Important Business

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was the middle of the night, and I was cranky because I just want to get some sleep.

But I was wide awake when I saw who was calling me.

I immediately answer the phone.

"Hello" I say

"Ethan, thank god you answered your phone" Mr Davanport says.

"Is everything okay Mr Davanport?" I ask cause he never calls for no reason.

"Well, I just found out that my evil brother has installed a app in Adam, Bree, Chase's and your bionic chip that allows him to control you." Mr Davanport says in a panic.

"Wait a minute, Since when do you have a brother" I ask surprised by this new information.

"Ill explain it all later, I just need your help so can you come back home for tomorrow" Mr Davanport says

"Okay, but one question, should I tell Adam, Bree and Chase about this? " I ask

"Nooo" Mr Davanport screams

"I mean this is a dangerous task and I'm not sure they can handle it yet" Mr Davanport says.

"Okay then, I'll see you in a few hours" I say looking out of my window as I cut the call.

I then go into bed trying to fall asleep again after that interaction.

After a few minutes of tossing and turning in bed I finally fall back to sleep.

I then wake up to no one knocking on my door. Thats surprising.

I then get out of bed and get ready for today.

Once I'm done I head to Alaric's office to alert him that I will be gone for the day.

"Alaric" I call as I enter his office.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?" Alaric says with a forced smile.

"Nope" I say as I take a seat in a chair.

"Why are you here?" Alaric asks curiously.

"I'll be gone for this entire day." I say

"Where exactly?" Alaric asks now intrigued.

"Im going home for a while, I have some important business to take care of" I say as I clasp my hands together.

Alaric nods at me

"Also I need you to tell Adam, Bree and Chase that I'm going" I say as I get up from the chair.

He nods his head at me.

"When exactly will you be leaving?" He asks.

"Right now" I say as I superspeed into my room.

I then use my powers to open up a portal that leads back to my home dimension.

I walk into the portal and I find myself in the kitchen of Mr Davanport's house.

"Hellooooo, Anybody home?" I ask in a high pitch voice.

"Ethan" Mr Davanport calls as he comes down from upstairs.

"Hello Mr Davanport" I say.

"You have some explaining to do" I say as I take a seat on the couch.

"Oh yeah, so basically I have a brother, we both used to run Davanport Industries together but when we implanted bionic chips into you guys, he went of the rails. He wanted to use you guys as an army for evil. So I took you guys and moved here and I kicked him out of Davanport Industries. After a while I didn't hear from him and he faked his own death by pretending he fell into a volcano. After that I thought he was dead but turns out he is alive and he hacked into you guys chips and installed an app called the Triton App. The app allows him to gain full control of your actions and he is planning on using it. " Mr Davanport says panting.

I look at him in shock but I quickly gain composure.

"Do you know anything about his plan, like what he is trying to do with this app or where he is" I ask as I get up from the couch.

"Well, he is in this underground facility in Mission Creek." Mr Davanport says as he starts walking towards the elevator.

I follow him and we go to the basement.

The basement is sort of a lab that Mr Davanport used to train us and where he kept us for most of our life, away from any human contact.

He then goes to his computer and looks for his brothers location.

"By the way whats your brothers name?" I ask with curiosity.

"Its Douglas" he says as he finds the location.

"He's at the Rusher Lab. That's not far from here." Mr Davanport says.

"Got it" I say as I superspeed to the Rusher Lab.

I break down the doors and enter.

"Well, no surprise Donald went running for you to defend him" Someone. says as a figure walks out of the shadow.

"And I'm supposing you are Douglas" I say as I walk towards the figure.

"Indeed I am" Douglas says.

"What do you want from my family?" I ask

"Am I not considered to be your family? Ouch that hurts" He says as he puts his hand over his heart.

"You expect me to think that you are my family when you are trying to kill my family. " I say as I walk towards him dangerously.

"Well you see I considered you and your family to be an obstacle in my way and I just need to remove you from my way" He says menacingly.

"And how do you plan to do that, you're only human" I say.

"With this" he says smirking as he pulls out a small remote control.

He presses a button and a massive door behind him opens up.

I look behind him shocked at the sight.

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