14. mouldy chocolate

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"I'm going to go through this one more time," A girl's voice floated through the haziness of the dream. Her figure was nothing but a fuzzy silhouette in a world removed from her memory.

"Great." This voice was hers.

"Shut up!" The girl hissed. "If any of this goes wrong- the tiniest mistake and we're caught. It's over. I'll walk you to the lab, you'll get the injection and then the process will start. Once it's done and you've been moved to the elevator that brings you up, me and Thomas'll switch you with Angus." And as an afterthought, she quickly added, "They won't be looking closely, since they don't have a reason to look closely, so we should be good."

"Yeah, I know, don't worry," Nova replied, trying to give a comforting smile back.

"I might truly miss your annoying face judging my every move, you know." The girl smiled, but after a second it faded, her face turning serious. They stared at each other for a moment before she broke it once more.

"Thank you, Teresa, I mean it. I know this must've been hard for you."

Her eyes shifted. "I just want to find a cure, Nov."

"I know." She whispered. "I know."

The scene faded into a new one where she could no longer see, there was the occasional flash of colour and blur of lights, which faded every few seconds. It took her a few moments to realise she was being carried along by two people. Her head bobbed up and down as she traveled through corridor after corridor. She could only hear, and even then the voices sounded far away and distorted.

"She's waking up!" A girl's voice exclaimed. Nova recognised it as the same one as before. Teresa. That was her name.

A boy swore. "We shouldn't have ended the Swipe early. This is gonna have so many consequences-" He said. She assumed this was Thomas.

"Shut up, will you? As if I don't know that." Teresa snapped. "We had no choice! This isn't just for Nova, it's for all of them down there."

Then, she began murmuring. It was nonsense, not even she could identify it as actual sentences. Teresa and Thomas seemed to be ignoring her as best as they could, focusing on the task at hand. Suddenly, they reached a stop. Nova couldn't make out why, but there was a beep after a few seconds and they carried on going, both of them breathing heavily.

"We don't have long," Thomas panted. They had dragged Nova far, but from what she could gather, they still had some way to go.

"All that matters is that she gets into that elevator shaft, ready for tomorrow, then it'll be too late to remove her. Getting caught wasn't ideal, but it's whatever. We did what we had to, Thomas. You need to understand that."

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The white walls and glaring overhead light were giving her a headache. On the desk was a booklet. In the booklet were pages and pages of questions, most long answer questions, and some one-word answers. It had long since been touched. Nova's leg bounced up and down on the floor, awaiting the moment she would be put out of her misery and let free.

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