Chapter. 57

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You sit at home home and have nothing to do now.

You were exited for work and had nothing else planned. You thought you could go and check on your mom.

She had her surgery two weeks ago. Your dad did update you and said she was doing good. But she was looking very rough and she didn't want you to see her in that state. You were calling her almost everyday and the two of you talk about life. You were updating her on the whole Laurie and Matt thing. You are missing both your parents a lot so you thought you'd go check on them.

You give the them a quick heads up call them start getting ready to leave the house.

You are making the bed and hear the door bell ring. You were not expecting anyone so you were a bit confused as to who it could be.

You open the door and see...

"Laurie" you look at her surprised "what- how- where have you been?" You ask her as you let her in "Andy has been looking for you and Matt he misses you like crazy. Where did you go?" You ask her

"Is Andy not home?" She asks

"No he's working" you say "and Matt is at school" you explain

"Okay then there is no point in me coming here" she says as she starts walking towards the door

"No wait. Laurie look I know you don't like me but I deserve to have some explanation. If you want Andy to be in your life you have to accept me as well. I have an idea of what has happened but I need to hear it from you. Please" you beg

She sighs "fine"

You two sit in the living room as Laurie explains to you "Me and Jon were trying to make things work, for Matt. One thing led to another and I got pregnant- and before you say anything I'm not ready for a kid. I'm trying my best to be a good mother to Matt, I can't go through another pregnancy while I'm trying to fix my life. Jon found out and begged me to keep the baby. I just couldn't that's when we had an argument and I showed up to your house. Look it wasn't supposed to end the way it did. I was going to ask Andy for help but he ended up kicking me out. And before I could do anything Jon talked me out of it. He and I were trying to work things out. I needed space that's why I left Matt here, I know he's safe here with and Andy... and you" she admits.

"Oh Laurie you should have told us. Andy was seconds away from hunting Jon down" you explain "this a good thing. You deserve to be in a relationship and be happy. I'm happy for you" you say

"Shut up. No way your that nice" Laurie says

"What do you mean?" You ask

"I'm so mean to you and some how you find it in you to be happy for me" she says "Andy is lucky to have you" she says

You try your very best to hide your smile. Laurie has never been this nice to you. You don't know how to react.

"Thank you" you say "look just talk to Andy he will forgive you, because he cares a lot about you" you say

"Thanks" Laurie says.

You know this is the first and last time you and Laurie will have a good conversation because once everything is over things will go back to how they used to be. You don't mind tho as much fun you have had it's time for things to back to how they were.

Laurie leaves and she would pick up Matt after school.

You go to the hospital to check on your mom and she looks great. Looks like she never went to surgery, everything healed so nicely.

You sit and explain everything to your mom while your dad went home to freshen up as he has basically been living at the hospital with your mom.

"So I think I've covered all of it" you say

"All that in 2 weeks?" She asks

"Yep" you say

"How's Andy hearing all of this?" Your mom asks

"That's the thing he doesn't know yet. I'll tell him later tonight" you say

"Good" she says "and you how are you?" She asks

"Me?" You think about it for a second "I'm good. Enough about me tell me what's codon on with you?" You ask

"Nothing I'm just excited for my daughters birthday that's tomorrow" your mom says

"Oh right it's tomorrow. I completely forgot" you say

"Any plans with Andy?" She asks

"No. He's been pretty distracted with everything I don't want to put any extra pressure on him. Maybe just a nice dinner at home and I'm good" you explain "after the week I've had I just want to relax" you say

"I see-" before she could say anything else your phone rings

"Sorry" you say putting your home in on silence "it's Andy" you say

"Answer him. It could be something important" your mom says

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute" you say walking out the room "hey" you answer the phone

"Hey finish work?" He asks

"No actually I got a 2 weeks paid vacation. I guess they heard about my mom and snap to do something nice for me" you explain

"Oh that's good" Andy says acting like he's not the reason why you got this vacation in the first place "you needed a little break" he says

"Yeah I guess so. So everything alright?" You ask him

"Yeah just wanted to check on you. So where are you right now?" He asks

"At the hospital. Came to check on mom" you say

"Ah good I'll see you at home then. Love you" he ends the call

You were genuinely confused to why Andy called he's usually very busy at work and doesn't call you.

The only reason Andy called was to check that Karen did what he told her to do.


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