Chapter. 35

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The man hears you gasp and turns around looking at the closet

But his attention goes back to the phone once Andy starts talking "who is this?!" He asks in a panic

"Ouch you forgot me already?" He says "guess who got bailed out of jail?" He laughs.

"John?!" Andy asks

"Ding ding you got it right" he says "so how's Paris. Looks like your wife and you have been having a lot of fun" he says

"You fucking creep" Andy yells though the phone "the cops are on there way, you sick bastard your going straight to jail and I'll make sure you and you twisted brain stay locked up for good"

"You call the cops and your wife and child die" he says to Chris

"where is Y/n!?" Andy asks

"Good question" John says walking around

"for god sake please don't do anything to her" Andy begs. John walks around the room trying to look for you. He checks under the bed and then looks at closet where you are hiding in

"Looks like I found her" he says as he opens the closet door. He sees you inside wearing nothing but a robe. Your have covered your mouth with your hand as tears stream down your face

"John don't hurt her please. I'll do anything what do you need money? You name it. Just don't you dare hurt her in anyway" Andy says on the phone. John ends the call and throws your phone on the floor and braking it.

John pushes you on the bed "don't you dare move" he says as his eyes fix on your exposed leg. You couldn't fix your robe as you were to scared to move. He looks at you and just smiles "don't worry nothing big I haven't seen" he laughs "yeah I saw the two of you today on that table" he says

You look at him in disgust. Shivers run through your body as you just think about the fact he has been stalking you and Andy for god knows how long.

"Why are doing this?" Yous ask him

"Your husband was supposed to help me instead he threw me behind bars!" "The thing I saw in that prison I will never forget" he says to you "and the worst part is the love of my life died while I was in that prison your husband threw me in. I lost the most important thing in my life. Now I'll do the same to Andy" he says as you realise what's going to happen

"Look I'm sorry-" he doesn't let you finish

"SHUT UP!" He yells "I don't need to hear your sympathy speech" he says. He just stands there. If he was going to kill you why hasn't he done it yet.

"What are you waiting for?" Yous ask him

"I'm going to make him watch what I do to you" he says as two more men come from out of nowhere.

You look at him as tears drip down your face. Finally when things were getting good the something like this happens.

You hear Andy yell from down stairs "John don't touch her!" He yells running up the stair

"No Andy don't-" John covers your mouth before you could warn Andy.

As Andy comes up he's immediately attacked by the two men Andy punches one guys in the face making go him fall. Other guy grabs Andy's legs. He tries his best to fight but he couldn't.
They get Andy down on his knees as he looks at you. His eyes were glossy and you could see the worry and anger on his face.

"Hey Andy" John says getting his attention "you have a pretty wife huh?" John says as stokes your cheek with the gun he had i his hand.

"John just stop it please!" Andy begs "just let go of her, I hurt you do what you want to me. Just don't hurt her"

"Meh I want you to suffer the same way I did" he says

"Wife for a wife" he says "except it might be a little worse for you. Didn't you say she was pregnant" he point the gun right at your stomach.

You freeze in fear. "No" Andy yells "just name it what ever you want" he says

"That's not enough for me" John says as he loads the gun "what a shame your wife really is breathing isn't she?" John says as he slide the robe of your shoulder

"John don't" Andy yells

John turns and looks at Andy. What ever you were thinking was risky but you had to do it.
You slowly stand up grabbing the lamp from the night stand and slam it as hard as you can on johns head he falls to the ground but still

You kick the gun out of his hands and grab it pointing it at his direction "Move and ill shoot" you say to John. You were shaking as you have never touched a fun in your life. You have no idea how this works.

"Kill him" John says to the two men holding Andy down

"If you touch my husband I will shoot all of you" you warn them

One of the guys punch Andy in the stomach and you shoot toward the ceiling. To warn them.

"Let him go" you say

"You wouldn't dare to shoot" John says looking at you as he start walking towards you. You start walking backwards. You two get out of Andy's view "I said don't move" you tell him.
"What you gonna do?" He says trying to take the gun away from you.

You two fight over the gun. John kicks his knee into your stomach and that when the gun shoots.

Andy couldn't see anything but he did hear a loud gunshot

He runs into the room and sees blood

"Y/n!" He yells


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