Remembrance Day

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I wake up to a weird feeling around my neck.

Turns out that the weird feeling was the collar to the suit that I was wearing when I fell asleep.

I rub my eyes and get out of bed.

I take off my suit jacket and unbutton a few buttons on my shirt.

I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine.

After that I get dressed in a black long sleeve button up shirt and some black pants.

As I'm going to open the door I realize that today is Remembrance day.

I sigh and walk out of room to check up on Adam, Bree and Chase.

I open the door and I see them still sleeping.

They must have been pretty tired.

I close the door and walk down the halls.

Ric has been trying to get answers out of the weird Frankenstein monster for days now and he wants me to help him.

I walk down to the holding chambers and enter the Necromancer's cell.

Ric isn't here yet so I decided to have a chat with him.

"Why, I have been looking foward to talking to you" The Necromancer says in a creepy tone

"You had all the chance in the world to talk to me. Why now?" I ask him

"Because your alone without that psychotic old man" He says

"He's not psychotic, he's just going through some stuff that you caused by bringing his dead fiancé back to life."

"Maybe, but enough about him now let's talk about you" He says gesturing towards me.

"What about me?" I ask him curiously.

"The amount of spirits that follow you around is unimaginable and yet you act so normally like nothing bad has ever happened to you. That only means one thing you have suffered losses so painful, so agonizing that losing someone is a normal occurence to you. The amount of feelings that you have buried underneath that shell of yours is so-" The Necromancer says but is cut of by me.

I lean down to his level so I could look him in his eyes.

"Listen to me. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about my life and about the people I've lost. So if you think you can scare me by telling me some story. You can't cause like you've said I have suffered way more than anyone can imagine so whatever you try to do to me won't even affect me in the slightest." I tell him not breaking I contact once.

"Really, we'll see about that" The Necromancer says grinning.

Thats when Ric comes down the stairs.

"Hey" He says to me as he enters the cell.

"Hey, this time I'll help you with the torture." I say as I look towards the Necromancer.

Hours go by of us torturing the Necromancer.

Ric gets tired of the Necromancer not answering any questions and slams a chopper into the Necromancers head.

"Was that really necessary?" The Necromancer asks

"I told you I need answers." Ric says bending down to look at the Necromancer.

"Why would I help you? You have me in chains." The Necromancer says

"This indignity will not unpunished." He says

"We have been at this for days." I say sighing into my hand.

"Answer my questions, or I'm gonna peel your skin off like a grape and shower you with battery acid." Ric threatens

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