get in any air he could.

Hitoshi quickly reacts, gently squeezes Izuku's hands. "Shit, ssh, baby, it's okay, I'm here sh." He tries to calm Izuku down as the kid starts to sob uncontrollably.

Hitoshi's eyes quickly flickers towards the door, hoping his dad's were already asleep. "Izuku baby it's okay, calm down, I'm here."

Izuku rips his hands out of Hitoshi's grasp, immediately fitting them around his upper arms.

Izuku's POV;

I couldn't hear anything, everything around me sounded far and static like as I tried to calm my breathing. My hands ripped away from Hitoshi's, reattaching themselves tightly onto my upper arm seemingly on their own.

I couldn't get my body to calm down, everything felt like it was on fire, my breath was hitching, broken sobs coming from my throat unwillingly. My hands grip my arms tighter as I started remembering things I didn't want too but I couldn't stop. Those memories and thoughts keep coming.


I turned my head slowly to both sides as I looked around me, I couldn't find mama anywhere. "Mama?" I called, hoping to find her somewhere close but to no avail.

I look up as a shadow looms over me. "I know where your mama is." He states, his face smirking. "Okay!" I say, following the strang man into the streets then soon down dark alleys.

I didn't know what was happening, next thing I knew I was being thrown into a cell. I pounded frantically against the bars. I didn't know how long I was in there until someone came.

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