Surprise guests? No, strangers, surprise strangers

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Izuku giggles as he works around his cafe. It was seven o'clock in the morning. He had made it back home at six and told Nezu what happened. Nezu was quite proud of the little vigilante but warned him to be careful around the blood quirked man. Izuku of course agreed, stating he wouldn't give anymore information on himself or others not that Nezu expected him too.

He had a few hours of cafe work to do before he did anything else. He didn't have to be at UA until half after two. He had a bit of hacker work to do before then too. "I should probably close early." Izuku thinks as he polishes his glass.

He frowned slightly. Because he opened late he didn't see Hitoshi, Aizawa, or Bakugou before school. He pouted a little. Outside of school he was typically free to flirt with his lovers as much as he liked which he adored. But inside school, he had to be extremely careful. Even one glance could be taken the wrong way with how much he was being watched.

Of course whenever Nezu was around Izuku was free to sneakily flirt here and there, Nezu would make sure he'd have the other attention. Izuku felt that if he wasn't constantly smothering his lovers with his affection or constantly flirting and reminding them how much he adores them that they'd leave, which he is the last thing he wants.

Izuku sighs as he looks at the clock, it read eleven am. "It won't hurt to close now." He thinks as he looks around the empty cafe.

He sighs as he goes to lock the door. He whips his head around as he hears people coming in through the back. He sighs, shaking his head. He locks the front door before heading up the spiral staircase which leads to Nequam's apartment. Yep. You heard me right, Nequam's apartment.

Izuku made sure his personal life had no ties to the places above and below his cafe. The upper space was bought under a fake name whereas the below portion was something Izuku dug out and built himself.

He quickly grabs all of his vigilante gear, shoving it into a hidden compartment inside his bedroom closet. He keeps two knives, his scythe (which is currently in it's compact form), and gun on him. "I don't know who's here so I don't have enough time to properly put on my wig or anything. Fuck."

He checks to make sure the gun has bullets before jumping down into his basement, he opted to use the pantry entrance since it's faster.

He heard loud footsteps pacing around the cafe space above him.

Izuku sighs. "Maybe I have a few minutes."

He quickly tossed off his apron, hiding it under his desk in a mass of cords. He didn't wanna be caught wearing anything that his name on it which the apron does.

He tenses slightly as he hears a loud girly giggle. "Maybe they'll just think I'm not home."

He rushes inside his closet, quickly grabbing his wig and glueing it on the best he can in the timeframe he has. It definitely wasn't great but it was passable.

He put in his pink colored contacts as he heard someone skipping down the stairs.

"Shiggy~!" A girl giggles. "I found something~!" Her voice pierced Izuku's eardrums as he walks out of his closet.

"Oh! And I found someone too~! Oh they'd look so beautiful covered in blood!!" She giggles as he runs over, skipping in circles around Izuku.

Izuku tenses a little before he sighs. He hears two more sets of footsteps walking down the stairs.

He looks to the door with an unamused glare. He carefully gets out of the girls skipping circle, going to sit down in his very comfortable chair. He gazes at the three people in front of him.

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