chapter nine

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This time she didn't leave. She stayed, with legs entangled in her own. Normally she wouldn't be up this early, but she couldn't stop thinking about the what ifs. The fears and worries that laid below her were just that. In the same instance that person had nothing to do with those emotions of an imagined perception. The mere thought to project those daunting feelings caused her to have a lot of self conflicts within herself. It also didn't help that her phone flooded with countless messages from her longtime boyfriend.

The dream Solàna envisioned years ago was just that, a dream, a fantasy world that would never follow the yellow brick rode in the end. Playing pretend and dress up was never her forte as a child. Most times she dismembered the Barbie dolls because at the time it gave her a false sense of reality. Solàna was never the girl guys went for or girls envied. That didn't develop until after fame arose. The relationship she was in was slowly turning into what she thought she'd escaped many years ago.

It had gone on far too long and she was ready to let it go, let him go.

Her hands found way to the younger woman's scalp. By using her fingers to part through her locs, the woman squirmed in her sleep. She smiled as she watched her melt into the tight embrace she held onto. In a sense the locced woman wasn't the only woman to feel secure. It was a different feel for the older woman. To be wanted and not needed. It was strange, in the least. If there wasn't any money involved, she believed she wasn't desired. But here, there was someone who didn't intend to gain anything but her heart. Trying her best to silence her phone, Chloe gripped the sides of Solàna's waist to pin her down and stop her from moving. With the absence of clothing, she dug her head further into her stomach to feel her presence and body heat. Finding the covers seemed like too much work at the time. The air conditioner appeared to be working overtime, despite the time of year it was.

"You're so cold." Her words came out muffled as she spoke into skin. She continued to toss in her position as she felt Solàna's body move closer to the edge of the bed. The only reason she didn't move earlier was because she'd assumed Chloe was still in a deep sleep. "Now I'm getting cold," Chloe whined as she tried to forcibly keep her eyes closed.

She ran her hands up and down her cheeks until they rested firmly on her face. Her fingers glided across Chloe's skin, as she outlined her facial features. Planting a few kisses to her nose, she sighed heavily. It was heavy, but a content one. She found herself smiling again as she thought about what she could have after releasing everything from her approaching past.

"I've gotta take this, I'll be back." Her smile soon fell once she saw his text messages now amplified to phone calls. Any smart and logical person would know that after a person had already missed thirty-four phone calls and voicemails that said person most likely didn't want to be bothered. Either A: something was terribly wrong or B: the feeling of rejection was starting to set in.

"Fine." Releasing the death grip she held, Chloe turned to face the other side, only to be awoken to the impeding sunlight. She immediately searched for something to darken the area. The palm of her left hand wrapped tightly around her eyes that refused to stay shut.

"I'll be right back. You're acting like more of a baby than me." Removing the covers, she extended a long stretch due to the long position she was in.

With the covers now over her head and back turned, she sent her right arm into the air and flipped the bird. Waiving it in the air, she was sure her message was successful as quieted chuckles escaped Solàna's mouth.

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