11 | airport chaos

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⚠️claustrophobia & Anxiety Attack⚠️


* After a while I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I look to my side to see Jieun resting her head on it. Soon after she fell asleep and I looked around. Yoongi slept, as usual. Jungkook and Hoseok were talking, Namjoon was reading while Jin was looking out of the window with headphones on.

Taehyung on the other hand sat by the sofa where Emily was sleeping. I tried to move out of my seat without waking Jieun up and walked over to Taehyung.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him, getting his attention.

"How beautiful she is." he said while moving some hair out of her face. I turned around and all the boys looked at him in awe. "Are you going to confess?" Jungkook asked, "I don't know at least not now. It's going too fast and I don't want to rush everything. If it happens it happens!" he said and stood up.

"Just don't forget to show her how you feel Taehyung or she might get confused or even worse, hurt." he looked at me and nodded. He walked past me towards the seat in front of the sleeping Jieun.

"They both seem exhausted." Taehyung stated and then he drifted off to sleep. *

Emily McCoy's POV

"Emily we have arrived we need to go." I heard Hoseok say as he woke me up, "Okey thank you Hobi!" I said and rubbed my eyes. I took my mask and hood on and started walking outside with the others.

"Stay close to me." Taehyung whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I don't know what is going on here but he is driving me insane. I cannot stop thinking about the moment we shared in my kitchen. I wonder if he thinks about it as much as I do? Am I delusional?

 "Okey thank you." I responded and gave him a gentle smile. We walked out from the airplane and through the gate to the airport, it's filled with people. Wherever my eyes went I saw girls and boys and they were close, really close.

My breath became uneven and I tried to keep myself close to Taehyung as we walked past everyone. I looked down at my feet so that I didn't trip on someone and the next second they were all gone. I stopped and looked around and couldn't see them anywhere. 

Everyone got closer and closer as they screamed and walked towards their direction. Tears started to fill my in eyes and my chest became heavy, anxiety came over me. I felt a panic attack creeping up. It's so hot in here, sweat formed as drops on my forehead. My legs started shaking and then I knew I needed to get the fuck out of here, but how? 

I was in the middle of everyone, trapped. There was no air, I need air!

The room became smaller and everyone got even closer. I finally spotted a free way out so I ran for my life and got out of the crowd.

I sat against the wall and covered my ears with my hands and closed my eyes shut. I took the glasses off and threw them somewhere on the floor. My body was slowly breaking down as the panic got to me.

I don't want to hear nor see them but it's impossible when they keep on screaming that loudly.

Please someone, find me!

Kim Taehyung's POV

We were walking through all the paparazzi and army's I looked behind me to see no Emily.

"Jungkook where the fuck is Em?!" I asked in panic. His eyes flew wide open as he started searching around for her. "There she is!" Hoseok said and pointed towards a girl sitting like a little boll against the wall.

"Poor little girl!" I heard Jin say and I immediately ran back into the crowd to get her. Everyone jumped onto me but I kept pushing them to get through. Shortly after I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Jieun trying to not get lost. 

I got passed them and then they all saw Emily on the floor shaking while hysterically crying. The room fell silent and everyone was filming her while staring.

"Emily let's go!" I said and she looked up with tears in her eyes. "Emily are you having an anxiety attack again?" Jieun asked out of worry. I looked at Em as she nodded, poor girl I don't know what to do. I sat down on my knees with Jieun reaching down to her level.

Jieun sat Infront of her making sure she couldn't see all the people behind us. "Emily I love you let me help you!" Jieun said and Em nodded while her body was shaking. "I want you to think of the time your parents gave you your old hamster Cinderella, do you remember her?" she asked, Emily smiled and nodded. "Do you remember the time we had milkshakes and we laughed so hard at an old man's hair it started to come out of my nose, do you remember how much we laughed?" Emily started laughing "Yeah." 

"And finally do you remember the night our BTS tickets finally were confirmed and we were up all night celebrating, eating ice-cream while watching 47 episodes of Run BTS. Do you remember what a great night that was?" Jieun looked at me as she finished the sentence. "Yes it's a great memory." Emily said.

"Good I want you to think of these moments as you try to breath okey?" Emily looked down at the floor looking defeated. "Em look at me I'll breath with you!" she said. They started breathing together and Emily started to calm down getting control of her breath. She nodded to Jieun so she signaled for me to help her up.

Her body was still shaking so I had to give her an extra hand. "Are you alright Emily?" I asked her making sure she was ready to leave. "Yes just help me get out of here!" she said. Everyone now understood the situation and stepped aside as we went towards the cars.

Even though she had a hood and a mask on you could see the tears still streaming down her cheeks. "We're so sorry Emily!" an army apologized, "It's okey." She responded while still crying. She's such a great person.

The boys were waiting at the end of the stairs so when we met them they looked worried, they saw everything. "Em are you alright?" Namjoon asked, "Yes I just need to rest." 

We kept on walking and she rested her body on mine as her legs were still shaking as she were walked. We finally reached the cars, "Careful" I said as she stepped into on of them.

"Is it better now?" Jieun asked "Yes I'm just tired, thank you Jieun." she said and Jieun immediately understood that Emily needed some space to rest.

I watched her carefully and she looked traumatized but to be honest who wouldn't be after that?

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