Tea time

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Trigger warnings!! Bullying, s**c*de baiting, s**c*de, depression, neglect, kidnapping!!!

Nezu smiles as he and Izuku sit in his office. They were both drinking tea that Izuku had prepared. "I propose a game of chess if you wouldn't mind?"

Izuku nods as he looks down at Nezu, the scarf piece that once was around his eyes no longer there. "That seems fun, but what's the catch?"

Nezu cackles. "As perceptive as ever I see!" He smirks. "Despite what others might think, I'm not exactly all knowing." His smirk grows as he continues to talk. "I propose a game of chess where anytime one of our pieces gets taken the person who took to piece gets to ask a question."

Izuku nods again, smirking behind his mask. "Game on then rat god."

Nezu laughs as he begins setting up the chess board. "Black or white?"

Izuku thinks for a moment. "Black."

Nezu turns the board so the black pieces are facing Izuku. "Tell me a bit about yourself little mouse." He says as he moves a pawn.

Izuku chuckles. "What exactly do you want to know?" Izuku moves a pawn.

Nezu moves another pawn. "Anything you're willing to share."

Izuku nods, moving another pawn as well. "That's understandable."

Nezu moves his piece, taking a pawn from Izuku. "Why won't you study here?"

Izuku chuckles. "Too many restrictions. I like what I'm doing now, I don't have to worry about breaking any hero rules nor do I have to worry about a reputation." He moves his bishop.

Nezu chuckles, nodding. "I see." He moves his rook.

Izuku smiles behind his mask as he loves his other bishop, affectively placing a trap for Nezu.

Nezu cackles as he moves his rook forward. "Nice trap but you'll have to be smarter than that dear mouse."

Izuku nods. "Maybe." He takes Nezu's rook. "Why exactly do you find me so interesting?"

Nezu chuckles. "I believe that we have similar stories. Besides, you're someone of a great mind. I enjoy that kind of company."

"I said exactly, you seem to be dodging the question."

Nezu nods. "That's fair." He hesitates for a moment. "You remind me of myself in a lot of ways."

Izuku nods. "I see."

Nezu chuckles as he takes another one of Izuku's pawns. "Are you ever going to reveal yourself to the Yamada - Aizawa's?"

Izuku thinks for a moment. "Well, Hitoshi already knows so I suppose he doesn't count in this case?" He makes his next move without taking a piece. "But as for your question possibly. I'm not quite sure I want too. However, if a situation arises where I have no choice then I will."

Nezu nods, making another move. "I see."

Izuku smiles as Nezu takes another one of his pieces. "Well?"

"How exactly did you make those strings inside your gloves?"

Izuku laughs at his question. "I stole it actually. I stole the string from the HC. They had it inside their weapons vault however they only had a little. It took me many many days of experimenting to make as much as I have now. And of course I put the original back."

Nezu cackles, his tea spilling. "How wonderful! You managed to get inside the hero commission without being detected!! I couldn't be prouder!!"

Izuku beams when Nezu says he's proud of him, small tears well in his eyes. "Thank you!"

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