chapter fifteen

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part one: santorini greece

The waters were dark and vast, yet managed to still reflect similarly to a jewel. The cerulean waves appeared imperceptible if one managed to stare with the naked eye. The simplicities of nature limited the unease between the lovers.

Her eyes were glossed over as she looked down at the spume Solàna created. She articulated each stride of the paddles with care. The frothy like waves were aerosolized water popped against the backwards motion of propelling their ferry forward. The heightened city was in the distance to the left of them. At the few ports they passed were few travelers and natives.

The foreigners and natives alike were invested in the town's celebration to be consumed with guiding their ferries against the waters. The people were boisterous, but the curated waters were much more in tune in creating sound.

For something so silent, the water brought a loud murmuring that didn't pose as an irritant. It cascaded placidly, leaving a rippling sound and effect.

Placing her hand atop of the water, Chloe allowed the water to graze the palm of her hand. The water was extremely cool for eighty degree weather. She didn't extract her hand, nor submerge it. She needed a moment to feel something other than constant stillness.

Being one within herself was one thing, yet forcibly having to confine was another. A contrast of the sun and water against her skin diminished those internal conflicts. Her racing mind was cooled with simply allowing the water to flow between her fingers.

"Where are we going?" She drew her hand out of the water, having her eyes to leave the endless sea. Chloe was met with Solàna's staring. She never stopped looking at her, not even once. Chloe hadn't realized how much time had passed, she just knew that it certainly wasn't enough.

Solàna beamed at her voice. It was the first time Chloe didn't voice a sentence in disappointment.

Their conversations were now minimal and candid. Not much room was left for playful banter, nor deep conversations. Hopefully this would be a way around their struggles.

In almost a whisper she responded, "Somewhere magical." Through her hushed tone you could sense her excitement.

Chloe couldn't help but to smile as well. She simply nodded and pulled out her sketchbook she'd stored away. Flipping through the pages, she noticed it wasn't hers. It was a replica of her own except none of her sketches were there. She flipped through countless blank pages.

On the tenth page she found a message. Flip the pages fast was written sideways. So, she flipped the book horizontally and started the journey.

There were two main stick figures that represented them both on most pages. On other pages were Pepper and Apollo— events and experiences they'd all had together. It was corny and cheesy, but accurate of what they shared with one another.

Her thumb stopped on the very last page. It was the only color in the entire flip book. A heart colored red took up the entire space. There were sparks on the outside of the shape shaded in yellow and orange. The two stick figures were at the point of the heart holding hands, or what looked to be their arms.

"You made this?" She ran her fingers across the portrait. The design was simple, but detailed perfectly. Solàna payed close attention to detail. Her line work was precise and the pastels used were applied within the lines. Nothing was out of place, not a single mistake was found.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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