5. smile

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The sun woke her up this time, light had creeped around the gaps of the curtain, if you could even call the raggedy piece of cloth that. Nova considered rolling over to face the wall, but she figured that someone might come to wake her up if she didn't get up soon. Annoyingly, Nova had no idea what time it was, for all she knew it was five am.

She forced herself out of bed and managed to put her unbrushed hair into a semi-neat ponytail, although some front strands had escaped. Nova pulled on the tracksuits that lay on the floor and before she left, grabbed the glass of water from her table and downed it. That's when she noticed it. Or rather, remembered it.

The note she had discovered last night.

Before Nova gave it a second thought, she pocketed it and was out the door. Nova walked down the stairs, exiting the Homestead and marching to the Kitchen where she breathed in the beautiful smell of breakfast. There were a lot more people eating on the tables unlike the morning before. Nova finally made it to the front of the queue, thanked the cook and sat down at her usual table where Newt and Alby sat. No sign of Minho or Nick.

Facing the two boys and grabbing a fork, she asked, "Hi, do you guys know where Nick is? I have no clue what my job is today."

Nova actually wanted to talk to him about the note. She doubted it meant anything, it was mainly because someone had been in her room and she thought that was weird. Nova didn't trust anyone there, but she figured that the leader would be able to make sense of it all, tell her it was a prank and remind people not go into her room.

"Can't say I've seen him, sorry Greenie." Alby answered. Nova scrunched up her face at the nickname.

Newt shook his head. "No, but he is awake. Always get's up way too early."

"Okay, thanks anyway." She said, turning back to her food. After devouring it and joining in occasionally on the boys' conversation about how freakishly early Nick woke up, she got up and announced that she was going to look for Nick.

It didn't take long. In fact, almost as soon as Nova got up she spotted him. She saw his figure in the distance, outside the Bloodhouse. Trudging over in her black combat boots that were coated in dried mud, she approached the animal pens.

As expected, the smell quickly began to suffocate her. Nova tried her best to ignore it, like she did with most things, and carried on towards Nick. He was chatting to a tall dark haired guy, with a big nose.

"Nick?" She called, moving closer.

"Ah Nova! I was about to come get you. This is Winston, Keeper of the Slicers." Nick said, waving her over.

Winston looked incredibly proud at the title and gave her a crooked smile. She flashed a quick smile back. "Hey, you'll be doing some slicing today, Nova."

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