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She sits by the table as you bring her tea and a sandwich "do you want any snacks with that?" You ask as she just sits there lightly laughing
"Oh fuck am I doing something wrong?" You ask.
Still not knowing how to act with her so around

"No it's just usually I just clean and go. But this is nice too" she says

"Yeah of course. Feel free to have anything you want" you tell her. You sit across from her "so what did you want to talk about?" You ask her

"Uhh so I I just finished my first trimester" she says as you just look at her confused "and well I might not be able to work here for two long once I'm further in to my pregnancy" she says

"Ahhhh" you thing to yourself as you finally under stand what she's talking about. "Wow I didn't know congratulations" you just say

"Thanks. Umm yes so I just wanted to tell you and Mr. Andy that I might go of to maternity leave and if it was possible once I can work again if I could continue working here" she says "I know it a long leave-"

You cut her off "Amanda of course. Take as much time as you want, no pressure. And again congratulations" you say as you stand up to hug her

She was surprised but gets up and awkwardly hugs you.

"You know what take the day of" you say

"But the bedroom-"

"They'll get cleaned later" you say

"Thanks you so much" she says

"But can I ask you a question ?" You ask

"What is it like being pregnant?" You ask her

"We'll first you don't feel anything just anger and morning sickness but when you reach a certain stage you feel like you are connected to the baby. And even tho you haven't met it you feel love for it, like you would do anything for it. Then you feel little kicks in between and it's like getting butterflies in your stomach, its beautiful" she says

You just listen to her and smile "it sound magical" you say

"It really is" she says

After you guys talked she left.

Now your home alone. You decided to take a shower before Andy gets home, cause you have to go to May's party tonight.
You were thinking of bailing but thought this could be good for you to get your mind of everything going on with your mom and stuff.

Before you go in the shower you call Andy

"Hey" he says "I'm just on my way home" he says

"Perfect I was just on my in the shower" you say as you hear Andy's car engine make a roaring sound meaning he's speeding.

"I'm on my way" he says again and ends the call

The time it took you to go upstairs get the shower running and take of your clothes Andy had already made it home.

You step in the shower as the warm water hits your face not even two minutes later Andy joins you.

"Honey I'm home" he says jokingly as he steps in the shower, your eyes get fixed on his cock "honey my eyes are up here" he says in this cocky way

"What's with the good mood?" You ask as you turn around and grab a shampoo bottle, you squire some out and leather it in your hands

"What do I have to have a reason to be happy?" He asks. You hand him the bottle

"No just curious, that's all" you wash your hair and grab the conditioner dropping the bottle. You look at Andy as you bend down to grab it, once you get low down enough you get down on your knees. Looking up at Andy.

"This is why I'm in a good mood" he says to you. He reaches his hand down putting it on the back of your head, he plays with your hair in his fingers.

You get closer to him and lightly suck on your bottom lip. You grab his cock and kiss the pink tip.

"Ugh fuck" Andy whispers

You open your mouth taking more and more of his cock in your mouth, you slowly bop you head back and forth.

His hans holding your wet hair as he punches your head on him. You gag but keep going as it turning you on.
"Good" he says

You look up at Andy. Water dripping from his beard "fuck babe I'm gonna-" he says. You stand up and start kissing him still jerking him with your right hand.
He grabs your ass squeezing it.

"Ohh fuck" Andy relies you look down and see his cock twitch as it squirts bunch of seamen.
After he had finished his cock was still throbbing.

You two wash of and get out the shower.

You start of by laying out some clothes. You took some basics pants and and a of shoulder knitted white sweater.

You slide on panties and a bra. You walk in the bathroom to blow dry your hair.
You walk in and see Andy standing there with wet hair and beard. He has a small towel wrapped around his waist.

You start drying your hair while Andy dose the same just with a towel.

"Did you know Amanda was pregnant" you say

"Who's Amanda?" He asks

"The lady that cleans our house" you say. You brush your hair.

"No I didn't" he says unbothered he walks past you and slaps your ass hard on his way out.

"Ouch!" You yell annoyed but still enjoying it.

"What are you wearing?" Andy asks trying to pick something to wear.

"My white sweater" you tell him

"For god sake wear something else" he complains

"What's wrong with my white sweater?"

"Nothing your going to a party wear something else. Didn't you buy something the other day, wear that" he says

"My black dress?"

"Yeah I haven't seen you in it yet"

"Fine. Then wear your white shirt" you tell him

"It's tight" Andy says

"That's what makes it sexy" you wink and grab your dress


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