The New Student

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Loud bangs on my door is what awoke me from my glorious sleep.

"Ugh who is it?" I say as I shuffle around in my bed trying to keep myself awake.

"It's me" Alaric's voice calls out from the other side of the door as I groan into my pillow.

He proceeds to unlock my door without my permission and enters into my room.

"You have six seconds to explain why you just woke me up" I say as I jolt upright from my bed to look at him.

"Because it's morning and you should be awake" Alaric says giving me a knowing look as he pulls the blankets off me.

"Really I didn't know you wanted to die today." I retort as I smack his hand away and pull the blanket over my head, now hiding.

"Ethan you can't kill me." He says as he tries to ply the blanket off me.

"To late I've already decided how" I fire back at him as I poke my head out of the blanket to see his reaction.

"You got some nerve" He tries to be stern but ends up holding back a smile.

"Oh come on now. Give me some credit, cause I would like to think that I have a lot more than just some nerve" I say while grinning widely as I remove my blankets and step infront of him.

"When you are done meet me in my office" Alaric says as he walks out of my room but seems to stop in his tracks and think about something.

"Oh and put a shirt on" He says as he turns around to glance at me then leave the room.

I sigh and get ready before leaving to see what Alaric wants.

When I arrive outside his door, I push his door open and off his hinges.

"Why hello there" I say as I stand over the now fallen door and look around the room. Lizzie, Josie and the auburn haired girl from yesterday still around Alaric's desk as he sits behind the desk in his office chair.

"Oh great now he's here." The auburn haired girl says her voice laced with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes.

"Oh don't sound so happy to see me" I retort back as I enter the room and stand behind the girl.

"Hi Ethan" Lizzie says in a flirtatious tone as she turns her hand to look at me.

"Hello Love" I say while winking at her before focusing my attention to Josie who was awfully quite.

"Hey Josie" I say with a slight smile on my face as I noticed her zoning out.

"Oh hey Ethan" She says, my voice snapping her out of her dream like state.

"I would say take a seat but all the seats are taken and now that you have broken down my door I wouldn't give you a seat even if I had one." Alaric says narrowing his eyes at me and gesturing towards the fallen door.

"No problem Ric I actually prefer standing and sorry about your door it was just in my way." I state with a smirk as I make my way to lean against a wall.

"So why did you call me here Ric?" I ask with a bored tone and expression visible on my face.

"Well you see-" He got cut off by his phone ringing and playing on of those old 90's music.

"Sorry I have to take this." He says while getting up from his chair and heading towards the now fallen door.

"Stay here all of you" He turns around and lectures before leaving all of us in this room.

I move off the wall and move to Alaric's desk where his chair is and I plop down on it.

"Ah, this is the life." I speak with my hands resting on the back of my hand as I sink down into the comfy chair.

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