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Ethan began to stir and wake up slowly. He slowly opened his eyes and took in his surroundings.

His head was on something soft and something was playing with his hair. He moved his head to look at who was playing with his hair but stopped and let out a grunt of pain when he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He brought his hand to his neck quickly and this alerted the person who was with him.

"Hey, don't try to wake up... " A soft voice spoke.

Despite this Ethan began to lift his head to see to look at the person who had spoke. He was meet with worried blue eyes staring back at him.

"Hey..." Ethan spoke his voice rough and coarse.

Hope silently understood that need needed water so she lifted Ethan's head off her lap slowly making sure that she does not hurt him.

"Wait here. I'll go get you some water" Hope said looking down at Ethan who closes his eyes and hums as a yes.

Hope exits the car to go look in the 'trunk' (I use the word boot but for the Americans who use the word trunk. There you go.)

Ethan sits up slowly in the car for a while trying to remember what happened but there's nothing. It's like his mind went blank. The last thing that Ethan could remember was him and Rebekah arguing about Niklaus and Elijah. Could it be that Rebekah compelled him or was it something else.

Hope comes back a few minutes later with a bottle of water in her hand.

"Hey, drink" She says as she enters the car and hands Ethan the water bottle.

He opens the bottle swiftly and chugs the water down. The water seemed to cool and heal his throat.

"Hope" Ethan said his voice smooth as wine.

He begans to crack a goofy smile at his voice and Hope smiles back at him before she starts laughing.

"Find that amusing Mikaelson?" Ethan asked with a raised brow.

"Not. At. All." Hope responds with a smirk.

Ethan chuckles softly before turning his body to face Hope but he finds that there is a sharp pain in his abdomen.

He winces at the feeling and Hope instantly turns serious again.

"What's wrong?" She asks with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"It's nothing" Ethan tries to shrug it off.

Hope starts to moves closer to Ethan and she places her hand on his chest before looking at Ethan asking for permission silently and he nods slightly.

Hope starts to slowly unbutton his shirt making sure not to hurt him. Once she is done she gasps softly and looks at Ethan to ask him if he sees what she sees.

Ethans body was littered with cuts and bruises but there are a few more evident slashes across his skin.

On his abs there was a deep cut which looked to be a stab wound. Another was a giant slash across his body from his collar bone to his chest. Hope runs her hand along the cut careful not to hurt Ethan.

"This is gonna take years to heal." Hope says quietly as her focus still remains on Ethan's chest trying to figure out what caused this.

"Yeah" Ethan says abruptly as he gently removes Hope's hand from his body and starts to button up his shirt but Hope stops him and places both her hands on his chest and starts muttering a spell underneath her breath. After a couple of seconds Hope removes her hand and watches as Ethans wounds start to close up slowly.

"If I'm being honest I don't know anything right now really" Ethan says as he finishes buttoning up his shirt.

"What do you mean?" Hope asks as she looks back up at him.

"I mean I can't remember how I got back to Mystic Falls. I can't remember how I got all these bruises. I don't know anything" Ethan says with frustration evident in his voice.

"'s okay, it's not your fault." Hope says softly as she reaches up to caress his cheek gently.

"And how do you know that? How do I know that this is even real?" Ethan whispers softly.

Hope drops her hand from his cheek and seems to think over it for a solid minute.

"Kiss me" she says her voice barely above a whisper.

Ethan's eyes widen slightly at her response and he thinks over all the things that has happened ever since he met her.

He thought that she hated him but now as he looks back on it, he realizes that he misread her intentions this entire time.

He remembers the times when she would always steal glances at him when she thought he wasn't looking. All the times she would smile at anything he did and how jealous she would get whenever Skylar was near him.

"I'm was a stupid request." Hope says quickly, sitting up straighter trying to put more space between her and Ethan.

"No, no it wasn't" Ethan says immediately trying to comfort her.

"No, it was and I'm sorry..." Hope continues to rant while Ethan just looks at her and smiles.

Ethan leans in towards her slowly and she doesn't notice until he is only a few inches away from her face.

Ethan hears her breath hitch and her heart racing quicker. Ethan looks down into her eyes asking her for permission to continue and she nods quickly.

Ethan slides his hand to the back of her neck drawing her closer to him.

"Stop teasing.." she says in a breathless whisper.

Ethan understands and finally leans down to kiss her. The kiss was slow but fill of passion.

They break away from the kiss for a minute to gaze into each others eyes before reconnecting their lips.

Hope ends up on Ethan's lap and runs her hands through his hair as she did before. Ethan places his hand gently on Hope's waist and pulls her closer to him.

A sharp pain suddenly affects Ethan in his shoulder which causes him to pull away from the kiss with a grunt of pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She apologizes with heavy breathing. Turns out Hope accidentally gripped Ethan's shoulder where the cut was.

"It's okay, I'm fine truly It's doesn't hurt as much." Ethan tells her honestly while holding his shoulder with his other hand.

"No it's not, I got carried away and..." She trails off breathless as she tries to get off Ethan's lap

"I'm telling you I'm fine Hope" Ethan says while pulling her back down to sit on his lap gently.

"By the way where is everyone?" Ethan asks her.

"After all this time now you ask for them" Hope asks with a wide smile.

"Yeahhh, because I was tooo busy with you" Ethan says as he leans down to kiss her again.

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