Car Crash

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Ethan makes his way back to Mystic Falls in his car while drinking amd occasionally stopping to feed on someone.

By the time the Mystic Fall sign was in sight, there was over a dozen bodies in the trunk of his car.

Once he knew he was close enough to walk to where Hope and everyone was he pressed his foot down as hard as he could on the accelerator. As he sped down the road at full speed, he suddenly turned the steering at an angle making him crash into a tree.

Nothing happened for a moment and the only thing that could be heard was the soft droplets of rain hitting against the car. An almost deafening sound filled the air as the car was flown backwards and as pieces of the vehicle flew all over the place while spreading flames all over the road.

What was left of the car hit the Mystic Falls sign and landed almost perfectly in the middle of the road as if someone had left it there on purpose. After the remains of the car had stopped spinning, Ethan stepped out of the flames and walked pass the sign that was now engulfed in flames.

He had accomplished what he had wanted. All the bodies that had been in his car merely moments before had either been blown up or set up in flames.

Ethan walked through Mystic Falls until he reached the location that Hope said they were at. Once he stopped infront of the building, he took a moment to take in the scene.

It was probably midnight or so and Alaric, Skylar and woman Ethan did not recognize sat outside drinking.

Ethan walked towards them and as soon as he got in their line of vision Alaric and Skylar stood up.

"Ethan" Alaric slurs and almost stumbles to the grounds but he is caught by the woman that Ethan still did not know the name of.

Ethan just nods at Alaric and watches as Skylar approaches him and stands right in front of him.

Ethan looks at Skylar confused as she takes a deep breath and wraps her arms around Ethan's neck pulling him down toward her, pulling him into a hug.

"Im sorry" She whispers in Ethan's ear.

Before Ethan could even realize what was happening, a hand plunged into his chest and he watched as the un-named woman knocked Alaric out and as Skylar's grip tighten on his heart.

Ethan's eyes started to flutter closed but before it could he said, "Why?" his voice cracking as he spoke.

He looked at Skylar who now had tears in her eyes. She did not respond to him instead she slowly loosened her grip on Ethan's heart. She removed her hand swiftly and snapped his neck.

She watched as his body fell limp on the floor. She took one last look at him before leaving with the woman.

A/N: This is my first authors note and probably the last but just wanted to say sorry for not updating in a while. Im finally back and there are gonna be more updates. Also the story is gonna start leading into it's own storyline but you guys will be seeing more Ethan amd Hope. Anyways hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day...

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