Garbage Duty

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So when we got back to the school I found out that Lizzie and Josie used their supernatural abilities in a football game.

Ric is mad at them cause they almost revealed the schools secret and that's a whole lot of drama.

I head to my bedroom and find my siblings waiting for me, staring directly into my soul as I enter the room.

"There you are, we were so scared" Bree says as she gives me a hug and pulls back and punches my shoulder with a good amount of strength.

"Oi" I say rubbing my shoulder while muttering under my breath.

"You deserved that, you can't just leave and not tell us where you're going." Chase says in a manner of which you would probably see a mother scolding her child.

"We thought you died" Adam says with a laugh as he stands behind Bree and Chase who scold him.

"Its not my fault, I got dragged into it by Alaric. So if you have any further inquiries, I suggest you take it up with him" I say while placing my palms together almost in a praying motion.

"That's a good one but next time you better tell us" Chase says he, Adam and Bree walk towards the door.

"As the Lord commands" I mock him with a slight bow.

Adam and Bree chuckle in unison but are ushered out the door by Chase.


AN EXTREMELY LOUD BANGING NOISE interrupt my sleep today. I really do wonder if anyone gets any sleep around here

"Who is it?" I ask rolling over in bed trying to block out the noise.

"Its me" I hear Alaric's irratating voice call out to me from the beyond.

"I'm sorry but I do not know anyone who goes by that name unfortunately" I groan as I pull the blanket over my head.

"I need your help" He says loudly with another bang to the door.

"With what exactly?" I ask now extremely annoyed and unable to fall back asleep.

"I need you to oversee something" He says

"What kind of something?" I ask as I get up from my bed.

"I'm sending some kids to do community service and I would like you to oversee them" He says

"So babysitting basically" I say

"No its more like watching them" Ric says

"So babysitting" I say

"Well I'm gonna get ready now so I'll see you later" I say

"Okay, meet me in the library when you are done."

I nod and he leaves the room while I get ready and I make my way down to the library.

While walking I run into my one and only sister.

"Hey Bree" I say as I stop in my tracks to speak to her.

"Hey" She says back with a bored tone.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not gonna be here today" I let her kbow so she doesn't go ballistic on me again.

"Why?" she asks with a confused expression.

"So you know that football game that was yesterday. Well the players almost revealed their abilites and now Alaric is punishing them I have to babysit them." I say.

"Lucky Adam, Chase and I didn't attend then" She says

"Yeah, Lucky that you guys are so boring" I tease her as I start walking towards the library without looking back.

"Dick" She shouts down the hallway and I just flip her off while walking.

Once I enter the library I see Alaric, Lizzie, Josie and Hope. Lizzie looks like she is arguing with Alaric about something.

I walk towards them and listen. "And secondly... if anyone should take the blame it's Josie" I hear Lizzie say.

"What?" Josie says.

"I'm sorry, I totally cracked undercross but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball..." Lizzie says

"You'd would still be in trouble." Ric says

"But nice job throwing your sister under the bus." Hope says

"Thank you Hope" Josie says

"Speaking of, the bus leave in ten minutes and I all three of you to be on it working harmoniously and without drama."

"End of debate. I wasn't even at the game. Why am I being punished?"

"You know what you did" Ric says

"Alright go on all of you." Ric says.

Lizzie and Josie leave the room but Hope stays.

"Seriously, what did I even do? " Hope asks

"My guess would be that you tricked him into taking you into a dangerous battle that could have gotten you killed." I say as I walk closer to them.

"Bingo" Alaric says

"How long have you been here for?" Hope asks

"Forever Love" I say smirking.

"I want to help you do research" Hope says to Alaric

"The adults have it under control" Ric says

"That's not fair you only use that card when you don't need something from me" Hope says

"Hope, I can't drag you into this. This is a dangerous case and until we know more about it. I can't risk anything happening. So I need you to just be a kid for once and keep a Dragon sized secret" Ric says

"Understood? " He asks

Hope nods her head and we head on the bus.

Before I even know it we are at the park.

"Why are you here Ethan? " Josie asks as we get out of the bus.

"Alaric, sent me here to look after you guys." I say.

"Alright listen up, it's a beautiful day and you have three options trash, graffiti or weeds" Dorian says

I lean against the bus and watch as they all go to do their tasks.

I then decide to go take a walk.

"Hey guys" I say as I walk up to Hope and Josie

"Hey Ethan" Josie says smiling

"Hello Helper" Hope says smirking

"Not funny" I say

"No it is" Hope says smiling

"I agree with Hope" Josie says smiling.

"Well, Im gonna take a walk over there" I say pointing to the graffiti

"Okay, see you later helper" Hope says smiling.

I chuckle at her antics before walking off to the graffiti.

I only make it about half way before I hear Hope scream.

I superspeed back to see what happened.

"What happened here?" I ask as I look down to see the garbage picker in Hopes shoe.

"Help me put it out" Hope says.

Me and Josie pull it out of her shoe.

"Looks like you poked yourself" Josie says.

Hope smiles a bit

"In my opinion, she poked herself because she is trash at fighting" I say playfully.

"Shut up" Hope says laughing as she punchs me in my arm playfully.

Thats when I get a call on my phone...

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