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    Its the next day and Peter is just now waking up. He puts on the same clothes as yesterday and goes into the kitchen.

"Aunt May?" Peter softly yells out. When he gets no response he starts walking around their small apartment. Until he sees a note. He picks it up and reads it.

'Peter! It's me Tony Stark. We have your aunt at the tower. If you want her back you need to talk to us.'

                    Peter just stares at note.

   'I'm gonna kill a bitch.' He crumbles the paper and throws on the floor. He leaves the apartment to go to the tower.

When he reaches the tower he uses water to make wings. He silently flys up the building till he sees people. Eyes glowing white, he flys through the window, ready to fight. There's people there and so he makes water chains and holds them down.

He walks around while the people ask what he wants. Peter sees a girl trying to use magic to he puts water all over her hands. She stares at him as another boy with silver hair yells at him. Peter puts water over his mouth and walks to him.

"I will not hesitate to let you drown." Peter says angry. The silver haired boy stops struggling.

"What do you want!" Peter turns and sees a man with a metal arm and a blonde man who just yelled at him.

Peter walks over to them. "I want my aunt." The blonde man looks at him in realization.

"Youre the kid we have been looking for." The Realization hits all of them when he says that.

A new person speaks up she has red hair. "If you let us go we can help you find her." The women says calm.

Peter stares at her with his glowing white eyes. He thinks for a moment and only let's the woman go. She stands up cautiously.

"My name is Natasha" She holds her hand out for him to shake it. Peter doesn't shake her hand just nods his head. Natasha smiles awkwardly.

"Can you let my friends go?" Natasha asks. Peter shakes his head no.

   She sighs. "Can you at least let the twins go? They are scared." Peter looks around for them until Natasha points to them. Peter releases them and The silver haired boy goes to the brownish red hair girl.

Peter turns back to Natasha. "My aunt." Natasha nods her head.

"Follow me" She leads Peter toward a room and opens it. She walks in and she points to some glass. Peter looks through it to see his aunt and the men from last night.

"I want my aunt." Peter says turning to Natasha. She opens a door and the two men look at the sudden opening. Peter walks through and one of the men smile. But Peter uses his magic and uses water to hit them against the wall and have the stuck there.

"Peter leave them be." May says calm. But Peter doesn't listen and one of the men starts yelling so Peter starts to drown him with water and now the other man is yelling at him to stop. May stands up and also tries to stop him.

Peter finally drops the drowning man and he then let's down the other man who goes over and helps the other.

  Peter stares at them as may apologizes. He only stopped when he noticed the other man was. The man was the kind one from last night. Dr. Strange.

"Dr. Strange." He says and the man looks up.

"You remember me from yesterday." Stephen says as he helps Tony up.

Peter takes his aunts hand and leads her to where the others are. They are still chained up with water besides the twins and Natasha.

"Peter you need to let them go." May says. Peter brings the water back to him and forms wings again.

The people stand up and Steve goes and checks on the twins and the Bucky stands there ready to at any moment.

"Peter these are the avengers or most. The rest are on a mission" Natasha says walking up from behind him. "And you met Tony and Stephen." Peter just stares at them.

"Just a prank video You said." Pietro mumbles. May sighs. 

"I am sorry at how Peter acted he is very protective." May laughs a bit.

"Very?! He's extremely! He tried to drown Pietro and Tony!" Clint yells.

"You took my aunt." Peter says with a hint of anger still.

"That's true you did just kidnap me." May says crossing her arms.

  "Well we apologize for that and hope we can leave this interaction behind us." Steve says. And may begins to talk to him. Peter looks around and spots a little girl. He walks over to her and she stares at his wings and eyes. Since they were still white.

The little girl laughs as she puts her hand throngh the water. Peter sits down with her.

"I'm Cassie Lang!" She says excited. Peter smiles slightly. "I'm Peter." She admires the wings and she begins asking Peter questions.

"How did you get wings!" She asks. "I made them." Cassie smiles."Really? How! I want wings!!" Peter silently laughs.

"Well when I was just a toddler, my father did experiments to see if he machines and magic worked. His last experiment let me control water or any liquids at my will. But soon after he and my mother were killed. So I was sent off to live my aunt at 13 so a year ago." Peter finished.

  The little girl stared at him, but then hugged him. "I'm sorry" She frowns. 'She is sad.' Peter thought.

He couldn't have Cassie sad so he used the water from close by and uses it to lift her in the air and fly her around.

Cassie laughs as Peter flys her around the room. Some of the avengers realize and just watch it happen and some are smiling as they watch her fly around. Peter flys her around in the air and catches her after awhile putting the water on his arms.

"That was so much fun!!!" Cassie giggles."Yea it was" Peter smiles. "But i must go little one." Cassie frowns.

"Will you come back?" She pouts. "You have to ask the owner of this tower and your parents" Peter says.
"Ok!" She runs off to Tony.

"Tony Tony!" She yells when she makes it too him.

"Yes child?" He sits up from where he was sitting.

"Can Peter come over Tomorrow??????!" She asks.

"Uh." Tony looks at Stephen and he nods his head yes. "Sure kid he can." Cassie laughs in victory and runs and hugs Peter before he leaves.

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