chapter twelve

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Solána held Pepper loosely in her arms as she walked through the entrance of a nearby kennel. The boarding facility would reveal if her young, French bulldog could cooperate in the likes of other dogs. She had an unhealthy obsession with replacing her feelings with repeated additives. To counter this, Solána started to make habit of better behaviors. She took into account the differences in hearing and listening to advice, but more importantly what impact it had on her life.

Solána received it lightheartedly, instead of creating excuses to continue spiraling in detrimental ways. She looked into therapy, but wasn't completely sold on the idea of going a third round.

Therapists in California were on high demand for obvious reasons. She'd had a bad batch of a few different ones, none ever seemingly able to fit into her needs. They unfortunately delved into all of her wants and settled on making sure the checks were readily clearing. She had unknowingly been talking to a life coach, who wasn't licensed in psychology. Solána had also explored the vast collections of hypnotherapy, talk therapy, psychiatry, and acupuncture to deal with the acute anxiety she experienced during high-profile events. They were always temporary fixes, nothing that would stick.

Setting her sights on another pup might serve as a better addition. Emotional healing was key, and she understood the most beneficial choice would be to avoid isolation that led to negligence. She wanted to not only make the best decision for herself, but Pepper as well.

Spotting Megan and seeing her enveloped in her phone gave her time to recollect her thinking and slow her speedy heart. The initial bell sounding from the door didn't pull interest. It wasn't until Pepper ran up to Megan, that she finally looked up, or rather down at the mini ball of joy. His small, but weighted steps were similar in stature to 4oe and Dos'. Each pitter patter made her briefly peak over. Not seeing the familiar taupe gray coats sent a reassuring smile to herself.

She hoped none had escaped. Her pups were feisty, just like her. Rebelling acts weren't too much of a surprise coming from them, including her other two.

"So she is coming?" Stammering over her words she looked to desperately hear Megan clarify if Chloe was coming to her highly promoted event. Even though Hottieween was a private event, it still drew in the public eye. "Is that a definite?" Her stuttering caused Megan's lip to poke out.

Megan's eyes veered away from her phone again, now helping Pepper into the seat next to her. "Yeah she's on her way now to pick me up. What's up boo? Farris dropped me off." She leaned over and stroked behind his ears. In return, Pepper showed his gratitude by intensifying his panting and sent a few licks against the inside of her bare wrists.

"No! Sorry." The receptionist unintentionally glared at Solána's increase in volume. Her hands flew to her chest, not really focused in on their conversation and had subsequently thought the worst had happened. In a much lower voice she stated, "No, that's not who I'm talking about."

Megan cautiously looked up spiraling in confusion. Her eyebrows shifted left as she asked, "Okay, well who are you talking about? I thought you meant Normani. She's down the street. No more than five minutes away I believe."

Drawing her attention to the paperwork, she signed her consent across the two paged packet. She dabbed the pen in a specific pattern on the sheet that provided the day to day schedule their inhabitants followed. With an added inadequate mutter and sigh, Solàna rolled her eyes. Flipping the pages back to the front, she handed them over. It was as if Megan was probing her in the worst way possible. She knew that wasn't exactly the case, but the feeling never left.

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