Chapter. 22

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"Hey Ma" Andy hugs his mom.

"Hi Marianne" you go in for a hug but notice she's keeps her distance, she barely touches you when hugging. "How are you?" You ask her as the three of you make your way over to the living room.
You are used to her being like this. Deep down you never felt like she approved of your and Andy's marriage she said you were only marrying him for his money, which is a complete lie. Money is the last thing you think of when you think of Andy. There is so much to him to love that you never thought anything of his wealth and success, as long as you two are happy plus you have a job of your own.
Your not much bothered by Marianne.

"I'm fine" she answers and then focus on her son "Andy how did you find out?" she asks him and holds his hand

"On the news" he answers "I had just made dinner and went upstairs-" she cuts him off

"You were making dinner?" She asks offend

"Yeah, is something wrong Ma?" He asks

"No I mean you have a perfectly capable wife" she says looking over at you.

"Me and Andy take turns" you explain "oh I forgot to ask do you want something to drink or eat?"

"Water with ice would be nice" she says

"Of course" you say and make your way over to the kitchen.

You could hear Andy and Marianne talking
"I got a call from the hospital" she says "a part of me is broken but also relieved" she explains.
You obviously feel bad, after all he was the man she once loved.
You give her the glass, you had also brought one for Andy "thank you babe" he says.  Marianne takes a sip and keeps talking to Andy. You just sit there listening "but tell me, when will you give me a grandchild?" She's asks you

"Uhmm I'm not sure" you answer nervously

"Why marry my son if your not gonna give him a baby, what keeping all the money to yourself?" She says jokingly

"Okay that's enough" Andy stops her, he says in a aggressive but respectful tone "Ma don't ever say that to her" he says

"Oh I was simply joking" Marianne says "right?" She looks over at you

"Yeah" you smile at her then glance over at Andy

"Look Ma it's getting late you should head home. Now" Andy says standing up

"Now? Your telling your mother to leave?" She asks him

"It's been a long day" he says "I'll meet you soon for lunch" he tells her

"I don't want to be alone, especially not today" he says.
As much as you want her to leave you feel bad for her and agree that she shouldn't be alone.

"You can stay in the guest room" you say with a smile "the house has been very empty lately"
Andy shoots a look at you

"No no if my son want me to leave I will. I'll just go home alone knowing I have-"

"Ma stay" he says. Andy help you set up the guest room while Marianne sits in the cinema room watching a documentary on the big screen. "Why did you let her stay?" He asks you annoyed as he puts new covers on a pillow

"I feel bad for her" you whisper to him "shes your mom we never invite her over" you put a soft blanket on the bed

"You are such a people pleaser" Andy's says

"No I'm not" you say offended

"Yes you are" he replies. You two argue like kids"but I don't know what that was earlier, she's not allowed to talk to you like that" he says. You sit down on the bed and look up at him as he walks closer to you "I mean for the amount of sex we have your still not pregnant?" He asks.

"Nope" yous answer "maybe there is something wrong with me" you say

"Hey no these things take time" he says getting down on his knees "we have to be patient" he says

"What if I can't get pregnant" you say

"Let's not go there" Andy says as he kisses your flat stomach "now let's go to bed"
You two talk to Marianne and you give her everything she needed, then the two of you go to bed.

Andy lays in bed reading, you lay down next to him. "How's the whole John case going?" You ask

"They haven't found him yet" he answers "but we are safe"
You lay in his arms as he holds onto you tightly hugging and kissing you. You two slowly drift of to sleep.


Next morning you wake up and like usual Andy isn't laying next to you.

You put on your robe and head to the kitchen where you see Andy making breakfast. "Your up early" you say so him as you pour yourself a cup of coffee.
You sit on the counter and watch Andy scramble some eggs
"Is Marianne up?" You ask

"No" he says "but now that your awake I thought you and I would head out for a run" he says

"Sounds nice" you say "I'll get ready" you kiss Andy on the lips then go to change.

You two eat and then head out for a run.

"Your getting a bit behind" Andy jokes

"Shut up" you say as jog a bit faster catching up to Andy.

After the run you two head home.


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