chapter four

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An entire month had passed and Solàna spent most of her time watching any interview, film, or social media page that Chloe graced. It was her mission to know everything. She spent hours searching and watching who exactly the girl was. Yes, she knew exactly who she was before their initial meeting, but the singer had impressed her so that she'd become fascinated. The only thing she knew about her was the group she was in with Halle and their roles on Grownish. Due to her career, she didn't have a lot of time to sit and watch what new t.v. shows would be released.

To become enamored with someone she didn't know caused her stomach to churn at the unfamiliar feeling. It was strange.

Nothing ever took up this much of her time besides her music. And because her head was so big she now had an added person to her roster that was equally fond of her. Unfortunately this minor obsession would be prolonged.

"You've been on your phone all morning. Let me show you something right quick." Trevante reached to his girlfriend, hoping to get some sort of affection out of her. He didn't speculate that she was doing anything that would result in another breakup. In broader terms she wasn't, but she also wasn't present in their relationship. She was still too distant for his liking.

"Hmm, what'd you say?"

"We've both got the day off right? Let me take you out," He now rubbed her thigh. "There's this new place on Rodeo Drive I wanna take you to."

Filming didn't keep him busy so that left him with time. Time that would play with her emotions as he'd galavant in the streets, ultimately leaving her a mess. After the couple  had yet another invasive conversation, they decided to make it work one last time. And they were currently on their third last time.

"I'm actually not, sorry. I've got a mandatory album release party I have to go to." No one on TDE's roster was set to release an album for another three months. Lying had become a bad habit of her's in certain relationships. She didn't get anything out of it, per se. But relief from meaningless conversations held her sanity in place. Sometimes mustering up a conversation was just too much for her, especially if she didn't like you.

"Solàna you never go out. Who's is it?" He paused his gaming system and looked at her, "What time?"

"It starts at seven." The tapping on her screen became more vigorous now. She was starting to get annoyed as she couldn't find anything viable that would steer her doubts right. Chloe was spotless, yet she still searched for one imperfection to not like the girl.

"Okay, let me go with you. You're always stating how I'm not available and I'm never home. I am now, so I'm down." He lifted from his sitting position on the bed. It was like the rain cloud of the past year or so had suddenly disappeared. "Get dressed. We'll make a day if it." He nodded his head in agreement, almost as if he was assuring himself more than her.

The truth was YSL was throwing Gunna an album release party. There was going to be two according to the internet. The first one was in Atlanta and Solàna was currently stalking Chloe's Instagram story to see if she were in attendance. After making it to the end of her story she saw that she was infact in Atlanta, but it was unclear if she celebrated with the rapper. The only thing that currently tied her to the city was the restaurant Slutty Vegan.

Tiredly she replied, "That's the thing, what if I don't want to? Let me breathe. We've been together all week Tre. Can we just chill?" She whined into the pillow, wanting to get back to doing some research without his interruptions.

"Làna I'm just tryna make this shit work. We take two steps forward and five backward. I can't read your mind. Do you want me here or not?" He didn't even seem aggravated, just confused. His soft tone caused her to finally look at him. She pressed the power button to lock her phone, slightly throwing it to show she was listening.

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