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After a while of driving and singing, we finally find the house where the emo kid is hiding.

I pull up in the driveway and just as I switch the car off my phone starts ringing.

"You guys go, I got to take this." I say as I exit the car and start walking down the street.

My phone is still ringing so I look down to see the caller ID and reluctantly answer it.

"Hello" A familiar voice says from the other side of the phone.

"Why hello there. What do I owe this pleasure to Rebekah" I respond to her.

"I didn't think that you would recognize my voice" Rebekah says a bit surprised.

"Oh don't act surprised Rebekah, I know you want something so you might as well just tell me now." I tell her because I really just don't want to speak to her right now.

"I need you to come to the Family Compound." She says with a sigh.

"Why exactly do you need me to do that?" I ask her while I stop walking down the street.

"I'll explain it all to you when you arrive here. Just make it quick please." She says as she hangs up.

A heavy sigh leaves my lips and start to superspeed to New Orleans.

I arrive at outside the Mikaelson Family Compound. I stare at it of a while before slowly walking up to the door.

My hand runs along the Mikaelson Crest and all my memories of this place come flashing back. I close my eyes and rest my head on the door, thinking about all the happiness, sorrow and joy I experienced here.

Flashes of Andrea, Niklaus and Elijah start flooding my head and I immediately open my eyes not wanting to remember.

I move my head off the Crest and reluctantly open the door. I stand frozen to lost in memories to move.

Flashback - 3rd person

"Andrea" Ethan calls out as he storms through the doors of the Mikaelson Compound.

Hayley comes in vamp speeding infront of Ethan, looking at him with her arms crossed.

"You do know that I and everyone who lives here has super hearing right?" Hayley says while looking around at the Mikaelson siblings who are in the courtyard of the compound. Though Niklaus and Elijah are no where to be seen.

"Freya, doesn't" Ethan says cheekily while looking at Freya Mikaelson who looks up from her book, placing her gaze on him.

"I may not have super hearing but I am a witch and I can and will come over there and kick your ass if it is necessary" Freya says whilst smirking at Ethan.

Ethan looks down and chuckles. "I don't doubt that" He says smiling while turning to face Hayley once again.

Hayley looks at him while placing her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes at his antics.

Ethan moves towards her and places his arms around her embracing her in a hug. "How have you been, Andrea?" He asks while running his hand through her hair.

"Im alive so thats good" She mumbles into his shoulder with a chuckle as they both pull away from the hug.

"Is Hope awake?" Ethan asks as he looks around the compound.

"Indeed, she is" Niklaus says walking down the stairs whilst carrying baby Hope with him.

"Ah, at last, I wondering where you were Niklaus. I might have thought that you were even ignoring me, but of course you were simply just eavesdropping on my conversation as always." Ethan says with a smirk playing on his lips whilst looking at Klaus and Hope.

"I think that you are thinking of one of my good friends. You may know him. We were quite the team back in the day." Niklaus says smirking as he hands Hope to Hayley and turns back to face Ethan.

"By team, I think you mean terror Niklaus" Elijah corrects Klaus as he walks down the stairs and stands next to Klaus.

"Ah, I see. So not only were you eavesdropping on me but Elijah joined you." Ethan fake gasps and looks at the brothers in shock.

"But I assume Elijah has good reason to. After all he wouldn't want anyone stealing his lovely Andrea away from him." Ethan says with a smile on his face, looking between Elijah and Hayley but it is quickly wiped away by Hayley hitting him with one hand because of her carrying Hope.

Klaus looks between the three of them and smiles to himself. "Well, Elijah if you are jealous then best you and Hayley go on a lovely trip to Paris after all it is the city of love." Klaus says while nudging Elijah's side and Elijah looks down whilst smiling.

A blonde vampire suddenly appears in front of Ethan whilst looking at him.

"So you say hello, to the rest of my family but you forget the most important member." Rebekah says with a scoff.

"Oh, yes. How could I forget... Kol, lovely seeing you here. Might I say you look a bit younger." Ethan says looking past Rebekah and looking at Kol who is relaxing on the couch.

"Right back at you" Kol says as he looks at Ethan and smirks.

"Ah, and here I thought that you were a gentleman." Rebekah says smiling while looking inbetween Kol and Ethan.

Ethan smiles and moves towards her and embraces her in a hug. After a while they pull away from each other and Ethan turns around and looks at baby Hope as he slowly approaches Hayley who is carrying Hope.

Ethan grabs Hope's tiny little hand and kisses it softly. He looks up at Hayley and Niklaus, silently asking them for permission to hold her. They both nod at him and Hayley slowly puts Hope into Ethan's arms.

Ethan smiles and looks down at the small child in his hands. "She is going to be a strong woman, like her mother and she is going to be a great leader just like her father" Ethan says while smiling as he looks up at the Mikaelson family who smiles at him.

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