Fight fight fight!

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Tws!!! Villain attack, Major Character Death!!!!!!!! Sad bean hours, Fluffy hours before it tho-, Izuku is a little shit for the first half of this chapter

Izuku couldn't help but laugh as he watches Todoroki slam his hands against the barrel. It was such a funny sight to him. He was so glad he didn't have to participate in any of this, though he was sure his quirk training with his father was way worse. God it was truly traumatizing to see dead or dying bodies on a daily basis just for some quirk work. But hey! At least it wasn't anyone he cares about.

Izuku watches from his spot in the trees as the students train, a fond smile on his face as he notices how far everyone's come.

"Fight fight fight!!" He quietly cheers from the trees as he watches Kaminari egg on Bakugou. "C'mon baby!!!" He yells, a bit too loudly.

Bakugou's head shoot over towards his direction causing the boy to wince at just how fast it was. The entire camp suddenly went eeriely quiet as Bakugou stares towards the treeline.

The blonde shakes his head, growling softly. "Okay! Whatever fucker did that that's not cool!!!" He growls as he looks around at the mass of students and faculty. He swore either that his mind made that up or someone was fucking with him.

Izuku giggles at the look on Bakugou's face as he goes around accusing the class pranksters. Immediately the blondes yelling had been silenced by the adorable noise.

"Kacchan~...." He teases through his mask, he adjusted the voice changer causing it to sound like his voice was coming from everywhere at once time.

"I- Izuku!?" Bakugou yells as he frantically looks around. "Th- this isn't funny!!"

Hitoshi quickly runs over, pulling the blonde lover into a hug. "Ssh, it's okay Kit Kat." He sends icey glares around to the people. "To whoever is during this fuck you."

"Gladly~" Izuku taunts back, laughing at the flustered look on Hitoshi's face as Bakugou clings to him.

"It's been so long.. s- since I've heard his voice without the stutter... his real voice..." Bakugou says quietly into Hitoshi's chest.

"Kacchan~..... Puppy~..... My adorable little Pomeranian." Izuku smiles as he watches Bakugou's head shoot up, a growl on his face.

"Okay!! I'm fucking done!!! Whoever's doing this better fucking come out now or own up cause this is fucking sick!!!" He growls, all explosions coming from his hands out of anger.

"Are you sure?... You'll be in for a shock." He giggles softly. "Why don't you come find me puppy? Kitty? Come on, I'm right here, all you have to do is look. I'm right here. I promise, I'm not going anywhere this time."

Hitoshi's eyes scan the wood line anxiously, wondering if this was another villain attack incoming. "Oh sure, cause we're dumb enough to go fucking around in the woods when you're probably a villain!!!"

Izuku huffs, pouting softly. "You're so mean Hito!!" He sighs then giggles. "Fine, you don't have to find me by yourselves. Let's make it a group exercise!! Last I checked I was still a teacher so I gotta make y'all do some work or Dadzu will kill me!!" He giggles more.

Aizawa walks up to Hitoshi and Bakugou. "It's up to you two but..." He looks towards the trees. "I'd take this chance, this does sound suspiciously alot like Izuku and we all know Izuku wouldn't give out information like he's spewing now to anyone. I think you should take this chance."

"Tick tock! I thought you'd be more eager to see me beloveds, though... I could always go spend time with Eri if you don't want me here.." His tone had a hint of sadness which broke his boyfriends hearts.

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