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Next Day

Stephen, Tony, Steve, Natasha and bucky are in the living on the couch. And the twins, Scott, Cassie are playing on the floor. And Clint falls through a vent.

"Guys! Guys!!!!!!!!!!!" Clint yells.

"What?!" Tony yells annoyed. And some groaned.

"Turn on the news!" Clint Tells Stephen and he does so. "Whats wrong bird brain?" Natasha looks at him."Just watch."

"Mass shooting happened on the border of queen and Manhattan last night. 5 dead and 9 Injured.

May Parker
Sarah Palin
Adam Lambert
Robert Dmitry
Jessica London -

Stephen pauses the news and looks at Tony. Tony is staring at the tv in shock.

"It can't be the same person." Tony mumbled. Stephen takes Tony's hand.

"It is. It's Peter's aunt." Natasha spoke up.

"Then where is he?! He isn't dead or showed in injured!" Tony shouts.

"We need to find him. Who knows what will happen or what he will do." Stephen tells them all. They all agree.

"Natasha call everyone off their missions we have to catch this kid before he kills people." Tony stands up and heads for the elevator. Scott takes Cassie and the twins to go looking around Queens.

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