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I stood there shocked as the door behind Douglas opened and a giant army of people stood still.

"This is how I intend to stop you, a bionic army more powerful then anything that came before. " Douglas says smirking.

He then presses another button and a cage drops from the ceiling.

The cage falls on me and traps me.

"Try to escape, you can't. This cage suppresses your bionic abilities." Douglas says as he walks up to the cage.

"Lucky for me, I'm not only bionic." I say smirking.

I break the bars of the cage and step out.

Douglas then backs up and presses the button on his remote again.

The entire army's eyes glow green.

"Destroy him" Douglas says as he runs out of the room.

I decide to leave him because the army is a way bigger problem.

The army then looks at me and they all charge at me at the same time.

"Didn't Douglas ever teach you manners" I say smirking.

I then use a shock wave to blast them down.

They all fall to the ground clutching their heads.

I look at them and I realize that they didn't ask to be bionic or to be apart of this army. They are inoccent people being controlled into doing Douglas's work.

They then all stand up and start to attack me with different powers at the same time.

I use my force field to block most of their attacks.

I then have an idea. If I use my Overide app I may be able to take control of them.

I then try to use my Overide app to control their minds.

I have never tried to control this many people and use my forcefield at the same time before.

I manage to connect to all of them but I can feel my chip start to overheat.

"Stop" I scream in pain as my chip overheats.

The army's eyes stop glowing and they fall to the floor.

I then collapse to my knees but quickly stand up panting.

I then use my Overide app to remove the Triton app from all of their chips.

Once I'm done I absorb all their bionics so that they are no longer a threat.

I feel a surge of power in me after I absorb all their bionics.

I then call Mr Davanport.

"Mr Davanport" I say panting as he answers the phone.

"Ethan, what happened?" Mr Davanport asks in a panic.

"Douglas has an army that he is planning to use. Don't worry about them though, cause I got rid of the Triton app and removed their bionics." I say as I walk out of Rushers  Lab.

"Wheres Douglas?" Mr Davanport asks.

"He ran out of the building after he sent his entire army after me." I say with a forced smile.

"You let Douglas go! " Mr Davanport asks enraged

"Well, I'm sorry I kind of had an army after me" I say now starting to get mad.

"You know what, its fine, I'll just go back" I say as I cut the call and sigh.

I then open up a portal back to the Salvatore School.

Darkside (Hope Mikaelson X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now